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So what's your favorite companion and why is it this poor space goat child with the horrific backstory?
>Male pandaren players still cant handle they fact that male pandaren are pussyboys
BElves = NElves > Every other female except draenei > A pile of shit > Draenei
is this too much?
Ah yes, here comes the Horde.
I want to fuck.
electrocute didn't exist in MoP
How many races in wow are canonically non binary?
>Dranei females
Have horsecocks
>Male Pandaren
Have pussy
>Female Worgen
Are futas
Night elves are futas as well
That's it I'm genderswapping my male panda.
>fucking retards messing up Varimathris even when shouting "just stand fucking still dont run away" every single time they get targeted
>cant just kick them because we are a nice guild :)
slowly week by week i am becoming wowg. i really hope they draw the line for HC because thats not the place to be nice, its the place to know what to do and listen at very least.
>no dorp
Are you telling me you ve been playing male pandaren before knowing they have a cunt?
have you hugged a gnome today, /wowg/?
even making a single post is too much from you, yeah. keep it down.
thank you for the (You), I can go to bed now
how do gnomes manage to be more creepy than goblins?
Actually fuck that I'm racechanging out of panda forever.
I told you about """"nice guilds""""" but no you refused to listen
I play strictly female nelfs, humans and draenei.
I'm not defending pandaren, I can't stand them.
But don't emasculate actual guys just because of one greek fagwan.
heyy.. fempandas are okay :(
>male pandaren
>implying they have any masculinity or a dick to emasculate before the truth came out
Sorry but male pandaren have always been pussyboys, Ralph just brought it in the open.
wow americans really are retarded. can't wait for you degenerates to get filtered out next week.
>I play strictly female nelfs, humans and draenei
wasn't that supposed to be today?
oh right nothing's happening because eurocucks and liberals are brain diseased and can't have more than 90 IQ
Current trends:
Draenei #1
Belfs #2
Humans #3
any other race #4
Night elves are low on the list, Tyrande has single handedly made them have a shit image, and on RP realms a lot of Nelf RPers are starting to lose hope / guilds disbanding as blizz have blown up yet ANOTHER rp hub for elves.
Draenei might go out of trend though, because of the end of Legion.
I don't think Lightforged alone will keep them in the spotlight.
I believe void elves will be a surge of popularity then a quick burnout.
Nightborne will be a stable, welcome addition.
Dark Iron dwarves will mostly be ignored like current dwarves. (same for highmountain)
Aaaaaaand Zandalari will get the most focus. I suspect everyone and their mums will have a zandalari.
this is exactly what I thought when I read that
Just play a female panda lol, they are natural women unlike male pussyboy counterparts
further proof of americans being retarded
>Blames Americans
>Meanwhile the no1 pandaren shitposter that is a tranny axe wound boy is European
did ralph really commission this? has he gone full tranny like chris chan?
>actually enjoying the female form of those races, which a soyboy can't even muster
If anything, it makes you a fag because you'd rather stare at the muscles and ass of a man instead of the curves and ass of a woman.
He posted it on his fa, he has gone full cboy tranny, he unironically wants to be a fat hairy guy with a pussy like that lol
>Tyrande has single handedly made them have a shit image
Night elves have always been a fucking joke
Is ralph the definition of soyboy? He literally was a giant faggot and now wants to have a vagina
can you retards kys already and stop shitting up this general with your irrelevant shitposting
Soyboy or mentally fucked.
-or a dash of both.
Either way, it's a shitty mixture.
>illidan gets a redemption arc
>but not kael who was clearly the more level-headed and likable of the two in TFT
>he doesn't even end up with Vash'j like everyone was hoping he would
WoW lore is so garbo.
>stop discussing things that trigger me
lol back to redd.it
>I'm gonna post cartoon porn, that'll show them I'm not a pathetic soyboy!!!
Have there been any other notable cuntboy trannies out there?
haha wow just read the rules my man
At what ilvl can I start doing normal raids?
What server do you niggerfaggots play on. Not that I'm going to play with you or anything but I'm curious what the make up of things might look like around here.
I looked and it wasn't there.
I would post real porn too, but that'd get me banned.
I love thicc girls irl, and no - not the tumblr defintion of thick.
I defend my stance because IRL there's a huge debate with one of my mates who insists he's not a soyboy, when he likes girls who are flat on both sides with noticeable sixpack abs.
The rest of us have given up trying to explain to him that he is pretty much attracted to a teen guy, more than a woman.
But hey, sure. Call me a soyboy to make yourself feel better.
Make an account, nothing nsfw is visible
its not even related to this game or general
youre obsessed and just shitting up the thread with your obsession
back to redd.it
Insecurity: the post
Just shut the fuck up, you're only making yourself look worse
>defending yourself is a sign of guilt
you must be european.
and no, i'm not american.
Are big elf butts fat and juicy or toned and tight?
Which realm should I play on if I want to play with the cool guys from /wowg/?
Does anyone else make custom macros that function identically to the normal skill they're replacing, just with a new icon that makes for a more aesthetically pleasing bar overall?
Legendary items are the biggest mistake in WoW.
big guys silvermoon alliance eu
No, it was fine where there was 1 legendary per server.
So it was never fine?
I will be EXTREMELY disappointed if nightborne and velfs cannot become Demon Hunters.
>it was fine
>So it was never fine?
why does she like soyboys?
i see it now.
There was n ever 1 legendary per server.
they definitely will not be able to, you shouldn't hold on to that hope.
All blood/high/void elves do.
Did you not get the memo?
>nightborne DH
>nelves chimp out
>velf DH
>belves chimp out
Argent Dawn EU Alliance has the coolest people on this general.
How does Sylvanas still have eyebrows after being dead for 20 years
>solo the argussian armoury quest
Holy pallies were a mistake.
N8 the Gr8 is a soyboy now?
Of course they can't you fucking mongoloid.
The Belfs/nelfs who are demon hunters are Illidary BACK FROM BC.
this means:
>You cannot go back in time to outland and throw in some nightborne and void elves.
and also
>they would not teach these new races to become demon hunters, simply because there is no more need for demon hunters. It's a dangerous procedure, and not worth the risk anymore.
>Void elves
>Having both fel AND void powers
yeahno. Shit would hit the fan and fast.
anduin is
Might as well ask why she looks like she hasn't even lived for 20 years
I am my scars is a fucking pain in the ass loller guild who pisses of legitimate RPers.
Trolling goldshire, go ahead.
But stormwind? Please fuck off.
t. a concerned RPer.
maybe they're fake. she's already vain enough to have edgy skull shoulders made and wear makeup that makes it look like she's been crying even though she probably isn't even capable of crying so I wouldn't put it past her to wear a wig and glue-on eyebrows
This is fucking retarded.
>even fucking GNOOMES can become death knights
>fucking nobody can become a demon hunter
Imagine being this tsundere for /wowg/.
alliance should have had undead and the horde should have gotten trolls right from the getgo
DK being available to everybody was a huge mistake.
hero class starting zones take place at a specific time with a specific story. The lich king recruited death knights from all over the place including gnomes and even worgen from shadowfang keep.
Illidan only recruited nelfs and belfs to be illidari and if blizzard wanted to add more DH races they'd have to change the DH starting zone to take place after legion which they're not going to do.
Also Alliance should have gotten Tauren and Horde Gnomes.
That fat panda ass will be mine.
>Arthas hoarding corpses from the Eastern Plaguelands and turning them into death knights
is somehow the same as
>Illidari elves from burning crusade, secluded on outland and away from all outside influence suddenly getting other azerothian races in their ranks.
Yeah, no.
Learn the lore.
This is a shit excuse. Gameplay >>>>> lore
And even so, death knight gnomes are an insult to the lore.
Do people seriously hate Tyrande for rightfully scorning the genuinely dangerous and corruptive pre-sundering night elf culture? The Nightborne basically made the exact same mistakes as the old empire and it came down to the wire in terms of them not almost ending the world, again.
who cares nigga, nightborne demon hunters would make sense, but void elves don't, and since no other alliance race makes sense, they probably won't do it
the only way it would work was if
>bronze dragonflight sends you back in time disguised as a blood elf/night elf
but apparently dragons have no power anymore so \_(:))_/
maybe you shouldn't be playing a role playing game if you don't like the story influencing the gameplay.
maybe pubg would be more your kind of thing
>death knight gnomes are an insult to the lore
not really but sure if you like
Nightborne wouldn't make any fucking sense.
You're a CUNT who shouldn't ever say their opinions about WoW anymore.
You're the kind of person who caused Pandaren to become a thing.
If more players of wow respected the lore more than the gameplay, we wouldn't have pieces of shit like Uldum. A zone that's 50% indiana jones fucking memeage.
The worgen and goblin death knights were a complete asspull and you know it. Not to mention blood elf and draenei monks which might be even more of one.
Honestly, just make every class for every race. Fuck the lore, it doesn't actually matter anymore. There are always exceptions anyway, DnD figured this out years ago.
You realize how degenerate furfags are when you see the comments on it
Uldum was great you notaste asshat