So Veeky Forums if Medical marijuana became legal in your state how would you make money off of it? Let's say you'd be on the ground floor.
Medical Marijuana Opportunities
Getting stoned legally is reward enough
If I got in on the ground floor I'd sell good quality vaporizers.
What kind of retard smokes? Stinks like crazy, kills your lungs, creates disgusting ashes.
Vaporizers are the way to go.
>open snack stand outside marijuana dispensary
>ive got your munchies covered senpai
It's illegal to smoke in public.
All dispensaries sell edibles.
Invest in a grow house and good workers.
Get a contract with your local dispensaries.
Wait for yields
Why would you not open a dispensary yourself?
just buy canadian weed stocks
wait a year for it to be legal
In my state (Arkansas) only people who are already wealthy and politically connected are going to get in on the ground floor by design. Same in most places. The green rush is fucking over and it's back to pay to play as usual. You're years too late.
Which negates the purpose of the snack stand ;)
No one has mentioned the licensing and fees required. In Illinois first year licensing and fees for a medical dispensary are roughly 150k. For grow operations the fees are even higher.
Then you need to talk about the amazing requirements of overhead. Waste hauling permits, 24/7 armed security, Dept of AG inspections every 3-4 weeks (during which time you can not operate and can take days)
The last time I read about it, late in 2016, the estimated first year costs for a dispensary in Illinois were 1.5-1.8 million.
>, the estimated first year costs for a dispensary in Illinois were 1.5-1.8 million.
Not too bad.
All you need to do is sell about 500 grams a day and you're golden
You can sell vaporizers in most countries in the world. They are not necessarily related to cannabis
Higher overheads, harder to expand.
I would probably seek an organic grow niche, along with an extensive shill campaign on how the big farmers all use harmful chemicals etc
You have to apply for licenses. It is a lot harder to "just open a dispensary" than you might think. It's a lot harder to do anything relating to the cannabis industry as a whole. There's a bunch of legal shit to be done in a state where it's already legal and a state in which it is just becoming legal. Not to mention in both scenarios, competition is rough. Return is huge. The process is terrible. This is why I cringe so hard when people get in their heads that they are going to be a entrepreneur and sell/grow weed/ sell hardware. You better come up with something original or don't waste your energy.
Just got to know the owners of the dispensaries, get a lock on certain strains.
You are right though, all rough roads.
All you would really need is to be in a state that's friendly in terms of regulations and permission from your county/town to use your property commercially for medical marijuana growth. Really depends on the county but you could sway them pretty easily especially if it's located in low population area, project local job growth, and corporation tax that goes to the county it resides in.
I wouldn't want to get into another small business but if my surrounding cities/counties saw an exponential growth in dispensaries I would go growth and whole sale route. Don't think it will come to my state and hope it doesn't come till at least another 2-3 years so I have the opportunity to invest.
No dude. You know nothing of the fees that you must put down just to be in the drawing to have a chance of having a license for states that are just getting started, and for states that already have legalization you have a market that's cluttered.
Your hypotheticals mean fucking nothing.
>Getting stoned legally is reward enough
literally this
I've already purchased lease options on 3 locations in high traffic weed areas.
1 on each end of a uni another on the edge between trendy hipster neighborhood and low income AA neighborhood.
Neither are within a block of a church or a school (k-12)
Sounds like legal weed is going to be another one of those things controlled by people that already have money.