haven't been here in years, literal copy-paste to help you no-attention-paying fags out edition
Raid Lair is still LIVE
haven't been here in years, literal copy-paste to help you no-attention-paying fags out edition
Raid Lair is still LIVE
Other urls found in this thread:
We wanted it to die you fucking autist
>Previous thread:
fuck off retard
let this dead general for a dead game die
did it ever occur to you that bump limit was being intentionally ignored not ignorantly ignored?
of course it fucking didn't, you just wanted an excuse to talk down to people
get a fucking like you absolute fucking melt and don't meddle in other people's business
This is honestly a really solid HC. It's nice to use and seems reliable.
Post (D1) Guardians!
>find me LITERALLY ANYBODY that has said the raid has you best gear
>protip: you CAN'T because no one is retarded enough to believe that
Why does it feel like there are 20 humans left and 5 guardians. There is no human soldiers anywhere, human tanks, technology, ships, fleet, settlements, etc.
The red legion had patrol ships tanks driving around the city it looked great. Sadly the scale was ruined after the first mission.
Fallen have huge ships flying around earth like its nothing where the fuck are the humans?
>people are still using prometheus lens
Instant summon Sparrow with 150 speed or slow summon Sparrow with 160 speed?
>Week 1
>1 freebie + 3 verses = 4 total verse weapons.
>Week 2
>1 freebie + 3 verses = 8 total verse weapons.
>Week 3
>??????? + 3 verses = 11 total verse weapons + Sigira Shell?
kill yourself
it's called the last city for a reason
Wait, that's an item? How do you get it?
Using anything but 160 feels like shit after a while
There's a Ghost shell that gives you instant/reload summon. Just use that and a 160 sparrow.
>week 1
>1 freebie + 3 verses
>week 2
>verse 10 + verse Saint 14 shotgun
presumably finishing all the prophecies
people assumed you'd get s14's shotgun for that, but it turns out they hand that to you at the halfway point
>Sagira actively wants to NTR your ghost
You think ghosts are equipped for carnal pleasures?
That assumes I'm lucky enough to pull that shell, and I probably wouldn't buy it even if it was available for dust, I've got instant summon 160s for my Warlock and Hunter, just waiting for one on my Titan.
>just use this ghost shell that you probably don't have because it's locked behind rng fuckboxes
Good advice!
Insta summon helps a lot and heals your sparrow if you hop off and resummon,depends on if you try skipping strike areas with it
Nobody knows how to get it but its definitely an item, its not just a placeholder it has full finished model and icon, along with unique perks and a lore tab.
Its fully fleshed out.
The theory, now that we've got the Perfect Paradox, is that it's gotten after getting all 11 lost verses, since we originally though you'd get Perfect Paradox at the end.
>He doesn't know about the onahole shell.
> because it's locked behind rng fuckboxes
That applies to pretty much anything in Destiny though.
Fair enough. My RNG luck is pretty shit and I got it so I figured it wasn't too rare.
>Just checked the Bungie site for the Weekly update
>The Dawning info
>No mention of an SRL even this year
I'm done. I'm fucking done. How much more can Bungie cut from this game?
I'm sure they can vibrate.
At doesn't the lore on one of the D1 Ghost Shells say that Ghosts can reconfigure their shape at will? And now D2 shows us that it can even be drastic changes.
Ghost Dildo isn't out of the question I think.
Side note, you fucking KNOW Guardians are sexual deviants. They're immortals that never have to worry about disease or pregnancy, and they have stamina through the roof. You can bet the tower is full of people fucking in odd corners pretty much all of the time.
How is null calamity? The mercury AR.
I got mine to drop as a masterwork so i guess it has a fancy border.
>Not having a swarm of ghosts set to vibrate around your cock
enough to come out with a paid for SRL update later goydian
>implying it won't be an eververse item
>null calamity
It's a much shittier Gilliard-42. Use that Auto instead
We're going to get a blogpost apologizing for the lack of SRL this year and a reassurance that "Bungie is listening to community feedback". Then SRL shows up again in the next expansion.
No what, you fucking retard???
>Still working on my last verse.
>Only 3 nodes left.
So No what exactly?
5/6 NA PC Normal Raid
they're working on a way to make more money off SRL.
its only 11 you fucking imbecile
now fucking kill yourself you sperg
>InB4 SRL bugs out Crucible stats like it did in D1
>SRL™ event is added
>Bungie™ decides to add a Ranked version, where the stakes are high but the rewards are sweeter!
>Add a buy in of one consumable ticket per race
>Tickets can only be purchased with dust from the Eververse™ Shop or found through Bright Engrams
>SRL™ gear drops restricted to the Ranked playlist
>Those who finish in the Top 3 are guaranteed at least 1 SRL™ Item!
>95% of the time that drop is 2 SRL™ Exclusive Shaders
>No Sparrow horns
>New Sparrows are Eververse™ only
>See you on the speedways, Guardians! - dmg04
I know its eleven you moronic fuck My post didn't imply otherwise are you retarded or really dedicated to shitposting you fucking nigger.
>they made sure to replace the soccerball with a hockey puck that nobody will ever use
I swear they have a wheel of stuff to add into the game and their RNG is just as shit as all of ours
>Hey since we have 4 quests a week and there are only 11 nodes, maybe the 12th quest will be a shell.
>Why not?
How many times do you retards need to be told exactly that SRL is not a dawning event? It just happened to conicide with the dawning last time, it was its own event all along.
Literally never got to use the lfg website before. Cloudz#11764
That was my favorite part of the twitchcon stream.
>We hear you want more content, so here's what we're going to do
>Hockey and Snow Ball fights in the tower!
>>Bungie™ decides to add a Ranked version, where the stakes are high but the rewards are sweeter!
Why would Bungie do this when their Crucible rewards are all shit regardless of casual matchmaking or not?
>Ranked SRL
Would be nice.
Would be even nicer if we could bet on players to win and acquire bright dust if we bet right.
fuck off retard
so whats ???? then
a verse you pull out of your ass? did i hurt your feelings? ;(
are we having a meltdown now?should i call mommy?
>resorting do samefagging damage control
good job
are you alive?
Ironically it froze on my when i alt tabbed. Just logged back in
>so whats ???? then
??? + 3 = 11
That part?
The part where I clearly said ??? + 3 remaining nodes will make 11?
Oh I get it, you're the shitposter, you're getting better at this friendo.
are you retarded m8?
it would make 12 with the shell you fucking moron
That's my Sunsinger. Even the helmet wtf?
i took a large break from d2, getting back into things with CoO
would like to raid (i haven't touched the newer raid FYI) or nightfall, LL 320ish
PS4: SLS10
And in all honesty, how many of you solo'd your way to the Glass Throne?
Kabr is an extreme badass in basically all his iterations.
Praedyth gets trapped in the future where the Taken beat the Vex.
Pahanin gets ejected/wimps out.
At least two Kabr's make it to the past or future on their own, and a third can't beat the Templar, but enables us to. In all iterations he turns himself into a fucking powerful shield that also somehow positions itself in a way to prevent Venus from being turned into Mercury.
In conclusion, Kabr is a consummate badass that has done exceptional amounts of MEANINGFUL damage to the Vex, and he did it basically all by his goddamn self.
Kabr, my Titanbros, is /our guy/.
Xbox 5/6 Atheon challenge.
Isn't Kabr "Legionless" not because he solo raided VoG, but because his fire team got retroactively removed from existence?
Isn't that what drives him fucking nuts in the end? He's alone, but the things he'd done to get where he was could not have been done by himself.
nice thread
4/6 for lair
He was Legionless because he wasn't part of any Titan order
I'm down
throw me an invite por favor
I miss when this was relevant
I can't wait for the D2 writers to say that his sacrifice was actually a Warlocks idea, and that Warlock was only partially erased and is still somehow fucking with the Vex.
>Every week we get 4 quests.
>There are 11 weapons and one exotic we don't know the source of.
>Propose that the exotic will be a fourth quest on week 3.
>Fuck off retard.
>N-nice t-thread.
Too late for damage control now shitlord.
Well, he was following Osiris's teachings, but I like the idea of Titans following studies and the like.
Make sure you buy solver, goym.
There were six of them, most got erased completely by harpies.
>He was Legionless because he wasn't part of any Titan order
>He's Legionless because he wasn't a part of an order.
>Kabr the Orderless
Nah, he was Kabr the Legionless because his team got nullified.
>he thinks that there is only one person who thinks that hes a retard
Who are you quoting, user?
Me. I was one of them, and you'll never know the achievements I accomplished.
Every guardian is a small army unto themselves so 6 has to be close to a legion.
Its not Kabr the Legion you retarded fuck, its Kabr the legionless.
Yeah, but with the current team sucking warcock, its a disappointingly distinct possibility that if they have use VoG for anything again, the team of 6 included a warlock named Tom who was wiped from everyone's memories but lived on as part of the time stream and influenced Kabr into sacrificing himself, foreseeing a team of Guardians in the future that would be able to stop the Vex due to his sacrifice. Or some shit like that.
Soooooo truuuuuuueee, "he was really just trying to be osiris- cause only osiris can do things in destinyverse"
I know Cayde can give me weapons from factions, but can he also give armor pieces from factions?
Yes, the real question is 'do the faction drops match the planet of flashpoint?'
Tbh- mine always match, but don't know if thats normal.
>but can he also give armor pieces from factions?
why is sagira so based?
He can, that's how I got my Io chest on Hunter.
What time does Xiv show up now? They changed reset on me and it's fucked my whole schedule.
hello pls one for normal raid at gauntlet NA PC
Does anyone have the selfie emote with saints body picture?
Well this is something I guess.
Noon for east coast, fuck if I know the rest
>Simplified Mod system
Has anyone asked for this? We want a more complex mod system with more depth
He corrected it to "streamlined," later. I would assume that means there not being 200 different class ability cooldown or grenade energy mods that do the same thing but have requirements like head/solar. Instead there would just be a universal class ability cooldown mod.
Got you senpai
He said faction you moron, not planet.
Future War Cult, Dead Orbit, New Monarchy. He can't.
i'm all for the 'more interesting' part, myself.
how many of the prophecy fuckers do ytou get from heroic mercury adventures
is it going to be exponentially slower doing that compared to regular strikes
He said *Streamlined in a response when someone asked why he meand by simplified.
Like taking all the identical mods and making them universal, what the fuck is the point of Hunter cloak healing mod, Warlock bond healing mod, Hunter mark healing mod, when all 3 grant the exact same amount of recovery, consolidate them into a single class item healing mod, shit like that.
You can have a streamlined system that's still deep (see: perk rolls on armor sets in D1). Current mod system is extremely messy and super shallow.