Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

stupid sexy reaper Edition

For New Players :
>Welcome to Heroes of the Storm!

What's New? :
>Winter Veil 2017
>Celebrate the coolest holiday in the Nexus with new Skins, a Quest, and more!
>Ends January 8th

>Stealth rework, Laning changes, Performance-based MMR, Laning updates, and more!

>Alexstrasza, the Life-Binder
>Hanzo, Master Assassin

Community Resources :
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>Tier lists are effective guidance tools, but should never be blindly followed

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Where can I find fellow players to group up with and discuss the game? :
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Can't even wait for the last thread to reach the post limit, you fucking toddler?

>making new threads way early for dead game slow as fuck generals


>zeratul, valeera, nova in every game x2

>zeratul garbage pre 16, ridiculous post 20
>samuro ok, needs buffs to his illusions but e build is strong
>nova ok, slow maybe a bit too strong, can easily kite lots of shit
>valeera broken as shit

waifu poll


>silent all game
>one late game mistake
>"that was 3v5 gg"
>guy who caused wipe "no"
>after game
>get paragraph long angry whisper
why are people so fragile in thisworld


How do I git Gud?
I mostly understand hero interactions, and when to take which talents, but it just feels like my mechanical skills aren't there.

>generic shattrath guard NPC (female ver. #1 of 2)
is this supposed to be an important character? blizz is getting real bad at this

newfag posts like 56 early 2 days ago
>i sleep
>post 25 early to get links right

>mfw I forgot that one guy was a Butcher main

Bets ?

new hero reveal fucking when

>a fucking exarch
>generic guard NPC
user please

next week probably

My bet is on red.
They have the Hard CC and burst to really fuck you up if they can single out heroes.

how big will they make her bulge is the real question

Good, I can NOT fucking wait

draenei are masters of the tuck

My dad works at Blizzard North.
They're adding Archimonde next, to build hype for the next WoW expansion.

bigger than tychus

>Butcher not completing his stacks until 11 minutes into game
>Valeera derpy and walking into our team
>MVP Alex btw

I didn't pop my first dragon until ~12 minutes into the game, because there wasn't anything to heal.

holy shit im leveling supps to level 5 for christmas loot boxes and it feels awful to play, if your team is worthless there is literally nothing you can do to win the game, i went stim on morales because i had a hammer but the hammer refused to teamfight the entire game.
how do support cucks play this game?

Play Kharazim or Tyrande.

well we used to do double support but now we are healbots

stop playing like a wow support every button needs to be clutch unless you are li li

>hype expansion 9-12 months before it comes out

>QM 5-stack is murderballing over your entire team.
>Picked Alarak
>Finish level 1/4 E/Q quests instantly.
>Hit level 10.
>Teamwipe everything three times over.

For once, the snowball retardation worked in my favor.

holy shit i hate fukcing morales (playing her) im just trying to get her to 5 for lotboxes but at this point im just a clicking down mid and alt tabbing and watching the dota summitt

>play valeera
>stomp pubs
>get mildy thrashed in ranked
so whats the consensus on stealth right now

way better than before

really not much different for anyone else. always going to be some dumbass that wants to solo a fort a 20 min rather than rotate up for 30 seconds and crush the team you are holding 4v5.

pubs what? stop playing like it's qm without tanks and support then she's okay. be more patient. the consensus is still overextended people are stupid like it was before. they buffed them all for pretty much nothing.

Monsters in QM if people on your team are mentally handicapped, mediocre in ranked. Zeratul is probably gonna get a healthy dose of the nerf stick though, that new heroic is strong as hell.

>cannot ever run from zeratul no matter what
>samuro now chunks your HP if you can't guess fast enough which is the real one/get lucky
>valeera can kill 99% of the roster in 2.75seconds
>nova is still fucking nova but better

Is now valeera better with all the silence shit?

Yes all the gms are abusing her

How do I build azmodan in 2017

Valeera may legit be a secret weapon in pro games against Genji because the silence is so long

stitches build?

i build super tanky boi but i suck ass at this game.

>be decent at Nova, but not find her very fun due to how easy it is to rek qm scrubs
>because despite this you can still lose games because no waveclear (never go anything but one in the chamber on old nova)
>new nova has much more build diversity
>invisible lets you position yourself to not only give vision, but pick off stragglers once a teamfight has broken out easier than before
>new decoy super useful - actually can fool people - literally win teamfights by making the enemy team think they've got an easy gank and waste all their cooldowns on it
>precision strike is a global instant kill on low mobility heroes trying to retreat (also can easily win teamfights by forcing their carry dps to either eat huge damage or be forced out of position)
>can now waveclear as level 16 super well

Nova is ridiculous now. Probably overall worse just considering how bad people were at spotting stealth before, but she's wayyyy more fun imo.

Maximize usage of invisibility
Never EVER go triple tap you're practically throwing if you do
Put the decoy just out of their vision radius. It's invis until it shoots now so it's almost impossible to tell (other than by the damage they take) that it's not the real nova until they've blown 18 cooldowns on it.
And along with the above; don't reveal yourself unless you're gonna get a kill if there's even .1% chance of a teamfight. Making them waste cooldowns with holo is much more valuable to the team than wasting all of your cooldowns on trash damage.

so how do you combo with the garrote valeera build posted here?
i was so used to subtlety and initiative and now i realize that without them i rarely manage to hit a 3 combo points eviscerate early on.

> psionic-storm.com/en/calculateur-de-talents/stitches/4-3-4-1-2-1-3/
Pick Dampen at lvl 1 if they have burst mage, it works everytime.

Nephalem reeeeeee

>Double support
>Greymane Hypercarry

Promo game, bets ?

Depends on whether Nazeebo gets bullied out of lane enough or not.

>Malth with Physical armor
>Dreidel portrait

>just reached diamond after grinding whole night
>they shut down ranked and my rank disappears
they said they reset the rank only for a select few people who had the bug right?
i should be clear if i was placed plat when i was plat last season right?

>when the forced 50 hits
Alright what will be my losing streak?

You can do your placements tomorrow

From what I noticed, the holo actually destealths now instead of just 'appearing'.

>Want to do 4man roams
>Doesn't do them
>Early game is awful

I played so awful, we could've lost the game cause of me, constantly missing Es, I think I had 29k healing, while both Kharazim, and Lucio were in the 40ks. Diamond 2 tho, so I'll take it.

If there's a just and righteous god? Never.

Tirion Fordring is a prime candidate for the next Warcraft hero. He's past due. He's also a PERFECT Retribution Paladin.

>altars every minute and a half

they are reseting the HL as we speak

>in the year of 2017 almost 2018
>people still let murky solo lane for the first objective
>everytime this happends he will get an early as fuck fort and will secure lvl 10 for his team first

No one wants to be on Murky duty.

>another human
>old paladin dude at that
no thanks

Im always on murky duty as long as its someone that the team doesnt need for the first obj, like a buriser or an assassin.


So this is the best current build for valeera?

I've been using this and seems quite effective but it feels weird having to use always silence first.

The potions are supposed to really good now.

Why did it take blizzard so long to figure this out? The game is finally fair.

I use the potion built when we need peel, it works pretty good. I kept slowing them down with they dived our hammer and they got shit on.

I can't see a reason why you wouldn't take crippling poison at 1, especially for that option


What the heck did you do, majority of the time, I can only get 240. The losses though are great. My lowest was -163. New system is great.

Yeah I should try that.

Try this build out, I'm lvl 60+ valeera. I've used like 5 different builds with her and this is my current go to build.

I got over 250 3 times today. I notice with my support (my usual role) I get about half the adjustment. Assassin I usually get about 230, but my specialist I get by far the most.

Sure does, that's the crux of the "new nova playstyle" basically. Makes her even more tricky than Samuro, just because people expect it from him.


It's not bait youre just a valeera noob. It's her AA build. It has silence for the mages, crazy high sustained dps (for melting tanks), AND it's her tankiest build too. Dunno why I'm even sharing it with you.

who is best stealth now

Post Rank and I'll believe you.

and here is the alternative version to this build, they're both about the same, except this one has a bit more tank punishing and better range for escapes.

New nova is just complete cancer to play against
I've seen her in probably 5 games now and she has died a combined total of 3 times across all 5 games

By the time you
a) acknowledge she's there
b) deduce where/which is the real clone
and c) get in range to do something about her
she's already backing away, entering stealth, and getting her mounted movement speed

What is this?



I just got the Fallen Junkrat skin and have been getting a bunch of stuff related to him, so I'm gonna say that.

I been diamond 4 seasons in a row, I'll be master now that they did the mmr rework

Is the best value for my f2p gems (the 150 I get each 25 levels) to buy the 10,000 gold heroes when they're 50% off gem prices for 375?
I'm assuming f2p pretty much don't get enough to buy the next hot skins since they're bundle-exclusive and not singular


>win ranked after they enabled it again
>get this

how do you stick to tagets after you jump them without crip?
and how badly do you feel the -1 SS range hurts your escape?


If you play enough the stimpaks are worth more, assuming you don't have one active

Th best gem values are stimpacks and yes, buying legendary heroes on sale

The difference with AA build is mainly that you will run out of energy pretty fast and you will not be able to use 3 points on E instantly untul you reach level 16 and that's pretty late in any game.

The other build is incredibly dependant on abilities so anything disrupted makes you useless, the good shit is that at level 4 you can instantly stack 3 points with 2 abilities and do max damage with her E, if you run out of energy then you just use potion and repeat the combo.

Pick your poison.

>garrote at 20

this is a joke right?

You have to position more flanky or behind them, which is much easier with her rework. With her block up you can be pretty aggressive and frontline for a sec. It's all body blocks and positioning. I have 3 wins 0 losses since the patch in ranked with her.

forgot to mention i didn't get any rank points for this win either so you better avoid ranked for a while

Yea that's true. With her there is plenty of builds and styles to use, they all have their pro's and cons. I feel like this build will rise to fame soon though.

only if the joke is you murdering them

But on what situation you use AA build and on what situation you use the Ability damage build?

She's basically a support now, though. If you just waste your time trying to kill her she's already won, sort of like Tassadar. Best to just target her team, and be sure your tanks are inbetween her and your supports, which is a lot easier than it sounds.

The main issue with nu-nova is you can't reposition without revealing yourself, so when you go invis (actual invis) you commit to a location. This means any team with a strong frontline can either body block your effectiveness (read: garrosh) and if you're in a position where you're flanking the enemy team they can just pounce on you and kill you (read: garrosh)

AA for double War as a rule of thumb. AA build goes well with uther and burst heals. If they are squishy asf def go with an ability build though.

>Last season ended Plat 2
>Highest D5
>Go 5-5 place D5
>65%+ winrate as Alex
>Before reset got D2

Pls tell me everyone got reset. I don't want to go back to the hellhole Plat is.

can anyone confirm if its a global problem and not only me getting buttfucked?

Shoo shoo blizz jew