Datto Does /dg/ Edition
Raid Lair is still LIVE
Datto Does /dg/ Edition
Raid Lair is still LIVE
Savathun is my waifu
I want to fuck Osiris
game is dead. Abandon ship.
Big tiddy Sagira
>Faggot going around telling everyone Perfect Paradox is shit.
>Get it.
>Try it out.
>It melts everything.
>tfw no fem-voiced ghost to go on adventures and be cute with
>tfw no emissary gf
Shh! They'll nerf it.
it's getting cold out guys, don't forget your big warm coat
>OA only goes up to your elbow now
What the fuck?
oryx was right
from now on, when shotguns ever get a buff I will look forward to it
>not reading the last patchnote
all activities except prestige nightfall and DLC content are remaining open to non-DLC owners. you'll just have to wait until next week
This thing is getting a nerf, if anything dude.
Stop being such a fucking retard just because you used a shit shotgun once.
>finally get enough cores to upgrade to MW
>better devil orb making goodness ahead
>rolls stability
Is there a worse bonus to roll for a HC?
They redesigned Warlock gear so that the chest armor includes shoulders, whereas in D1 your gauntlet included the shoulders. So to prevent overlap. they had to make it look stupid.
>mfw I sharded a MW Scathelocke
No regrets. Those shards are going straight into my Guiding Star.
Why though?
>have 999 gunsmith materials
Here I go boys.
Anyone have PvE DPS charts?
Trying to see if I want to keep Origin Story or Guiding Star. Mostly for boss fight primary weapon, Not for their abilities.
Why is D2 gear objectively worse than D1 gear
Have YOU visited your Vanguard Grampa today, /dg/?
calm down ya fuck. all shotguns are shit. its all about that quickfang
Expect nothing. This is a result of burning over 4k materials.
Salty because he can't get it.
:^) wew shitter.
this is hilarious in theory and also a real good picture
Got 6 already
calm down
>Get first masterworks tonight
>It's Lincoln Green
>Think the game isn't gonna shaft me any more
>Handling stat bonus
Cool, guess I'll just go fuck myself.
not collecting your inheritance prior cmon now
Seriously. What the fucking fuck is the drop rate on masterworks? I have YET to find a single fucking ONE. >:(
Everver$e whales got 'em first
Can't decide if I want to keep the white or switch my whole pallet to one of the other two.
why does this happen every single week
>I have YET to find a single fucking ONE. >:(
Gotta love the RNG endgame.
It feels like 10% or something in that neighborhood
I have gone long stretches with none and also rolled into the tower and got 3 in a row
its more than you know and less than you hope
but yeah, I figure its pretty low.
I like it. 7/10
Would be an 8 with a cooler helmet
Whatever you go with definitely lose the fingerless gloves.
>lose the gloves
Nope, those stay.
I like the middle and left ones
I've gotten three from mercury engrams and one from my heroic strike powerful engram
Just grind out those tokens
>Perfect paradox is OP as fuck.
>Masterworks shit out orbs for you like there's no tomorrow.
This update is looking up.
trials gear looks terrible on everything
>tfw Hallowfire Heart went from best Exotic to absolute shit now that orbs rain from the sky and everyone is learning how to chain Supers
Oh well, back to Mask of the Quiet One then (THE ULTIMATE GOAT FASHION AND UTILITY EXOTIC).
babby orb for ants
I just got Sins of the Past MW with +5 Blast Radius. I thought I'd be making it rain orbs, but it's fucking trash. You can kill a mob of 10 enemies and it'll still shit out 1 little babby orb.
Everything about your character looks like shit user.
I was doing a strike earlier and somebody killed the two rare witches guarding the pylon at the drop and he made two. I was under the impression that's how that shit worked. Personally I've had really good luck with my Dire Promise but I haven't generated enough orbs to build two ults during a PE.
Can you get Impact+ on a BD?
Might've been the cluster bombs killing some nearby adds after the first explosion. For me, I can kill 2 or 5 enemies at once and it makes no difference. I think there's a millisecond cooldown to make sure you don't just generate a fuckton with 1 round.
I think its every two kills gets you an orb
>dismantle MW weapon
>get ONE (1)[uno] Masterwork Cores
Who the fuck thought this was ok?
5% increase if you can, which means less or equal to 3 dmg.
Yeah, kinda bums me out that I can't just bang out like 5 mobs, instead you have to kill 2+2 and the last one doesn't count. It's kinda awkward, but I'm not going to complain, at least they've taken a step in the right direction.
I know that, but if you get more than 2 all at once (as in, the exact moment), it doesn't count beyond the first 2, from my experience. It's a slight cooldown that's only hurting my Sins of the Past
>see Bungie HR hiring post about needing a game economy design lead
Every two kills gets you an orb you moronic fuck, in a game that's all shooting enemies if you're not shitting out orbs with Masterworks you need to just uninstall the game and quit videogame alltogether.
>open first cayde chest
>its crimson
Fuck you
buy silver friends
The heroic adventures on Mercury are fucking retarded. Do you ever actually feel stronger in this game or kill shit any quicker than what you did at level 1?
>tfw 10 masterwork shards
>can't decide what to masterwork
>love autos and rockets
>already have a masterwork nameless midnight
>this is eating me up
>implying Bungie doesn't get 10% of every one of my paychecks
Come on user, try harder.
>1000 silver
Guess again
>implying I didn't buy more
Come on user.
Uriels gift? If your s titan with actium it could be very fun
>using uriels still
Uriels is only useable in pvp user. This bad boy replaced it in pve.
>10% of paycheque
>ten whole money units
>only making 100
that's fucking sad
>Better Devils
>Guiding Star
>Positive Outlook
Better devils.
Bd you fucking retard
>Not using Martyr's Make in PVE.
What're you, retarded?
What if I told you I was on PS4
>admitting to being a console cuck in 2017
You like getting bullied user?
Man crafting this forge shit takes mcfucking forever.
Fucking strike after strike after strike
>Bungies idea of a strike is literally copy and pasting a story mission
It doesn't matter better devils is a good gun
Are you actually retarded
oh no a big bad faggot on Veeky Forums is gonna call me mean names
Why the fuck is that any better? You retarded user?
Is Scathelocke still a solid option?
I heard it was the top automatic before CoO, and have enjoyed using it, but if something is better, it may feel better to use as well.
But so are the other two you stupid faggot
>playing PVP in destiny
What are you, retarded? The PvP is laughably bad. Bungie made Halo and then they make this CoD nonsense??? How in the fuck
>He doesn't even know why Martyr's is better.
>Shills a random garbage auto.
Just because you couldn't get a Uriel or Martyr's doesn't mean you're not a moron for using garbage.
Only if you don't have a Guiding Star
t. someone who sharded their MW Scathelocke
OK so how do you get perfect paradox? I did one this week and Vance doesn't have any other verses available
>Quickfang Mastercraft
>Not swing speed
Into the trash.
I pray to quickfang every day.
My biggest gripe with the strikes.
If I wanted to replay story missions I'd go talk to the ape at the tower.
same. had two masterwork nameless midnight. have enough saved but can't decide. I have a masterworks rocket but blowing up all enemies net you one orb.
either go with autos or shotgun
I'm thinking about putting it all into my perfect paradox.
what if it was the other way around
they made the strikes then they rehashed it for the story
You don't need to speak to Zavala to access the CoO strikes
are you fucking retarded?