Which American president killed most Americans?
Which American president killed most Americans?
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Andrew Jackson
reservations were sovereign and most of the people he killed never gained citizenship so he didn't technically kill the most americans
lincoln, but at least half of them deserved it
>american citizens
You didn't specify that.
Bush did 9/11.
The joke is he cummed so much the amount of sperm (potential Americans) lost is more than every war's casualties.
It's not a very good joke.
Wasn't it
>Franklin "We have to save Judea from the Germans" D. Roosevelt?
No I mean he *personally* killed a man, Charles Dickinson, in 1806. I was under the mistaken impression that no other president had done that. But I now see that Grover Cleveland personally executed two men when he was a sheriff. So I change my answer to Grover Cleveland.
I'm pretty sure Washington probably killed some men during his military career. Also other presidents who were soldiers.
Several presidents have been in combat and so conceivably could have killed people, but it's still unlikely unless confirmed, e.g. Teddy Roosevelt shooting that retreating Spaniards in the back. But the question was about killing Americans, not just killing anyone.
I thought about smiling but decided it was only worth a reply
He literally did 9/11
Like how how did he literally do it?
He wasn't on the plane you stupid sack of shit, how the fuck could he have LITERALLY done it?
Lincoln obviously, but it was completely justified
He did it to invade Iraq for the oil. Does it really matter how he did it, if we already know his reasons for why he did it?
but they didn't even attempt to connect it to Iraq if they did it for that purpose.
Got them involved in WW1 and caused WW2 with his lenient Versailles
>He wasn't on the plane
But how can you be sure?
I though Bush invaded Iraq because of le WMD meme
Truman was an artillery commander in WW1
jackson killed multiple people in duels, and once killed a would be assassin, so total personal kill count outside of war is probably jackson
he just took advantage of a shitty thing that fell into his lap under his presidency and invaded a random middle eastern country that had oil and gold reserves, fueled easily by american anger and ignorance at "that general area over there!!". when life gives you lemons, go steal a bunch of gold and oil.
He probably pulled a Bane and left before crashing the plane.
The president during the civil war, Abraham Lincoln.
You mean the Yankee soldiers?
Of course. The other half weren't American. :^)
> lenient Versailles
Clemenceau, is that you?
Andrew Jackson fought in countless duels and always aimed for the heart. Must have had quite a body count by the time he died.
If we're talking about war losses, then Lincoln, obviously.
Bush Jr.