So is there some sort of smart theory behind it, or is it just literally "too deep for you"?
So is there some sort of smart theory behind it, or is it just literally "too deep for you"?
The religious like things that don't make sense. The more idiotic it is, the more "true" they are as believers for believing it.
>/rel/fag butthurt in 3,...2,...
not even a Christian, but the concept of distinct subsets within a superset shouldn't be terribly difficult to understand
3 hypostatis in an undivided ousia(essence)
so you are saying that son, father and holy spirit are all gods?
can you explain it in a way i can understand?
but that is not what that pic shows.
To keep with your metaphore. The dogma states:
>Set 1 = subset a
>Set 1 = subset b
>Set 1 = subset c
>subset a =/= subset b =/= subset c
Which is /rel/peak for bull shit
this is your brain on Aristotle
why have i never had a problem with this.
Believe it or not, but that's the most logical explanation for the incomprehensible mess of dogmas Christians believed in by 325 CE.
I mean, how else would you make all these claims compatible:
1. There is only one God.
2. God The Father (God of Abraham) is God.
3. Jesus is God.
4. Jesus isn't God The Father.
5. Jesus was fully human.
6. Jesus wasn't created but coeternal with God The Father, he was fully God.
7. Jesus actually suffered and died.
8. God can't suffer or die.
9. Mary was a human.
10. Mary gave birth to God. (see Theotokos)
11. God The Father and Jesus have separate wills.
12. There is one one God's will.
13. There is this thing called Holly Ghost, that's basically all we know about it.
But why is blasphemy against the Holy Ghost the unforgivable sin if we don't even know what it's supposed to be?
That's some shady shit right there
>It's not SUPPOSED to make sense! That's what makes it TRANSCENDENT lol!
Christians are awful. Yes they explicitly and deliberately make it contradictory. The point is to shut down rational objections from the beginning.
>a=d; b=d; c=d
>but a=/=b=/=c
yeah, bullshit
I am a human
I am a vegetarian
A vegetarian is not (necessarily) a human
God is the father
God is the son
The father is not (actually) the son
First you need to understand the distinction between essence and hypostasis. The former is what a thing is and the latter is who a thing is, e.g. you and I share a human essence but are two different hypostases.
So it is what with the Godhead. All three persons of the Trinity share the divine essence but are their own distinct person.
That's heresy user, but it's true that the pic kinda suggests that interpretation
so god, father and holy spirit are different gods?
The "is" extending from God to Son, Father, and Ghost expresses attribution rather than identity. Son, Father and Ghost are aspects or attributes of God rather than God Himself.
Yeah, the idea that God is composed of the Three Persons (i.e. Father = 1/3rd, Son = 1/3rd, Spirit = 1/3rd) is a heresy dating back to the earliest centuries of the Church. So is the idea that Father/Son/Spirit is God in different forms like ice/water/vapour or sun/light/heat.
The Father is wholly God; the Son is wholly God; the Spirit is wholly God.
It's "a mystery", which is godfag speak for "2 deep 4u".
so what's "God" then?
>aspects or attributes of God
Nope, heresy.
See, three things can't all be the same thing. This is called "impossible by definition". If you want to claim your god is "impossible by definition" then you're free to do so, but don't pretend it's some great subtle truth when it's literally just "claiming something impossible".
Why would God obey your definitions, filthy epicurean
...and we're back to 2deep4you
Beats me. The Church has largely preferred apophatic theology (saying what God is not) to cataphatic theology (saying what God is)
Though I'd recommend St. John of Damascus' Exposition if you genuinely want to hear it from someone who actually knows what he's talking about rather than an anonymous Senegalese knitting forum.
Whatever you say.
The Church and its Saints have repeatedly affirmed the incomprehensibility of God for millennia but if it doesn't make sense to you, then fuck I guess it's game over.
>The Church and its Saints have repeatedly affirmed the incomprehensibility of God for millennia
That must be why they also claim to be his representatives. Because they totally don't understand anything he wants
the tradition doesn't make it anymore logical. besides if the church truly wanted to be consistent in the idea that God is just simply incomprehensible they shouldn't have even set down the doctrine of the trinity in the first place, since it is an attempt (quite poorly) to explain the nature of God.
Korn flakes are not fruit loops are not coca puffs but they are all cereal
Ah, the famous "It's magic, I ain't gotta explain shit" argument.
that's heresy according to the church. the trinity is that they are simultaneously all the same bowl of cereal
Don't confuse being the representative of God with pretending to know him intimately. Besides, this is another important facet of theology: the distinction between essence and energies.
It is categorically impossible to know God in his essence, which is what you're asking us to do. We can only know him by his energies, which is an entirely different matter.
What God wants is clear because he tells/told us. What God is in his most intimate nature has only ever been speculation.
>the distinction between essence and energies
And how exactly is this distinction established? Also, what are your definitions of either 'essence' or 'energies'?
>We can only know him by his energies, which is an entirely different matter.
And why is that?
>What God wants is clear because he tells/told us.
But just stated a post ago that this is incomprehensible. Now it suddenly is?
Your post doesn't make any sense at all. It's a bunch of meaningless buzzwords you don't define in advance, which are supposed to 'explain' equally meaningless categories that are also not defined consistently, something that you later vehemently deny is explainable in the first place.
In other words, you're spouting utter gibberish
No, that sort of cop out generally assumes that there is some higher level of knowledge that can be accessed.l someway somehow.
What we're saying is that there are some things about God that are unknowable by virtue of the fact that only God knows them about himself. And will remain beyond us in both this life and the next.
I don't know why you guys have latched onto the idea that each Person of the Trinity is wholly God as being impossible and illogical when that's relatively tame in comparison to the other assertions made about him.
>It is necessary, therefore, that one who wishes to speak or to hear of God should understand clearly that alike in the doctrine of Deity and in that of the Incarnation(1), neither are all things unutterable nor all utterable; neither all unknowable nor all knowable(2). But the knowable belongs to one order, and the utterable to another; just as it is one thing to speak and another thing to know. Many of the things relating to God, therefore, that are dimly understood cannot be put into fitting terms, but on things above us we cannot do else than express ourselves according to our limited capacity
>In the case of God, however, it is impossible to explain what He is in His essence, and it befits us the rather to hold discourse about His absolute separation from all things(5). For He does not belong to the class of existing things: not that He has no existence(6), but that He is above all existing things, nay even above existence itself. For if all forms of knowledge have to do with what exists, assuredly that which is above knowledge must certainly be also above essence(7): and, conversely, that which is above essence(7) will also be above knowledge.
>Jesus was fully human.
People died over statements like that.
>No, that sort of cop out generally assumes that there is some higher level of knowledge that can be accessed.l someway somehow.
>What God wants is clear because he tells/told us.
Again, you're talking utter shit. Why don't just admit that your beliefs are riddled with contradictions, instead of pretending that they're not, when everyone can see that you're completely full of shit?
Is it really that difficult to distinguIsh between what God wants and what God is in your mind?
Yes, because you can't know anything without using your mind, making the former of those two completely unreachable
blasphemy against the holy spirit is calling the truth a lie
when someone denies the resurrection they are blaspheming against the holy spirit
So God is the substantial form of the trinitarian persons, yet the persons are not identical because they have additional attributes besides Godness. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Defeats the purpose of formal ontology, the substantial form is meant to describe the "what is it"of a name. If God is the substantial form of the persons of the Trinity then it must be so that the persons are identical.
Its like they mistake the name "me in position A" or "me in position B" for "me". The name "me in position A" is not "me in position B" but it is not "me" either, strictly speaking because there accidental form of being in position A is made essential to the name of "me in position A". Sloppy.
Even if God tried to make known to us the more intimate aspects of his nature, who's to say our mind can comprehend it anyway? Just like I could tell you the distance between galaxies as a number but our mind probably does not truly understand such vast spaces.
The closest we ever get is in Exodus, when He tells Moses: 'I AM'. That's perhaps the biggest clue we ever get: God is the only one who truly exists, whereas everything else subsists.
Christianity has to be the OG cosmic horror story
>Even if God tried to make known to us the more intimate aspects of his nature, who's to say our mind can comprehend it anyway?
>What God wants is clear because he tells/told us.
more like:
>a ⊂X
>b ⊂X
>c ⊂X
>a isn't necessarily = b, and b isn't necessarily c, and c isn't necessarily a.
or, in numerics:
A = {1,2}
B = {3,4}
C = {5,6}
X = {1,2,3,4,5,6}
A ⊂X, B ⊂X, and C ⊂X but it's very clear that A != B, B != C (and therefore any other combination of those subsets isn't equal)
it's not that hard of a concept to grasp.
Its a false doctrine. There is no son or father or spirit. There is only 1 god
If God is incomprehensible, then we can't know anything about it. Either Christcucks can claim to now what god wants, OR they can claim god is incomprehensible. Simply claiming both and saying "it's a Mystery :^)" won't cut it.
That's polytheism, not at all the Christian position wrt God.
> or, in numerics:
So, neither God The Father, Jesus nor Holly Ghost are fully God? Like, God The Father lacks something to be fully God? That's heresy.
Also, if God = Jesus ∪ Father ∪ Holly Ghost, then God is a complex structure made of simple parts and you can't say he's one, since he's just a name for 3 separate parts coming together. That's not monotheism, that's Power Rangers.
>Its like they mistake the name "me in position A" or "me in position B" for "me". The name "me in position A" is not "me in position B"
Yes it is. No matter where you go or what you do, you are you.
Yes and no. I am not "me in position A" unles I am located in position A. You can say that "me" is more primary than "me in position A" but the names are not identical.
God is omnipresent. For God, it IS true that the He in position A is the He in position B.
Did you even read the thread? This logic has been condemned as heresy. What you say makes sense, but is not the Christian conception of the Trinity and is thus irrelevant for this thread.
That's not the point. Position is just one of many accidental forms than may be attributed to "me". The specific and actual material composition of my body at any given time is also a formal quality, as is the material which makes the ship of Theseus. I am not identified by that specific material, but I can talk about and name a specific version of myself that was composed of a certain material.
In b4 I am criticised for conflating form and matter. Matter or material in Aristotle is a thing with a potential to have form. Any specific material is a thing because it already possesses form. There are no instances of pure unformed matter, tho I can talk about things as matter. So I can refer to the material of my body at a specific point in time as a formal characteristic.
It's a "we want to pretend we're monotheistic so we can make fun of all those pagans for being polytheistic" meme.
Religion will naturally become polytheistic when left to its own devices, monotheism has to be forced from the top down.
This, desu. I like Christians, but this seems almost Dalrymplean to me.
It is like when you can time travel and you, past you and future you in the same room.
I want Arians to leave.
Mystery solved.
So Jesus was praying to himself?
jesus is but a man with his own personality. he is part god part man.
Heresy. He was both fully human, and both fully divine at the same time.
>Oh hey Veeky Forums, what's up?
we all know that makes no sense dude
God is who he is.
Water, ice, and water vapor is all H2O
1 God
The moment you reflect upon yourself you are de facto two persona because the object of your observation are you yourself. Somehow that neoplatonic theory goes even further to rationally describe that there's a third persona in this act but I forgot how. It's rather far fetched to believe that God wouldn't be able to self reflection.
Three distinct persons, each one is "made" up of the same immaterial, eternal "stuff" i.e. they each possess the Almighty Godhead. Three persons are in unity of substance and this substance is divinity.
>The moment you reflect upon yourself you are de facto two persona
>describe that there's a third persona in this act but I forgot how
What the fuck is this cretinous shit? In no fucking way does introspection imply multiple personalities, to say nothing of the complete ignorance of our understanding of consciousness statements like these exhibit. This is the reason """"philosophers"""" should be gassed.
The existences of the trinity aren't subsets of it, my friend.
Not the quote of Jesus saying that blasphemy against the HS is a sin, the source of your explanation of what blasphemy against HS is
Religion of peace, huh?
You think so? Then let's say the human thought is completely under the law of determinism. As long as Descartes' 'cogito, ergo sum' holds true, then you yourself would simply watch how your mind runs on a predetermined course.
>In no fucking way does introspection imply multiple personalities
Actually it does. If you self reflect upon yourself than you are the object of observation and the observing entity. It necessarily needs to be split in two because a thing in itself can't be the observer and the observed at the same time since this would be a logical contradiction.
Some philosophers should be gassed. But it just goes to show that from the moment philosophers stopped thinking about God philosophy itself greatly lost in relevance.
Yes, why?
there are three sides to a coin
two sides for each face,
and then the edge that is both a separate surface but part of the same object: defining the other faces in uniqueness as much as it defines them in unity
so yeah too deep for you to understand: you do not have the spirit which intercedes with groans too deep for you to understand.
God be with you all.
-love user.
and of one more blessing:
God bless you!
-lovely love from user, lovingly
God is one, and those three (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) are him. His nature is three in one, essentially.
(1 John 5:7 kjv
For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.)
God the Father is the eternal God of all creation.
(John 10:30 kjv
I and my Father are one.)
God the Son is Jesus, simply put, the God of all creation made flesh. He cannot die, he GAVE his life up willingly.
(John 10:18
No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.)
And God the holy spirit, God "inwardly".
You can think of it this way, God is one, but he is ONE eternally, internally, and externally, forever and ever.
>using "John", the theological propaganda piece that doesn't collaborate with any other gospel on historical events that occurred but rather portrays Jesus as conveniently spouting the Orthodox line, as a source
ITT: people who can't comprehend the concept of intransitive identity
Its actually pretty simple, everything is one
Your words mean little considering John is who God gave the full revelation to. The one who Jesus himself said was the greatest man.
make beweev
From Augustine:
Father - Lover
Son - Beloved
Spirit - The love transmitted
Best post. He's not joking either, you're all heretics. video explanation:
partialism, heresy.
>a thing in itself can't be the observer and the observed at the same time
wew lad
The problem is explaining acts in accordance to what is both new and alread known
For Jesus to perform his miracles he needs capabilities close to Gods.
But God is all powerful. King of kings and lord of lords. He is the only one with such power.
But we also have the concept of divine truth. But concepts dont make for power structures so easily especially compared to a semi anthroporphised being.
When you try to conceptualize this you end up with an equivilency to a single being but with identities which can be extrapolatd and isolated, but not seperated.
Thus the only logical explanation that also follows doctrine is to form the trinity.
A stream is a better example:
>source = God the Father
>stream - Christ
>current - Holy Spirit
Three essences of the same One, inseparable but distinct.
what about this?
why is everyone thinking so far ahead the only beings that exist in the trinity are the ones that are written on it
everything else is your projection
It's not classical logic
The trinity is the solution to a theology question owing to the large but curated nature of "accepted" holy texts. The reason it's not something that is extremely intuitive to understand is because it's essentially religious rules lawyering to maintain the relevance of Jesus and his sacrifice; they argue that despite somewhat distinct individualities, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit (basically just the "Will/Spirit of God"), are of the same "divine nature" or "divine essence". Thus, they have separate individuality and are conceptually separate, but they also are essentially part of God. I would say a more accurate way of describing the Trinity in how it is described and believed would be that they are intrinsic parts of God rather than creations of his- closer to a vital organ or limb than an actual offspring. Keep in mind this is my understanding as a non-Christian and a non-religious person in general.
Trinitarianism is a Catholic meme
Arius pls.
Isn't that Modalism? To the fire you go.
It seems like a simple concept to me but everyone else has trouble with it. Maybe it's just one of those things that you're not meant to think too hard about.
The Church Fathers at Nicaea thought real hard about it so you don't have to!