Unironically wondering how we went from this...
Unironically wondering how we went from this
...to this?
Capitalism und Jüden.
we didn't. upper middle class is still upper middle class and white trash has always been white trash.
Why are they so covered up? I much prefer todays fashion, more eye candy for me.
literally this
congrats OP you've joined the ranks of the memers who have been predicting the imminent collapse of contemporary civilization for the last 6000 years
Are you implying modern """"""men"""""" aren't also degenerate as fuck?
men dress women
women dress women
>le wrong generation meme
kys senpai
Tbf, the only degenerate male fashion I can think of outside transvestitism is croptops and the hideous white person practice of wearing socks & sandals.
I get why people gush over historical clothing, I do it all the time myself. I prefer historical clothes to modern clothes.
But the thing is, the modern world offers you easy oppurtunities to access clothes of the past (and yes, there are women who like wearing historical clothes), all this complaint of yours seems to be is that you don't like the look of girls you see in public than the girls you see in photographs in the past. Kind of a non-issue if I'm honest, it's like saying girls should wear skimpier things because you find it more attractive.
Sometimes my feet get cold man
the history of mankind is the history of technology
Trough cherry-picking.
literally you
So wear shoes you spacker
>hey guys maybe we should rethink the whole "anything goes" dress code
Not even him but that's literally OP
>we should rethink dress code
Or you can just move to a country with one.
>feet showing
>hands showing
Why are girls whores these days?
Color photos was invented.
Why were late 18th century women such whores?
Fashion swings. Georgian and regency women dressed like fucking whores too, only the focus was on decolleté rather than ass and legs.
>painted in the 1850s
>tfw Islam is unironically restoring modesty to Europe
>modesty is objective
You're a smart guy.
>implying it's not generally objective
I guarantee you most cultures have a somewhat similar view of modesty; I.e don't walk around half naked
Capitalism and the MTV.
What happens if you were to pull off the masks these woman wear?
Do they get sent to hell or something afterwards?
>INB4 Baneposting starts
It would be extremely heretical.
whelp this thread is kill, good job goys
Ask the monkey from Libya who caused a genocidal war
I wear socks and sandals. You get all the benefits of wearing sandals without getting sand and dirt on your legs
> hideous white person practice of wearing socks & sandals
So... Like Romans in times of Roman Glory?
>actually painted 1830
Delacroix even put it in the signature, man.
There isn't a fucking Umlauter in Juden you fuck...
>implying there are no dresscodes in the west
Wearing socks and sandals is comfortable as fuck and more convenient than lacing up for a quick errand. Take your meme joke somewhere else and then kill yourself with it
That's the whole point.
Who cares what most cultures do. Successful, western cultures do not generally have those codes in such force.
changing views on modesty and sexuality. in the past, women were expected to dress a specific way and cover themselves more, now they aren't. also changing fashions in general and changing views on attractiveness
what the fuck are they buying in H&M? more burkas and black table cloths?
u can tell they're british too
>you will never try to convince a Muslim girl into giving you oral as she giggles and keeps on telling you it's haram until she eventually reluctantly agrees...
why am I alive?
>Every Romana's man
>Every Romeno's girl
Remember that time this faggot sucked and fucked the Roman Republic out of existence?
And that wasn't even the start of the decline.
I would happily genocide everyone who wears socks and sandals
> nicht 'Capitalismus'
> Jüden
Are you bristish? Many girls in america don't dress like this. I would go on Veeky Forums for a more accurate depiction.it's all about rompers, maxi skirts/dresses, bombers, leggings, and uggs. Also lace up sandels.
Also I love how you only posted one season of dress.
A hearty kek from reading this, thanks user
Actually absolutely nothing has changed.
I'd bang the blonde one though.
Personally I'm more offended by guys who wear sandals or flip flops with jeans. Maybe it's why I can't stand to look at Steven Universe at conventions.
sheilas taking a piss in the middle of the street in 2016 because they're wasted is different from sheilas taking a piss in the middle of the street in 1816
are the English underclass really Slavs?
because they look Slavic
the jews did this
I wouldn't complain though
Pic related
Only one of those chicks looks like a slav and two have distincly british/germanic faces.
who cares they are both fat and thats what is truely disgusting
What the fuck.
Only the blonde could pass for a Slav-slag.
t. Slav
Regular western type clothes to wear around their husbands/family at home
It would be extremely haram
>All of them are looking at the their phones.
Not even the Muslims are immune from consumer cancer
>all the benefits of wearing sandals