To what extent was he aware of the holocaust?
To what extent was he aware of the holocaust?
He went every day to shoot Jews over dinner with his SS officer friends and help pour Delicing agent into rooms that weren't airtight to kill more and more every day.
Then he helped man crematoria that were 10x as productive as any technology today just by sheer hatred, insecurity and jealousy at the success of the Jewish people.
Le holocaust denial meme
Fully. He knew about it and approved it. He didn't coordinate it, thouh.
I believe it went something like this..
>"Herr Himmler!"
>"Ah!! er.. ja, mein Fuhrer?"
>"I've been hearing lots of screams from those 'fun camps' I ordered the making of. Are you bringing harm to der Juden"
>"N-nein, mein Fuhrer.."
>"Then explain das screams, Herr Himmler"
>" um.."
>"Da-da-dast ist screams of delight you've been hearing! J-ja.. Ja! Screams of delight! We recently installed indoor roller coasters in the camps!"
>"Sehr gut! Sehr gut! I love a roller coaster. Mach weiter so, Herr Himmler! Tomorrow, for the sake of our Juden friends, we must work on the first steps of implementing Operation: Israel!"
>"D-danke, Mein Fuhrer.." *sweats*
He was too high-level to be bothered with details, but he was fully aware what methods were used (gas, forced labor, etc.).
The truth is, we don't know. He was definitely aware of it happening, and he did approve of it, but it's very unclear whether he directly ordered it. The killings of Russian Jews during Operation Barbarossa was definitely a product of Hitler's own directive, but the Final Solution itself remains contentious. If you want to learn more, read the works of Ian Kershaw, Pridham & Noakes, Eberhard Jackel, Christopher Browning and Hans Mommsen.
t. Current History student specialising in 20th century Germany
> Hitler received in December 1942 a report from Himmler stating that 363,211 Jews had been murdered in August-November 1942. This was just one of many reports from the Einsatzgruppen, who had the job of exterminating the Jews and anti-Nazis behind the eastern front. A photograph and the text of the report are available.
>Or consider a phone log from Hitler to Himmler, in which Hitler ordered "no liquidation" of a particular trainload of Jews, because they wanted one suspected passenger questioned. If Hitler did not know of the liquidation process, how could he have ordered it stopped in this one instance? (Ironically, David Irving used part of this phone log out of context to indicate that Hitler was trying to put a stop to the extermination program. Of course, this was before Mr. Irving changed his mind and decided that there never was any extermination program, much less that Hitler knew about it.)
>From Höss' memoirs (Höss, Commandant of Auschwitz, 1959, p. 205):
>"In the summer of 1941, I cannot remember the exact date, I was suddenly summoned to the Reichsfuhrer-SS [Himmler], directly by his adjutant's office. Contrary to his usual custom, Himmler received me without his adjutant being present and said in effect:
>"The Führer has ordered that the Jewish question be solved once and for all and that we, the SS, are to implement that order....The Jews are the sworn enemies of the German people and must be eradicated. Every Jew that we can lay our hands on is to be destroyed now during the war, without exception. If we cannot now obliterate the biological basis of Jewry, the Jews will one day destroy us." (R. Hoess. Commandant of Auschwitz. London: Phoenix Press. 2000 [1959]. Pg. 183)
>SS-Obersturtmbannführer Dr. Martin Sandberger, commander of EK 1a:
>"I myself was present during the discussions in the palais Prinz Albrecht in Berlin and during the speech by Streckenbach when the well-known Führer order was announced."
>"Streckenbach personally informed me about the Führer order, which said that, in order to secure the Eastern territory permanently, all Jews, Gypsies, and communist functionaries were to be eliminated, together with all other elements who might endanger society."
>According to Sandberger, the work of an EK commander consisted of four elements:
>[Establishing] a good relationship with the army as far as possible; second a strict and energetic leadership of the commandos under his command; third, as quick and thorough an execution of an order as possible, in particular concerning the Jews; and fourth, as part of this Führer order, a bitter fight against communism.
>Q. What orders did [Brigadeführer Walter] Stahlecker give you before you left Riga?
>A. He gave me two orders particularly, the first order was to have as good a relationship as possible with the army and, second, as i have said, according to the Führerbefehl to have Estonian Jews eliminated. (From the testimany delivered for the Einsatztruppen Case, 1947-1948, vol. 6, pp. 2143-2176, quoted in Ezergailis op. cit., pps. 204 - 205, with thanks to Eugene Holman, UseNet alt.revisionism et al, June 28, 2001, Message-ID: )
To add to this (not the same guy):
There is a huge debate whether it was a planned genocide or evolved over what Mommsen called "vorauseilender Gehorsam", which can be seen in some instances, where legislative branches were so eager on Hitlers favour, that they decided to do things they thought Hitler would like. You can see this for instance in the reform of writing. While there were many branches on the same topic, they thought Hitler would love if Fraktur would be read all over German influence sphere, as the letters in Fraktur were much more Germanic. Hitler on the other hand favoured modern style letters much more and hated Fraktur, so he had to stop them in their tracks.
to make it short its:
>Now we have the power and means to finally kill all those jews
>I bet our Führer would really like this, he hates the jews so much, so lets kill them since we already have them round up
>SS-Brigadeführer Walter Stahlecker's Memorandum of August 6, 1941.
>"The projected measures concerning the settling of the Jewish problem are not in harmony with those orders concerning Jews in the Ostland given by Einsatzgruppe A of the Security Police and the SD. Nor does the project take into consideration the new possibilities of cleaning up the Jewish question in the Eastern regions.
>"In the Generalgouvernement there was no serious danger to in leaving the Jews in their living quarters and work places. But in the Ostland, the resident Jews or those brought in by the Red powers became the leading supporters of the Bolshevik idea. Numerous Jews are openly communist activists. The experience so far allows us to expect that, even a long time after the military occupation of the Ost territory, disorders will arise. Sabotage and acts of terror can be expected not only from communists not caught in previous actions, but precisely from Jews who will use every possibility to create disorder. The pressing need to pacify the Ost area quickly makes it necessary to eliminate all likely sources of disorder.
>"The project apparently does not foresee the resettlement of the Jews as an immediate measure provided under paragraph V, but rather sees that as a lower, later development.
>"In closing, let me sum up by saying that the Jewish question shall be solved by 1) a complete and 100 percent clearing of the Jews from the Ost territory; 2) preventing the Jews from increasing their numbers; 3) using the Jews to the fullest as a work force; 4) a considerable facilitation for the later collective transport to a reservatrion outside Europe.
>"Consider it desirable, before issuing any basic statement, once more to discuss these questions by word of mouth, especially since it is safer that way, and since it concerns fundamental orders from higher authority to the Security Police, ones that should not be discussed in writing"
Exactly. It's part of the whole Functionalism vs Internationalism Historiographical debate, which is truly fascinating.
>There is a huge debate whether it was a planned genocide or evolved over what Mommsen called "vorauseilender Gehorsam"
>On January 30, 1939, seven months before Germany invaded Poland, Hitler spoke publicly to the Reichstag (transcribed from Skeptic magazine, Vol. 2, No. 4, p. 50):
>Today I want to be a prophet once more: if international finance Jewry inside and outside of Europe should succeed once more in plunging nations into another world war, the consequence will not be the Bolshevation of the earth and thereby the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe.
>By the way, this last phrase is, in German, "die Vernichtung der jüdischen Rasse in Europa," which German-speakers will realize is quite unambiguous.
>In September, 1942:
>...if Jewry should plot another world war in order to exterminate the Aryan peoples in Europe, it would not be the Aryan people which would be exterminated but Jewry...
>On November 8, 1942:
>You will recall the session of the Reichstag during which I declared: if Jewry should imagine that it could bring about an international world war to exterminate the European races, the result will not be the extermination of the European races, but the extermination of Jewry in Europe. People always laughed about me as a prophet. Of those who laughed then, countless numbers no longer laugh today, and those who still laugh now will perhaps no longer laugh a short time from now.
In his own words. The extermination of the kikes was always high on his agenda.
I once had some retarded denialfag try to explain me that "ausmerzen" in my native language does not mean annihilate-with-a-subtle-association-to-pestcontrol.
Its neat that they spoke so honestly about their goals,makes revisionism safe for some total nutters not a thing here.
It's kind of sad how weak most denialist claims really are.
Doubly sad when you realise that the whole point of denialism-- to make national socialism seem like a credible ideology a once again-- has been a total and abject failure.
We are left with the spectacle of Hitler's last admirers fervently denying the one lasting achievement of Hitlerism, a fitting epitaph for the man and his ideas.
Even if national socialism was an okay ideology, they still lost the war.
We look at how communism is a failure because of the way the cold war ended. Well, fascism didn't just collapse it got blown the fuck out.
Sure but there are still Communist parties in Europe and no-one tries to stop Communists celebrating May Day and proposing Marxist policies. The Nazis want the same treatment, and I have some degree of sympathy for this, but on the other hand fuck them. I'm really torn between my love of free speech and my contempt for the great loser ideology of history.
It is a scientific debate, look it up. Mommsen is a good example for this.
Bro calm down he wasn't denying the Holocaust. The intentionalist vs. functionalist debate is legit. No one denies that the Holocaust happened, that Hitler was aware of it, and that he supported killing Jews. The only question is whether there was a master plan from the beginning, or if things radicalized over time.
I would like a comedy movie about this where hitler thinks everything is great but its really not.
He created the death camps because the labor camps where not killing the jews fast enough. that about sums up his involvment.
And then the Soviets attack.
>Film that will never been released The Post
Aware as fuck considering he authorized it and was given regular updates as to it's progress.
Ill do the script one day.
How aware are you that this is a dumb question?
If Hollywood can make inglorious bastards, they can make a Hitler comedy.