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/sthg/ #1119 - I Liked the Wisps Edition
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Welcome to the Sonic The Hedgehog General. Here we talk all about everything Sonic! Share art and music, discuss new developments, ROM hacks, speedrunning, comics, and more!
/sthg/ #1119 - I Liked the Wisps Edition
>Sonic NewsGeneral Interest Links
Tails is shit
Reminder that the Lara-Su Chronicles is almost here. This is a masterpiece helmed by /Our Writer/ Ken Penders, the true father of Knuckles and the savior of the Sonic series. Yes, soon this piece of literary perfection will be within our grasp!
Amy is awesome
An user in a general autism thread after Forces came up with a post reboot Archie pitch that actually ended up being very solid, and is working on it as a community project. They said it would start this month and We know Eggman won’t be in it, so we’ll have to see what happens.
So, to pick up on the topic from the last thread, I can say with upmost confidence that Tails is, in fact, the best character in the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. Of course, nobody here appreciates his true value. Take and for example, who is doing his hardest to make me mad. Well, it won't work. I am stating fact.
Who the hell is Sparky? What are you implying, that I should be in a relationship with him? I don't think I'm interested, sorry.
Tails is awful. I hope is role is greatly diminished in the next Sonic.
Is that seriously his art?
Nice, haven't seen these before.
>their smile and heroism: gone
Null Space claims another poor soul
They are honestly the most autistic in this fanbase.
Peep here, this made me laugh really fucking hard. Gonna draw Sally floating in nothingness T-posing.
I'm annoyed he's been sidelined or written like crap.
Go towards the light, my child
This is canon.
W-what is that? A light of hope shining?
Well yes because he's a gary stu.
Let's discuss how much we hate Tails.
God he's such a loser.
Even before the current writing made him into a total bitch, he's always been useless. Adventure 1&2 Tails are basically just outliers here, any time before and after those games, he's nothing but a whiny nuisance. Name one thing outside of those games he's done that actually mattered in the long run seriously.
When it comes down to it, he's just a tag-along Sonic-clingy brat.
This 100%. He's only appearing because he's Sonic's designated sidekick and best friend.
He was amazing in Adventure 2, what are you talking about?
what if we replaced Tails with Miles Electric but before he was replaced he created a special voice input application that would let anyone simply talk into it and it would do whatever they wanted it to do
>Sally coming back.
Don't you dare.
Ah don't get me wrong, I'm very grateful for Sally, but what is with that model?
Tails is not a bad character. You may think he is, but it's just you being a bandwagoning shit. Tails is respected by me and other intelligent people within the fanbase because he is a good character.
Tails hasn't really been sidelined or written like crap, but his role could be made more prominent. Some people are unable to see how he helps the situation without being directly in view, as they do not use their brains.
Tails helps in the short-term. He has no need to help in the long term, as there is nothing to be done FOR the long term. Everything is under control.
Why would anyone do that? It doesn't take a genius like Tails to know that making a sentient Miles Electric would not do anyone any good. While Tails does lack in physical strength, he at least has some. It is completely illogical to replace himself with a machine when he could out-do it in every way.
Not many post-reboot models for her
She's baiting, don't reply to her.
He was the only Sonic friend to even play a prominent role in the series until Forces. It is actually amazing he wasn't playable in Forces considering he was already put back into Sonic 4.
what if we replaced Tails with a robot that had all of Tails' abilities
Should I confess my love for Female Sparky? Her retarded autism makes my heart beat ever so fast.
I wanna see FemSparky and Peepanon getting fucked at the same time, a sea of cucks foaming in the background.
Terrible, she's too fast.
Deal with it Archiesperg
I'm not baiting. It doesn't take a fucking genius to see. Just because I have a good argument for a character you dislike doesn't meaning I'm baiting.
He played a prominent role even in Forces, using his brain to outwit the competition. But yes, I agree with you. Everyone else can't see it. I'm glad there's someone here with ACTUAL common sense.
Impossible. No robot can ever compare to Tails. Unless, of course, Tails made himself a robot. Only Tails can outdo Tails, y'know?
Tails is a
You sound like an underaged fangirl. Go to another site that thinks Tails is still a decent character.
I hope Segata Sanshiro makes it into the next Sonic/All stars racing game as a playable character.
what if we replaced Tails with a robot created by Tails to outdo himself
Literally Amy or Knuckles would be the best stand-ins for Tails at the moment. Although Shadow could be a good partner-in-crime, too. The bants would be pretty fun to watch, and they both would be playable.
Probably because Tails is known for being always next to Sonic's side.
You don't see a Sonic and Amy mode in most games, but you sure see Sonic and Tails mode in most games.
They're definitely worse than Blazefags, but slightly less hostile.
Tails is still a decent character. I bet you Pontaff would ruin Amy or Knuckles harder than Tails.
Hope you all enjoyed storytime. I'm off to bed. Expect further updates soon. Keep playing those builds and keeping leaving that feedback.
But who gets FemSparky? It can't be the real Sparky, because he has no interest in women or romance, he said so himself.
Remember that time Tails almost got Sonic killed?
>No robot can ever compare to Tails
Emerl, Gamma and Omega could beat that loser to a pulp, bab.
Kiss your waifu goodnight, Chad, Sally's looking great.
But WAY more delusional.
Nice to see you moving on, cuckanon.
Tails is still a relevant character, that's something to note. Pontaff actually care about the fellow despite their lack of care for the series.
>Sally made it in
>Looks fucking amazing
>We now have Sonic, Shadow, Blaze, Silver, Amy, Metal, Low-Poly Smol Sonic & now Sally playable & they all look amazing with small tweaks that makes them unique
Thank you, GHPChad.
Why are we attracting all these spergs this year?
Night night, Peepie-pie. Wuv you.
My biggest worry was her not having swords, so I'm glad to see they're in there.
I am a fan and I am a girl, but I assure you I am not underaged. In fact, I recently turned 18, so by American laws I am of legal age for this website.
Stop replying to me. You know what my answer is, Tails would never replace himself. For the good of the planet he wouldn't, his role is far too important. Your theories are dumb and you clearly can't listen to save your own goddamn life.
Tails still exists, so no.
True. This alone proves that Tails is important and that SEGA realizes the value of the character. Iizuka is smarter than most of than most of the people here, he taps into Tails' potential.
I'd like to see them win in a battle of minds, user. They would lose in a heartbeat. Tails has them outmatched, not in physical superiority, but in mental superiority.
useless millenial bitch who spends all day playing Flappy Knuckles on his iPad.
>Pontaff actually care about the fellow despite their lack of care for the series.
They ruined him, though. They are the reason Tails gets shit on nowadays.
No let her stay. I'm loving this shitposting.
Oh no I meant that as an insult, Amy has enough restraint that there isn't a Sonic and Amy mode.
>I am a fan and I am a girl, but I assure you I am not underaged. In fact, I recently turned 18, so by American laws I am of legal age for this website.
Oh honey, no. Oh honey...
>but in mental superiority.
Tails would break down and scream "SANIKKU-KUN TASUKETE SANIKKU-KUN" the moment Omega pointed his guns at him.
>They would lose in a heartbeat. Tails has them outmatched, not in physical superiority, but in mental superiority.
Tails was sniveling like a little bitch crying for Sonic's help when Chaos ZERO showed up. Those robobros mariobab mentioned would wipe the floor with him.
All Sonic fans are spergs.
What if Tails was replaced by his descendant from Silver's future with three (3) tails! His name can be Kilometers Prower! Surely he would inherit the intelligence and power of Tails, as well possessing as his own, exceeding beyond the limits of Tails.
what if we replaced Tails with a box of rocks
>believing him
What if you replaced Tails with Eggman
Okay, so we got Spacepanther, Silversperg, Sparky, cuckanon, and now this new girl whiteknighting for Tails. Are there any more sad and pathetic posters I should be aware of enrolling in our General?
what if we forced Tails to build a robot to replace himself since he would never replace himself and then forced himself to replace himself with the robot since he would never replace himself on his own
Was Sparky the first shitposter?
A new /sthg/ New 252 Adventure... I have a bit of time before I gotta sleep, what would you like to know?
Too much manpower. How about a box of tissues?
Tell me femanon. Do you want to get fucked by Tails? Do you want to suck his little boy cock? Do you want him to lick and suck on your pussy? Do you want his fluffy twin tails all over your naked body?
>and now this new girl whiteknighting for Tails
What should we call her, /sthg/?
It isn't an iPad, it's called the Miles Electric. Look up the facts before contributing to this stupid bandwagon.
Pontaff ruined nothing. Though I will admit, throwing him aside and letting Tails be influenced by something as trivial as a girlfriend was one of Archie's biggest faults regarding Tails' portrayal.
Amy simply isn't relevant or important. This is why she doesn't get an important role like Tails.
He wasn't cowering. His mind was smart enough to catch up, he remembered everything that had happened from Mania and was able to deduce that Classic would show up right then in there. His apparent "fear" was simply an act to let other characters get the spotlight. If Tails hadn't, the whole plot would have revolved around him.
Dumb. I don't even need to explain why.
...No. That's disgusting.
Don't call me anything, this is an anonymous image board.
The Miles Electric sounds like a dance
...I’m using this.
Yeah, me.
Gimme an idea to draw, something simple enough and not lewd.