LAST opportunity to become a millionaire buying LTC right now.
LAST opportunity to become a millionaire buying LTC right now
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chink meme words to sell bagholders at ATH
buy the bean
You can still drop your memes for the only solid altcoin.
>buying at an all time high
i will enjoy catching that falling knife thank you
Into the camps you go!
It's going to moon:
-solid reputation, no shitcoin
-coinbase soon
-possible lightning network
Why aren't more people buying Litecoin right now if apparently segwit is as goold as through?
We aren't buying your bags faggot
Ive got to be at least close to retarted to expect myself with little to no knowledge in fluctuating or developing cryptocurrencies to join in on this.
But I have been learning about LTC recently.
(I followed bitcoin after it picked up popularity, long after millionaires had been started)
Of course I'd like to make money, who wouldn't.
would you bros suggest I just lurk or should I take action?
I started working online in November and I am trying to capitalize on my time spent online...
thx all
Because that Segwit tracker posted in the op has already been up for weeks.
Segwit approval is not new news.
You'd be retarded not to buy now, segwit is coming and we're in a small dip. I bought a few months ago, whatever happens I'm making a profit
Its activation is, just a few days ago Jihad Wu was blocking its activation and crashing the coin with no survivors.
thanks for the help brother.
Ill keep looking into it, A bit hard for me to do so right now.
>not even sure how to go about buying in desu
>poorfag fulltime college kid
>already juggeling 3 jobs, needing to make more
>doing all the research I can
thx all
coinbase, deposit euro or usd
buy bitcoin
go to gdax
login with coinbase
buy litecoin with bitcoin
It's not novel though. That news is already priced in; nobody expects the developers to go against the will of the miners, despite Jian being a fuckwit. Therefore it was only a matter of time before Segwit implementation.
Buy the rumor, sell the news. The rumor would have been the uncertainty period prior to seeing miner approval statistics for Segwit. The news is knowing there's overwhelming approval, so the expectation is Segwit will be implemented. Only buy now if you're in LTC for the long haul. I'd go so far as to say wait for the Segwit implementation dip, if you want to maximize your investment.
thank you very much
if this is worth it.....
If you cannot afford to possibly lose some money you should not get into crypto. I have a lot of confidence in LTC, but if you're juggling 3 jobs just to get by this might not be for you.
fuck off chinks
or buy now, sell just before the approval and buy the dip
The community and dev were willing to blow the whole thing up and go uasf. Up till a few days ago there were a lot of possible futures for ltc ranging from a smooth activation of segwit to a uasf-induced civil war.
>LAST chance to sell before the dump when segwit is activated
remember to sell the news once segwit gets activated
but youll probably have to sell sooner as everyone else is thinking of the same thing
>he still believes that there will be a dump and not a pump
You are reading things backward as the technical incompetent you are. Enjoy being poor.
There will be a fucking huge PUMP once it locks in. You want it to correct to buy cheap, but reality against your agenda.
LTC is the only coin that will get segwit + lightning networks + Bitcoin Core back software. Use your brain to guess if it's not undervalued currently you dumb autist.
>Enjoy being poor.
every time someone says this to me they've always been the poor one. ive probably sold more litecoins than you'll ever own.
bitcoin locking up didn't make anyone jump over to litecoin even though it was basically bitcoin with 4x the capacity. segwit has no reason to be any different. its just good news for bitcoin long term, and a nice pump&dump for litecoin short term.
at this point litecoin can't really do anything to attract the international market. china owns it. just look at how segwit got activated.
>bitcoin locking up
>locking up
This isn't a "SegWit activation is going to cause a momentary bump in price" situation.
The real dynamic here is the fact that the demand for Litecoin is increasing, and will increase. People are going to be buying more and reading more about Litecoin to see how the SegWit technology performs. Litecoin just got added to Coincheck and will be added to Coinbase too. There is going to be more hype around this coin than ever before, this could help solve the segwit debate in Bitcoin.
If you bought when this video told you to buy you would already be up 37%:
>can't even do 2 seconds of research
And that's why you bought shitbeans.
it did for people with wallets that didn't scale tx fees, but all the hysteria about blocks being full just didnt push anyone over to use litecoin's completely empty blocks. this time won't be any different.
this is what people said 2 years ago when bitcoin was having scaling issues and everyone thought people would move over to litecoin. nobody did. litecoin just isn't interesting to anyone anymore. why bother switching to litecoin when you could switch to something like ethereum?
any conversation about litecoin/segwit is going to be framed in the context of bitcoin. segwit on litecoin is short term bullish for litecoin, long term it's bullish for bitcoin. but long term the downtrend on litecoin will continue.
theres no more reason to get excited about segwit on litecoin than segwit on vertcoin.
can I get an invite to "xaviers discord"
thnx bby
People aren't going to switch to litecoin, I'm saying Litecoin will be a test for SegWit. And people testing it out will drive up the demand.
Why? You know nothing about it.
i must have misread then, yeah, people will be using it as testnet bitcoin. the problem is litecoin's blocks aren't close to full so there might be "demand" for testing segwit but its not going to push the price up other than people playing the pump and dump game.
I don't really see it that way, most of the people who buy cryptocurrencies are people that are involved in the cryptocoin community, scammers and gamblers are in the minority. Demand from the community is the only demand that matters.
Thank you for discussing this with me :)
Every LTC shilling thread:
Time to get comfy lads.
Bought in at $11 and holding
Suck my dick nocoiners
but where is the demand? right now litecoin is only used by the gamblers, the long term holders are out of the picture mostly.
careful paying attention to dollars instead of the bitcoin price. usd is fucky on exchanges because of the usdt shit going down.
GDAX concerts directly to USD, not usdt
what is this fucky thing? Is it a TPB reference?
i mean the usdt/bitfinex scenario is causing fluctuations in price across all exchanges due to people worried about more bank issues, or just arbitrage. it shouldn't affect litecoin as much, but if people start using litecoin to arb exchanges it might.
-Rothschilds bow to Bitbean
-In contact with aliens
-Possess psychic-like abilities
-Control France with an iron but fair fist
-Own castles & banks globally
-Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
-Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (beansburg will be be the first city)
-Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
-First designer babies will in all likelihood be bean babies
-both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
-They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
-You likely have beanbots inside you right now
-The Bitbean are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the bitbean bunker in Wilkes land?
what the actual fuck