Asymmetrical Slasher Series General /assg/

Bing bong update edition

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical multiplayer slasher game where 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
A slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

>What is Last Year?
In development. Class based with weaker killers. Beta Delayed yet again.

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (DbD)

>Skill Check Simulator (DbD)

Other urls found in this thread:


New clothes for Feng when?

First for wraith nerfs! Thanks based frogs!

Reposting because I didn't realize thread was at limit.

last year will save us from shit by shitlight

You mean recolors of her two existing outfits for a price?

post yfw wraith rework

they can't keep getting away with this

>mfw when expecting lots of chase points by getting Wraith games all day
>not a single Wraith game in 3 hours

Now it needs to be filled, but looking good.

F13 will save us from Last Year.

I'm going to start just DCing everytime I see Ruin.

So sick of it as a perk.

Sad Wraith face.

They actually increased the time it takes to uncloak. THAT WAS ALWAYS HIS PROBLEM AND THE ONLY THING HE REALLY NEEDED WAS A FASTER BASE UNCLOAKING SPEED. No, instead we get a """"rework"""" and now I should uncloak behind walls and surprise survivors who can simply sprint (burst) away or slam a pallet or jump a window as soon as they hear the bell. AND THEY NERFED WINDSTORM THE ADD-ON THAT ACTUALLY MADE WRAITH VIABLE.

What is it with Horvath. How can he be so consistently bad at knowing anything about higher level gameplay. And not even upper echelon higher level, literally just rank 1-5 gameplay.

Have fun disconnecting all the way back to rank 15.

>Complaining about totems

Literally git gud. I hit great skill check 80% of the time against Ruin.

Or use Small Game and be the search drone that your team needs.

Even during the dbd stream people were screaming at Horvath. Like what the hell? "Uncloak from a distance" "Uncloak behind a wall and they will run". Does anyone on that balance team even play the game? People won't run away just because they hear uncloaking. Only low rank people rush into some direction when they hear the bell, high rank people don't start blindly running without having an idea which direction you're coming from.

>tired of going against the same strat over and over
>git gud
maybe I'm tired of looking for totems every game

>tfw using enduring on huntress because fuck decisive strike

>Does anyone on that balance team even play the game?
Not past rank 20, no.


It's nothing to do with having to find the totem.

I'm just tired of it being in every single fucking game.

Don't forget le ebin streamer logo! :)

The devs worked really hard on recoloring a shirt and copy+pasting a picture onto it, that'll be 5.99!

You can gen-tap. The devs said it's not bannable. Hold your left mouse button for 3-4 seconds then release, and repeat until you repaired the generator.

>No double BP event for the dingleberry on top
>Next stream they will no doubt whine about everyone complaining that they nerfed wraith, will insist he's fine and everyone should just adapt :)

>Tired of going against at least 2 DS?
>Just run Enduring and Unnerving, or learn to perfectly time dribbling

People can be annoyed with strong perks if they're meant to annoy. Ruin right now a sure way to prolong the game (given it doesn't spawn in the survivor's ass) when you obsruct the only objective the survivor really has to do. The other survivors will gather around the Ruin totem getting turns getting hit, and it's a fucking borefest.

None of them are past rank 10 on surv or 15 on killer. That should tell you how bad they are

I don't really hate their low effort streamer pack since it's price is for charity and they give a big amount of recolored skins, as ugly as they are with the fucking channel emotes. I just wish they'd create more skins in general. Even their 80's pack is 80% recolors of exclusives, and that's a proper cosmetic pack they're selling.

>Think there will be new skins in winter boxes
>Re-read patch notes
>The new skin is for the loot boxes themselves

I feel like even if it were just plain blue coloration of the clothes like the eyes it would be something to strive for! No BP event either!

friday the 13th any good?
will probably get a sale during christmas.
Does it have tryhard and toxic shit on every game?

loot boxes?
It's fun, or at least I think so, but who knows whether you'll like it? It definitely doesn't have nearly as many toxic or tryhard players. Much more casual. Not many players though, but at least finding a game is fast thanks to dedicated servers.
It will probably go on sale for $20 like the last two times, and that's a very fair price.

Last time I played it was pretty fun. Seemed way more chill than DbD. At least when you didn't get some negress running directly in front of you taunting you the whole time

>Me and a team of other Claudettes
>Vs Myers
>We get all 5 gens done by the time he gets a single hook
>She gets unhooked
>Myers is so broken he just stands in a corner facing the wall until we all leave
>Doesn't move at all, won't even let me give him a sympathy hook

plz do not bully kirkface

The mysteryboxes, 1 in each web is not half off and slightly better rewards I think. They look like a present

It's pretty misleading wording. Especially since it's saying new items, while the only item that got added is the firecracker, and you just get the same usual crap.

If you unplug your internet you don't lose anything besides your add-ons, it considers the killer dc'ing.


It's a lot less bullshit now that vanessa can't intentionally drop all the necessary-to-win shit in the lake to fuck everyone over. If it goes 50% off I'd say it's worth it.

She wanted it so bad :(

no bullying ace allowed ;___; ! no bully!

It sounds like that Myers was me.
If it WAS me, then I didn't stay there because of being "bullied". I had to go wash the dishes, and it's better to stay facing a wall so the match actually ends and people don't drag the game by farming.

I mean, I was obviously getting rekt, but I don't really go AFK for any other reason than for attending real life things.

I hope you got some good points out of it at least.

I just got a 4k with the Wraith. Quit ur bitching and git gud

Then enjoy dcing 99% of your games? It'd make more sense to actually leave the game to derank if you want to escape the Ruin-zone.

>Hate doc but fuck it need to do daily
>SWF group
>Teabagging after every loop
>Manage to slug them all
>Could hook a few but fuck it leave em
>Run around shocking the ground
>All DC

Tis the season

I'd want to mori them too

will filip ever catch a break? or is he forever to be bullied?

Forgot pic

You just got some attention, Filip, go back to the fucking corner.

You just slugged a party of streamershits.

Seriously? link?

God the glowy eyes looks like shit. This entire event is a joke.

twitch tv/zubatlel
twitch tv/notmish
Don't know who the other names are, but if they're hanging with these two probably also streamershits.

>sure way to prolong the game
You can completely counter Ruin by simply hitting great skill checks. You can literally use skill to void the perk. The same cannot be said for DS. If the survivor is not in dribble distance of a hook you can only leave them on the ground if you want to avoid DS. Which is not a counter at all. Plus dribbling gives the other survivors counterplay opportunity whereas the killer cannot make you miss great skill checks (Huntress Lullaby and Doctor's random skill checks are a thing but not relevant to an argument about Ruin because Lullaby is a bad perk that eats a perk slot and Doctor is 1 killer and he has to get people to Madness II before they even get random skill checks regularly).
Well, to be fair the risk of going for great skill checks is missing one, and you can't completely void Ruin because you don't get the 2% progression awarded on great skill checks, but that's negligible.

>The other survivors...
Now that's an actual argument. You can hit 100% of all great skill checks but you are at the mercy of your teammates that potentially 1: cannot do that and 2: spend so much time searching and fighting for the totem.

I think the game is still too fast for any killer that isn't Nurse or Billy, so it's only those two that I understand being upset about Ruin on. Ruin is a perk slot spent on something that should be innate part of the gameplay (longer matches because the other killers are a lot less time efficient) and it's a Hex perk, so it can get taken away completely and there even exist a perk and an item that helps you find the totem.

Dam neither is streaming, I always like to watch myself from surv perspective

>Too fast
Doctor and Hag games last forever and a half if they're decent, but I totally agree

Might have been. If it was three default shirt Claudes and a full pink one, then probably yeah.

And no one was really bullying, but y'know, it's a good principle. Stabby boi is for hugs

>"buff" (read: nerf) wraith
>Fix flashlights (Will be removed in a week)
>No double BP because "eh"
>Shitty achievements that can be thwarted by survivors ragequitting
Pretty good job so far


>Expecting anything other than utter fucking trash at this point

If you're even remotely surprised, you really shouldn't be

>just got home
>see Wraith patch dropped
>see this thread

Traps are bugged, the aura that shows when you try to place them is further out than you'll actually place them.

you already knew it would accomplish nothing, don't kid yourself.

True, they can play for 3 gens and prolong the game a lot. To be fair Ruin often is an essential part of that strategy.
But I mean Ruin is good as a perk for the game because it actually allows killers to spend time chasing and rotating targets instead of having to camp and tunnel because those are the most time efficient ways to play.
But yeah lots of people use Ruin on top of time efficient killers Nurse and Billy and camping and tunnelling, so it can suck. 3 gen strats are pretty boring and Ruin makes them much worse.

The solution is to make the game take longer base-line and then change Ruin into something else I guess. Make gen spawns more random and remove the spotlight so survivors spend more time searching gens. Lery's is a good example where games take noticably longer because survivors have to search gens all the time.

Good job user. Maybe they were meming but zubat is a really good survivor player (and even better killer), and he also slugs all the time as killer.

Yeah, but I didn't expect it to be a nerf.
To make matters worse, the first thing I heard when I got in my car and turned on my radio was that net neutrality is kill.
Today is shit.

>An update to try and buff wraith
>They nerf windstorm

I don't remember the survivors. I do remember it was in Coldwind Farm, however.

Yeah, I imagine there was no bullying. I'm just shit at Myers.

Some dude playing with Laurie farmed off a poor Nea while I was playing killer. I killed Nea, of course, not gonna lose that easy kill. But Laurie was second to get hooked, and camped her. She deserved it for bullying my bae.

Just gen tap while someone else looks for the totem. Bathe in killer tears.

The trick to getting this achievement was playing best boy Micheal and not Leatherface

Sure, playing with randoms is greatly organized.

>lol just exploit :^)
fuck off

How does Stridor work with Doctor? His mouth-breathing gets in the way.

It evens out if the killers like to juggle caught survivors

Apples to oranges

I just played a match where a Michael managed to hook all three of the other survivors in the funhouse. I walked up to him and let him get me because I didn't want to feel left out

How is that not the same

>Bad enough to DC over
The weakness of ruin is unlike other totems its almost immediately obvious the killer has it, armed with that info the survivors can find and destroy the totem before the killer even knows where it is at times, protecting it can be counterproductive if survivors realize that they can get the other gens for free because if their protecting the totem their not paroling gens, any somewhat long chase is likely to end with the totem being cleansed, and for the killer it may be a complete waste of a perk slot because of how quickly survivors know about it, how easily it can be taken out, and how it can just be worked around by skill checks.

>how is not exploiting the same as exploiting

Juggling only works if a hook is right next to you. Gen tapping always works. Not the same.

Net neutrality isn't kill, it has to go through courts where it's already been stopped every other time. This """vote""" meant nothing and the american people had no way of stopping it.

The problem with this generation is they never do any research about anything and think talking about something is considered making a difference. "Promoting awareness". Tweeting #netneutrality doesn't do shit.

Hes only lvl 40 so I have shit perks on him but you can actually hear them, but it is moot with certain addons since you can just see your docs looking at them

>Weeb survivor fag is blind to smell of own shit

not him but to be fair gen tapping is like 20% the repair speed if you have more than 120ms, since the interaction takes more time. besides, it's like 70% the repair speed i believe if they have decent ping, which is more than enough to 4k reliably if it's not a SWF.

How is juggling a survivor to keep them from using DS not exploiting?

Gen tapping has the disadvantage of going off by accident and alerting the killer of location. They're both exploity

Lucky him, in my game I had to deal with this immersed claudette who hid from me for about 20 minutes until I turned off my music and heard her smelling a cheeky tulip.
Then she says "gg shame about everyone getting hooked in the basement"


>Hur dur mileneals r dumb

>decide to not kill because party strwamers, just hook everyone twice and then let them farm
>two people kill themselves on hook
>farm with the two remaining players
>one guy watched it all and spergs out in the after game

when you kill yourself while I'm on the other side of the map, is that my responsibility too? can't even be nice in peace.

Am I wrong? Please show me.

Well shadow born was nerffed, it was almost essential to see while teleporting with nurse sooo indirect nerf I guess

If you time your gentaps right there's no risk of getting a skill check.

Both are exploity yeah. Gentapping is worse because it has no counterplay and works around lullaby, ruin and unnerving while dribbling is only against DS which is already a shitty perk and dribbling only works if it's close to a hook and it has counterplay opportunity (e.g. bodyblocking, flashlights), but both are basically exploits of the skil check mechanic.

I don't mind gentappers against ruin actuall. It still takes a lot longer than doing gens normally, the real good players just power through ruin with great skill checks.

for some reason I thought you were indirectly referring to tunneling or something, my b.

>can't even be nice in peace.
survivorbabs are the worst
we must kill them all

>Dead by Daylight advertises itself as a horror game where you are survivors pitted against an unstoppable killer and you need to use your wits to outwit the Killer and escape through the exit gates

>Dead by Daylight actually plays as a bunch of killers just trying to enjoy themselves and have fun, but survivors are a bunch of teabagging suntube shitters who LITERALLY lack any fear for the killer because the Devs suck their dicks, and devolves into Killers trying to hook shitters out of spite

>Please show me.
How? Arguments like that end up being little more than weak speculation because such a thing is almost impossible to prove either way. The only major difference between this generation and the last one is its easier to be aware of all the dumb stuff people do thanks to things the internet.

I like how they said somehwere that they were generous or the entity was feeling generous or something. Also no more 2X BP because of so many people farming or something. We didn't get shit lmao

Did they really cancel double BP because of BP farmers? Why does that even matter to them? "Oh no, some people will get fake video game stuff faster!"

You could have prevented this. You could have been one of the 739 people playing Friday the 13th: The Game.

With everything that has occurred with this game the last few months, I'm amazed with the devs. It's like they WANT to run this game into the ground.
>No BP event
Like, I already have everything I want, personally. But why in the fuck would you stop doing BP weekends? This game is dying, quickly might I add. I just... I don't understand how a team of people can be so dumb.

The game lives and dies by its grind. There isn't enough variety or fun to keep people playing without the grind.
How is the game dying? F13, that game is dying. It can't get a thousand people playing at peak hours unless it's a weekend.