Post the best propaganda you have
Post the best propaganda you have
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but thats not propaganda
I love this one
That's a nice one.
Question: If Nazis were all about white supremacy, why did they portray the KKK as negative here?
I love propoganda
isnt this poster from ww1?
They weren't about white supremacy
That comes from Americans imposing their contemporary race relations upon historical events.
The Nazis were GERMAN supremacists
I don't think so? Wouldn't the peak of KKK relevance be in the 1920s?
they did have two peaks, didnt they?
They weren't white supremacists
They were German supremacists. They hated Slavs.
This one is rare
The 20s and 60s?
I dont get it desu. Are they shooting babies out of the MG?
Oops I posted this image in the wrong thread, sorry
I need to organize my folders
A classic
Did Mexico even send any troops to Europe?
They werent though, hitler even hated america for what they did to the natives
>when propaganda is also the truth
Fuck off with this bullshit. The German Nazis sterilised mixed children who were born their due to the French occupation of the Ruhr in 1923.
Stop with this "black nazi" memery.
>You will never live in Nietscheburg
Feels bad man
Anyone have the one about aussies abroad getting cucked by American servicemen?
Based Uncle Sam
there were SS officers held at allied POW camps who were amazed and disgusted by how white american soldiers treated black american soldiers.
What's that skull he's holding?
Who is Bernhardiburg named after?
Racing cup presumably
I will never understand why the West wanted to destroy such a noble nation.
Need to be pretty fucking dense to not understand it. It implies that children were given birth just to die in the war.
In short, throwing lives away.
It just demonstrates how the US is hypocritical. It doesn't change the fact the Nazis believed in the superiority of the white, aryan race.
Plus, just because you feel whites are superior to blacks doesn't necessarily mean you have a visceral hatred of blacks.
Soviet anti nuclear propaganda is surprisingly well thought out.
more cute
these 2 are some of my favorites
2/2, apparently it translates to "for every bullet, one German"
>tfw we will never again have gritty posters
Tfw live in Zeppelinburg
>Although most American countries eventually entered the war on the Allies' side, Mexico and Brazil were the only Latin American nations that sent troops to fight overseas during World War II.
Their President in the '30s, Cardenas, was a huge advocate for democracy, with Mexico and the USSR being the only two countries to officially aid the Republican government in Spain. Even though Cardenas left office in 1940, he continued to push for Mexico to remain close to the Allies.
They did more to fight the Japanese, but they were a harder target to criticize for a nation with no colonies in Asia. Nazis, on the other hand...
For more on Mexico in the Pacific Theater:
Did you get that from the /int/ thread about ww1?
Pretty fucking cool.
Does it get much talk in Mexico or no?
Don't know if its propaganda or just a political cartoon but I love Meiji in it
>Star and crescent
thank comrade skeltal
>white supremacy
Why is it not in Cyrillic?
I don't mind that new map of Australia
Very nice
Ehh, they would have been very happy to support it, "western" nation versus gommunist in a fight for survival. It just so happened the Gommunist were black and this was during the era of black liberation, so it would not have gone down well pr wise. Rhodesia had it's own version of Apartheid, and an era where Blacks had just got their freedom at home, supporting someone who does not give them freedom and instead fights them would have caused mass outcry on the level of Vietnam. If only they knew what would happen to the poor little nation, the African's have only suffered under Mugabe, black or not.
I'l start dumping all that I have. May god give me easy captchas.
Looks like something outta S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
this one is great