Post JUST world leaders of history

Was there ever an American President that was a bigger epitome of JUST than Herbert Hoover?

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What'd he do?

It was the last time that Americans elected a mega-conservative businessman with no elected office experience, and was the last in a line paleo-conservative presidents.

When the great depression hit his response was schizophrenic and a case of "too little, too late". He was a one term president whose policies (and those of his predecessors) were widely blamed with causing the depression.

Hoover & Carter were both Presidents who, although they certainly did their share of bad and stupid decisions, ultimately had a lot of rotten luck. I'm definitely not saying they're blameless but, I do feel bad for them when they get bashed by historians & so on.

Warren G. Harding, on the other hand, now there's a president who deserves the wrath he gets

>Warren G. Harding, on the other hand, now there's a president who deserves the wrath he gets
what a fucking disaster that guy was, it was pretty clear that had he not died when he did he would have been the first US president to resign or face impeachment. Interestingly, he was in so much hot water because of the numerous scandals in his administration that when he died there were widespread theories that he had killed himself.

>Hoover and Carter
Weirdly enough these two were the only US presidents with a STEM / engineering background. Meanwhile our best presidents were either lawyers (Jefferson, Madison, Lincoln) or soldiers (Roosevelt, Jackson, Eisenhower, Washington).

So much for technocracy. Bigger pipe dream than communism.

Fuck Drumpt , Fuck white people.

You forgot actors and union leaders

Would wendell Willis have done a good job?


Dubya got JUST'd pretty hard

>party boy from rich and political family
>coast your way into politics and the White House
>expect easy going, riding along the success of the 90s
>no USSR, etc.
>suddenly 9/11
>drawn into pointless wars
>puppet of Cheney, et al.
>2008 recession
>massive unpopularity
He always seemed like a nice guy too

>tfw McCain & Hillary would have been GOAT presidents

goddammit stop shitting the bed, America

>He was a one term president whose policies (and those of his predecessors)

He did the exact opposite of Harding. Kek.

>Warren G. Harding, on the other hand, now there's a president who deserves the wrath he gets

You mean the guy who faced a Great Depression and averted it by.....doing fucking nothing?

>W was a gud boi he dindu nuffin, it was all Cheney's fault never mind that he was the one in charge

>good president


>drawn into pointless wars

"Drawn" is not the word I would use, that implies he was somehow forced into it.

>managed to preserve the country and avoid complete balkanization

Sounds good to me.

>He wants Presidents that'll forever stick us in wars against sand people
Literally why


Nigger, he CAUSED balkanization. (i.e. civil war)

Slavery was on it's way out. He HAD to trigger the Southerners into chimping out. What a moron.

Why didn't he just buy those slaves and set them free?

>Slavery was on it's way out. He HAD to trigger the Southerners into chimping out. What a moron.
>Why didn't he just buy those slaves and set them free?
Because that probably would have cost the US Govt. too much. (Obviously, I'm saying this because no one knew there would be a civil war over it.) Also people refusing to sell because muh constitutional rights.


You have a very poor understanding of history.

Maybe because they chimped out before he was even inaugurated?

>he thinks Dahnald won't
Maybe it will be a righteous crusade, who knows. I'm nearly out of draft age (unless shit hits the fan, of course) thankfully. Go to a high school and see all the people who will be dying in the Syrian desert in a few years

Donald has said multiple times he won't war with Syria, but rather ISIS, all with air strikes too. So the most you can probably see are some ants blowing up from your C-130.

No, the southerners were the ones who chimped out.
>Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization.

Lincoln was a compromise moderate elected on a platform of spreading slavery's spread to other states.

lost cause revisionism is retarded and has been BTFO since the Dylann Roof incident first turned non-southerners on to the phenomenon long enough to shut it the fuck up forever.

Might I introduce you to a man by the name of James Buchanan?

fuck you and everyone that looks like you