Toaster edition
League of Legends General - /lolg/
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>tfw no fertile snek gf
xth for breast festive waifu
Good night lolgen
>He cannot buy health potions in lane.
wow riot balance team everyone such healthy "counterplay". nah mate orn is cancer, they overbuffed him after his release because they couldn't wait long enough for players to figure him out, crying how bad he was.
>Flash onto Zoe because I'm fed
>She Exhausts me, picks up my Flash and tries to double Flash away
Run her down like a filthy animal because Crit Jhin
That was immensely satisfying desu.
Dota-fy a champion
>Teemo shrooms are no longer an ultimate ability
Today marks the sixth year this fox has celebrated her birthday. Do you have anything to say to her?
Graves top is fun. Skirmisher's/Warrior may be a good pile of stats but being able to just go Death's Dance first feels disgustingly good.
Xth for gassing waifufags. Especially Syndrafag and Ahricuck.
>Open My shop
>Literally not a single skin for a champion I own or play
Welp I guess my wallet is safe a while longer.
She's not slutty enough
>ywn organize a massive gangbang for your wifes birthday
feels bad man.
y- you too
LeBlanc is not slutty, she's just extremely lewd
oh, i remember the craze, some guy on the forum suggested to stick a paper where her icon appeared in blind pick so you could spam click it and to pick ahri before anybody else could, me myself didn't buy her on release though, i used to main soraka and lux and mid was scary to me
good old times
Isn't that skirt a little tight?
>she's not a slut
>she's just wearing a slut's uniform
xth for my wife Syndra
as he said, you too.
post your toasters. theres gotta be someone worse than OP's shit
>win 5 games and place 5 wards per game
Can I place more than 5 a game?
>I got shit skins I'd never use except for 70% off from Dark Star Varus.
I swear, I hate it when teammates won't ff when we are getting stomped in NORMALS.
Enemy team literally ffs at 15 or 20, my team plays like it is finals at world.
Event horizon
stun duration: 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 > 2/2.75/3.5/4.25/5
All I wanted was a Sejuani skin. Instead they want me to fork out money to buy champs and get shitty skins for them. At least you got one skin you wanted.
Never said she was user
Men come to her
Ahri goes to the men
Depends on your definition of slut, but she's definitely super sexual.
Just do the 25 flash and take hexaflash on Zoe, literally got 25 in one game.
>Convert W to max health damage
>suddenly hes broken
Wow its like % Current health is fucking useless.
2 more years and I can date her.
who's a good champ to play in league if i liked wisp in dota2? honest question
Whats that one league image you never get to use
Its time to post it
Getting 15-25 FPS is awful. If OP doesn't beat that then mine is the worst.
Yes, obviously.
Problem with that statement is that gas chambers are for delusional, subhuman, spastic wastes of space like you. Not actual people like me.
Post destruction man
I don't want to do the other challenge, I'm fine with doing the ward one so I can continue to play normally. I just want to know if I'm limited to 5 max now
>those specs
>anything higher than 5
theres no fucking way OP's is even playable
suppose you put on a slut's uniform, does it mean your soul will be instantly corrupted into a slut's soul?
True. Rip you then boyo, tfw you want a Sej skin and I used a Sej pic. Dunno if that counts as ironic or not, likely not.
Best guy!
Santa Draven rocks!
>actual people
>spends his time complaining about said wastes of space
I'm sure we can find a place in the gas chamber for you too.
Diana, Aurelion Sol, Zoe, or Kalista.
Need more people for more premade league groups!
>tfw no qt petite gf
Not every outfit she wears is a sluts uniform. Really just her classic
Got me there then.
>had a Sejuani version of this but somehow lost it reeeeee
is this the pedo or non pedo one?
>tfw no mind control champion
Is Sona preparing something BIG for Ahri on her birthday? or is she preparing herself to be the present on her bed and to fully receive her "love"?
try it and find out
>that image
no thanks
God dammit, stop trying to find new, weird ways to give me a boner.
>LeBlanc with gross cowtits
delet this
>implying people don't have free time
>implying normal people don't have the time to shit on subhuman Gollum looking basement dwelling shits like you
Tomorrow I am going to get home from work and blow 50 bucks on RP and there is >>NOTHING
and yet you always post the same thing with the same image, my fellow waste of space.
>I Yasuo U Lose
what are you gonna buy with all your RP user?
post ending in 6 decides the last champion i play before i kill myself
>just her classic
>Mistletoe, Prestigious, Elderwood
lb is a man anyway
How is this a sluts uniform?
And Elderwood is a plant, plants don't wear clothes
Beats posting waifufaggotry at least.
Ahri's hips are just perfect.
Be sure to build full AP
>this delusion
Sorry I have stuff to do rather than arguing with people who have to sperg out on 4chin because their safe space is being threatened.
Soraka is the more sexually skilled Star Guardian tho
how many men has she killed with those hips?
thanks user
SG Ez and Omega Twitch from my shop
Probably riven's legendary when she's on sale
The rest will be for gifts and boxes
>lethality MF mid destroys our gangplank
>he ragequits
pretty good taste
good luck!
>Two skins that aren't shit
>everyone else is only getting 1 good one or none in their discount shops
That eye is actually really nice looking for some reason
why does this get posted everyday? my nofap hasn't lasted 24 hours because of this shit
It's literally a stylized bunnygirl outfit.
>Elderwood is a plant, plants don't wear clothes
Yet you said that what you do is better than waifuposting while you are still here posting the same stuff over and over claiming to be superior.
At least your baits are well made, good job.
I agree, that artist is good.
I always get pretty shitty shops but this year's is top notch
>not flaming me for liking riven
Thank you user
>It's literally a stylized bunnygirl outfit.
I think you might be retarded
riven is cool and cute! people who don't like her should literally slit their wrists.
Most repeated posting on here is immediately better than your waifufaggotry is the thing though. I could post the "Gas waifufags" thread every thread and still not be a stain on the face of the general like you are.
>implying I'd betray my loyalty to Ahri for Soraka
I know Soraka is better but I just like Ahri more, user. The only way that could happen is if Soraka rapes me to make Ahri know what she's capable of.
It's actually funny that you are convinced of that, again 7/10 bait (I hope for you at least).
hafu my heart is in havana ooh na na
see what i did there?? do you like my league of legends original content??
Soraka likes to go around ruining Ahri for her boytoys by giving them so much pleasure Ahri can't even make them cum anymore. So eventually it'll happen to you
Stop deluding yourself, user. Must be hard facing the truth, right?
Bull Lucian is great too
I'm convinced of that cause it's true. Basically no one in this general besides other subhuman waifufags like any of you. You're all an actual blight.
because midriffs are best
What do you guys think?
This guy gets it.
Yeah, facing the truth that you're retarded is pretty difficult. Plenty of tards lead kick-ass lives though
I guess Rakan has no place in this meta?
Pretty bad honestly
Lux skin is nice if you don't have elementalist
Ashe skin looks good but a tad too edgy for me
Alis' is funny
The rest are pretty mediocre
is it a man in the mid?
what about male midriffs?
Nope, it's best Freljord.
it is the best ashe's skin imo