testosterone edition
testosterone edition
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I love playing League of Legends because I can pwn kids awesome style
xth for my wife Syndra
>play good
>play good
>get tilted
>play bad
new void champion when
new yordle girl when
new void yordle girl when
Game 1
Heil butts: report azir for troll
Heil butts: aha
Heil butts: nice
Heil butts: wow really
Heil butts: fucking right as e goes off
Heil butts: fucking stupid
Heil butts: her azi
Heil butts: can you NOT FEED
Heil butts: report azir inting
Heil butts: alright cool threash
Heil butts: since azir is trolling what do you wana do?
Heil butts: who cares
Heil butts: azir fed her intentinally
Heil butts: games over
Heil butts: im reporting you kid
Heil butts: coming top
Heil butts: its udyr
Heil butts: suck him off a littler harder
Heil butts: how about you shut up and just play
Heil butts: do you have a setting other than complain?
Heil butts: I DID
Heil butts: yeahpush mid the lol babs are butt mad a champ got banned and decide to int rather than play
Heil butts: literally dises twice I tell him to be careful and what does he say "This is what you get for banning my champ"
Heil butts: all zoe players need to be banned this is waht they do if they can't play their cancer
Heil butts: bg reprot azir and mf
Apparently this is worthy of a 14 day ban
>Heil butts: how about you shut up and just play
Pot. Kettle
>I'm retarded and got banned
Thanks for the blog post user
where's game 2 & 3 user, don't die
Game 2
Heil butts: reported
Heil butts: come on guys
Heil butts: why didnt you guys back the hell off
Heil butts: its so obvious your duoin with rammus
Heil butts: stop pushing with no wards
Heil butts: dude
Heil butts: stop feeding
Heil butts: gg
Heil butts: this team is bad
Heil butts: nah
Heil butts: this isn't cool dude
Heil butts: if you wanted to screw around let me know in the future so i wont drag you along
Heil butts: who cares
Heil butts: you guys already handed them the match
Heil butts: like i legit have done work
Heil butts: im done
Heil butts: because i dont have a team and you guys are bleeding kills like its your job
Heil butts: im not goi g to try when its clear im playing with trolls
Heil butts: and i have most of our kills
Heil butts: because i do something other than sit in lane
Heil butts: just end this
Heil butts: wjat ever 0/2 draven
Heil butts: yeah you need that punk to save you
Heil butts: hey guys yeah im totally toxic for pointing out my team threw this game
Heil butts: no draven in nit shitting on you or plauying a champ
Heil butts: im telling you you dont even grasp the most basic understanding of this game and dont repsond to pinks
Game 3
Heil butts: yo fuck flash
Heil butts: wow lsot bot at 6 minutes
Heil butts: nice
Heil butts: gg they ahve a team
Heil butts: it's pretty boviosu this is a premade
Heil butts: im done
Heil butts: i mean
Heil butts: lol its not my fault bot fed
Heil butts: then lost tower at 6 minutes
Heil butts: thats a new record
Heil butts: i meant you're 0/3 vayne is 0/2
Heil butts: have fun
Heil butts: just run it down mid
Heil butts: report vayne and ryze pease
Heil butts: THEY WON
>NuIrelia was said to be awesome by the #1 Irelia otp
Now, I just wanna know how she looks like.
I'm glad you got banned you fucking toxic aspie retard
reminder that scarra said new kata would be good
>Now, I just wanna know how she looks like.
Please riot, don't fiora her
i still can't fucking do the fast combo with riven
i dont even know what the fuck it looks like
>no draven in nit shitting on you or plauying a champ
>Heil butts: yo fuck flash
>Heil butts: suck him off a littler harder
>Heil butts: fucking right as e goes off
>Heil butts: fucking stupid
Wanna guess why you got chat restricted?
You are aware League is a Pg-13 game, arent you
you're so terrible at typing dude
I've got the worst feeling they're going to ruin her design somehow.
new Kat is fucking perfect excpet the stupid fucking ult
and it is? she's also more fun
"play good"
Sure you did, buddy. Sure you did.
I wish riot would just remove my chat permanently
Can any higher elos give me some advice? I usually stomp top lane, but when i'm playing against someone like poppy. After I get first blood they eventually get to a point where they're so tanky I can no longer A. Fight them B. Shove minions in their tower to create a freeze. C. Shove minions in their tower to roam.
So at this point if I leave lane to make plays around the map the minions are at a neutral point and it's easy for them to just farm up and get huge/take my tower. But if I stay in lane i'm just going to slowly lose farm and get all in'd with their jungler.
What do I do in these situations? I can handle them pretty well with maokai, but with renekton I can't do much any help at all would be appreciated
My secret to finally getting to high gold is pretending that the other team is a 5 stack of libtards
I would like to think they learned from Fiora and aren't going to make her horrible
good trick, I just pretend they're all yasuo/riven/vayne mains
Today is a dark day in history. Today big business won. Yes you all know what I am referring to.
And new Kata is very fucking good? She's just less braindead but way more useful.
i guess so
all the people i knew that loved to play her just gave up on her after the rework though
Way more fun to play new kat than the old one
So if Evelynn is the Booty Queen and Sona is the Dairy Queen then who's got the best (not necessarily the biggest) thighs and who's got the best midriff?
Lucky for me I have a back up account ready and waiting~
I don't really care about her gameplay state but Kat always gets my dick hard
>be ahead
>can't fight them
nobody can keep taking trades while farming, so either you're not punishing their farming enough or they're losing a ton of farm
Probably because they were low elo monkeys that could only use her while being braindead.
I don't care, please don't (You) me with your shitposts.
Bro is that even a question?
>only one
People always gave up on a champion when it requires too much effort. Same goes for metaslaves.
>can still chat
is lewlew evol?
Vlad is hung and black (under his albinism)
Lucian is a Demacian and thus weak.
>don't (You) me with your shitposts.
>gives the shitposter (You)'s
when will you retards learn?
>Evelynn is the Booty Queen
Wait till the Frostblade update.
Graves buffs when
She just wants to have fun.
Reporting doesn't work and ignoring also doesn't do shit, might as well tell him he's not welcome.
>thighs and who's got the best midriff?
You can pick almost any SG for this desu.
Post some lewds
>tfw no clush team
I want to impregnate Leblanc
I really dont't think that forced 50% in this games exists
Probably the only reason why I prefer LoL over all the other mobas
Man I can't win a fucking game tonight trying to play Jhin.
Keep going up against Jinxes, that and having every other lane feed like no tomorrow. Had a Brand mid 10 kills without dying just now. It's impossible.
>ignoring also doesn't do shit
Every time you (You) them, it encourages them. If you don't give them attention it will reduce the amount they post. They'll always be here but the less you acknowledge them the better.
why are y'all so gay
Forced 46% for me right now so you're right.
League of Faggots™
you: I love LeBlanc
me, an intellectual: I love LeBlanc's feet
"Forced 50%" is a stupid meme perpetuated by people who don't understand how statistics or matchmaking algorithms work. The algorithm tries to put you at a 50% winrate because that means you're at your rank. The same principle is used by standardized test
SG Ahri's a serious contender for best thighs but since Jinx is the only SG showing midriff I don't think they apply.
Maybe you should stop playing adc user
Or stop building like a retard glass cannon
No, fuck you. Not giving them (You)s still gets me threads full of these shitposts, might as well give thme some. Don't bother replying.
if you could not turn my waifu into another product of a useless threadly shitpost, that'd be great
Reminder that waifuposting is perfectly fine. Free speech nigga, unless is loliposting or porn
Those boys in the OP could use more testosterone.
>confirmation bias
You realize you replying to them to tell them to fuck off just shits up the thread more right? If your interest is in not shitting up the thread, the less you reply to them with more shit the more it helps everyone
Meet my new main
Oh user, glad to have you here. Amanda go get me a coffee slut. *slaps ass*
Anyway, you were working on a new keystone, tell me more about it please
700g to do what exactly
>complains about shitposts
>does more shitpost
Anyway your waifu is a huge slut :^)
no Veeky Forums is my safe space where I only see things I want to see REEEEEE
Wait a god damn second, I don't remember that skin looking so good.
Was there even any doubt. She's a complete package.
You know what? You're right, I shouldn't respond to that guy.
3/10 try harder you cant bait me with that low effort shit
as long as it is ON-TOPIC AND following the rules its ok be it waifuposting or whatever. People who hate that should move over to /v/ which is /b/ dressed in video games merch
Who should I main?
Taric or Lulu
Idk. Is that japanese or chinese?
When's this Irelia VGU supposed to hit? I'm hearing like 6 months but if they already have a rough concept of her pounded out, wouldn't she release like shortly after Swain's?
Yes sir the keystone would immediately execute yasuo, riven, vayne, and fizz upon damaging them.
Musclefu has the best defined thighs, no doubt.
>Romanian girl lusts after black cock
I am very disappointed in you, Vlady.
Are you really betraying Vladimir for the hard cock of a demented killer?
Women DISGUST me, I know what I must do now.
I was being satirical
Yes, on-topic shitposting is still on-topic. As much as it triggers the shit out of people who have nothing useful to say, waifuposting has never prevented any game discussion from happening.
>suck him off a littler harder
>used to be an Azir main
>spend a year in silver
>start maining Darius and Pantheon
>hit Plat with relative ease
really makes you think
Taric is off meta
>Maybe you should stop playing adc user
How did you know?
>Or stop building like a retard glass cannon
I try but I struggle to get the balance between survivability and damage.
I think I probably ought to learn something else but I like playing in bot, it's familiar if nothing else. It feels like the only one I do consistently well with is Trist though because her jump saves you so often. The less mobile ones feel kind of useless, even though I know they'd be good with more coordinated teams.
>check death report after inevitably dying to irelia
>did 3x the true damage over physical damage
nice champ lolbabs
"just dodge the spears man" :^)
Nothing manlier than doing it with a man.
chances are that if you go back to Azir now you will progress further. People are less retarded after plat and deal with darius and pantheon is but a stun bot during late game
>You will never eat out LeBlanc while she leglocks you
>be a top main
>start getting autofilled as ADC for some reason
>think oh god fuck this shit
>dont want to waste dodges when I need them for yasuo and zoe pickers
>end up playing ADC a few times
>just farm safely, don't fight if I don't think its a good idea, and stay as safe as possible while still doing some damage in fights
>end up winning most of the games with few deaths
I never realized all you have to do to win as ADC is literally not be a fucking mouthbreather who tries to make a dank play every 30 seconds. What the fuck is wrong with ADC players?
>died to nasus at 20 minute
>check report
>1000 damage syphoning strike
this game doesn't look good...
>going for a meme skin instead of a edgy one
you're dissapointing me
me bottom