What are some of the best marketing campaigns of all time, in your opinion?
What are some of the best marketing campaigns of all time, in your opinion?
Off the top of my head:
>Think Different
>Just Do It
>Got Milk
>The Man Your Man Could Smell Like
>Tommy Hilfiger's "Hangman" advertisements
>The Blair Witch Project
>That Gucci ad where the "G" is branded into the model's public hair
>Every season of American Idol
There's probably a few old timey TV shows from the 60's I'm forgetting that were branded entertainment
Well, Coca-Cola has successfully associated itself with Christmas, thus with love and family and peace. That's something.
De beers and diamonds
Marlboro Man
Anything that has managed to make its trademark a generic word
Kleenex, Band-aid, coke in the south
>pretend to be an eccentric 200 IQ genius working for the NWO
>yfw he's just larping
This cunts election
wrong pic*
The Trump campaign team signing Pepe was pretty clever
Marlboro man.
> succeeded making a primary female product attractive to men
> made a niche tobacco brand the No. 1 in a few years
Coca colas implementation of helvetica was the single most important marketing decision ever made. This ad you see here shaped marketing for years to come. From silly cartoons with hand drawn typography to pure capitalistic brain hypno.
This. Why is it Diamonds, not emeralds, or rubies, zircons or opels? No it's Diamonds because that's what De Beers sold.
I think it was because they made an analogy between it being in the ground for thousands of years and the notion of eternal undying love
Brianna Wu tricking millions of SJWs into thinking she'll be a good congressman.
bump for interest
Not even being ironic.
GEICO's marketing department must be an interesting place.