What does Veeky Forums think of an app that lets people know if other people in the immediate vicinity are open for a face to face chat? Its like a dating app but not really for dating and unlike other apps where you arrange to meet later, it searches for people right next to you that wants a chat? pic unrelated
What does Veeky Forums think of an app that lets people know if other people in the immediate vicinity are open for a...
why would I ever want to chat with a random person though? maybe if you matched people based on interests or something, but just totally random, idk.
i feel like it would just be exploited by creeps and muggers
i guess you could require accounts to be verified but nobody is gonna give anything more than their facebook account and thats easy to fake.
no one likes to chat in person u asshole. thats why tinder is so popular. saged
>Somebody is nearby that would like to chat!
>Jamal would like you the meet him behind the restaurant to talk!
Yeah that'll work
I like the idea and would use it but it's hard enough to try and get people to talk on the phone. Everyone likes texting like socially awkward autists.
I'm a fucking sperglord and I can't see how this is an improvement, in real life all you do is make eye contact with someone, ask them a question or pose a compliment, and let them do the talking. It's so fucking simple even a autismo like me can do it! Why do I need an app to formalize this spontaneous process.
Stop thinking of "app ideas" you guys, start thinking of ways of actually solving consumer problems and either saving them money or giving them value
we used to call this eye contact and a smile.
I would use it if it matched by interests. I don't have many friends and am kind of lonely so I'm up for talking with a stranger if we share interests.
You don't have to go in a fucking back alley to chat. It would probably match you in a place with plenty of people around. While you're eating fast food or in public transport. Then you just sit next to each other and have a chat.
There are many iterations of this already available on google play. They are all miserable pajeetcode failures full of spammers and rapists. This is just a very bad idea. There's no safe way to implement this idea, and nobody is interested. Advertising this will probably get you into some kind of legal trouble, and disclaimers will deter users.
Right, I was thinking it would be for those situations where you are like on the bus and want to have a quick chat with someone.
This idea was to try to solve the problem of you approaching random strangers who may not want to chat with you and be bothered. It would reveal people who actually are open to a conversation.
Yeah I know the app shit is overdone to hell but the main point is that I have this problem I want to solve. So instead of an app, it could be like a wristband that glows certain colors depending on peoples willingness to chat/mood whatever.
And for disclosure this is for a school project for designing a product to solve a social problem so I need to shill this product hard.
Can you guys please stop shaming creepers and rapists? Thanks!
Maybe one for the london underground would be good. Been using it for 15 years and not had a single conversation, where I come from (Romania) conversations are very frequent on public transport.
Its called happn. Look it up on the app store.
There's an app for that.
It's because a lot of people (me) just want to be left alone so we can go be miserable at our day jobs before we go back home to a yelling family and eat our banquet TV dinners
>So instead of an app, it could be like a wristband that glows certain colors depending on peoples willingness to chat/mood whatever.
Or you know, people could use gesture and body language like suggested... like actual real human beings do (at least in the Western World).
You're not solving a problem, people don't have trouble striking up conversations, arguably people have difficulty striking up meaningful conversations. A good business idea would be running Dale Carnige style "conversation classes" helping people open up and open others up.
Actually I find it difficult to "read people" not as in their moods or whatever, what i mean is I don't have a good gut instinct about people when I first meet them. It means I need to actually see them do something douchebaggy before I realize I don't like them: SOLVE THAT ONE! Ordinary people, Intelligence Services, and Sales Managers would go ape shit for that.
any of these ideas would work if you passionately dedicated enough hard work and blood sweat and tears to them as you do to shit/troll posting day in and day out.
Just ask thought provoking questions about them and let them talk about themselves
Also, assume that everyone you meet is a good person until they give you a reason to think otherwise. Life will be more enjoyable this way.
Works every time
Nobody wants to talk to a smelly gypsy
>listen to conceited, trivial minded morons blather on about themselves
while you set and think of literally 3trillion better things you could be doing including dying in a fire trapped in a mangled minivan full of immigrants?
i'll pass m8
It's a decent idea, but I think Tinder's already working on something like that.
>Also, assume that everyone you meet is a good person until they give you a reason to think otherwise. Life will be more enjoyable this way.
>Works every time
I already do that. Why do you think a sperglord like me actually has friends - because I let them talk about themselves.
But I'm not satisfied: I want that thing where a friend walks up to me, gestures towards someone who I have after multiple encounters decided I don't like, keeping in mind my friend has never met this person before and they whisper in my ear: "I get a bad feeling from that guy/girl." or "Am I the only person uncomfortable around them?" and I just have to tell them they're 100% justified in their gut feeling.
HAPPENS A LOT! Why can't I be super ESP on douchebags?
I also want to be able to profile people quickly.
>a bunch of autists walking around "ready to chat" but keeping silent and waiting for everyone else to approach them
>no one approaches
top kek
Fuck off grandpa
Cool, I get it.
Not a date app, but a rape app.
Here's an idea