Did he really say this?


fuck drumpf and fuck white people

oy vey, remember the 6 trillion goy!

>Le fake quote


Holy shit, did the president of Israel really said this?


wtf i hate jews now
really makes your neurons fire

I just looked for a source on this quote but all I could find was that image. When was he purported to have said this?

I googled Ishmael Levitts and the only things that come up are white supremacist sites. He probably doesn't exist, or the quote is fake, or he's on a whole 'nother level of literally who?


Kill yourself, OP.

There was never such israeli president with that name. So no.
Also this quote is fake as far as i know

Good question. Someone dating this quote would be appreciated.

He was an advisor to the president. A master of Jewish mysticism who kept in the shadows.

A picture on the Internet says he said it, so it must be true, OP.

t. Ishmael Levitts

>There was never such israeli president with that name

>Fuck niggers - Some white guy in Veeky Forums


He advised the president.

liberal jews openly loathe white people, the quote may be fake but it captures the spirit of what certain jews think of white people

behind every "fuck da white man" and "let's deconstruct the concept of whiteness" there is always a jew lurking

fuck you and everyone who looks like you

Which one? I could not find any information regarding this name neither in english nor in hebrew.

all jewish people got together and had a vote on that?


That's not even a real Jewish name. Are you cucks even trying?

It sounds Polish, so it might be.

Wrong board nigger

Is this just a response to the Anti Semitic trends of the world, though?

First of all, who is that? Why not get upset about some angry tween girl' opinions on tumblr? Go be butthurt somewhere else you fragile cuck.

Noel ignatev actually said some fucked up shit like this