Now that the dust has settled, let's reflect on the latest tulip mania and its victims. Did they actually believe bean "money" could work?
BITB Postmortem Discussion
Fuck off FUD shill
Money is temporary
Beans are forever
Next suicide is going to be ETH. Glad I'm out.
Bean is alive and well thank you.
BITB is the cringiest crypto since Coinye West. It hardens back to the cut and paste crypto days of 2013, all of which were SHIT, and all of which are gone (except LTC)
It's down 21% in the last 24 hours. You shills are just sad.
>Coin rises in value from 11 to 40 in a few days. Hold at a bottom of 23.
>coin is dead
Yeah whatever dickhead.
Expect a moon mission and you ain't invited.
>Bean money could work?
Why couldn't it? You see, you all keep banging on about memecoins/shitcoins and keep saying "don't invest", then these coins end up mooning. All I detect from you idiots is fear, fear that you might lose $100 dollars, but it's that mindset that keeps you poor.
You are negative nancies who don't want other people to profit, mainly because you hate yourselves and your own miserable lives.
Don't bother with "I have successful portfolio and amazing job and make millions a year"
>down 20% in one day
Damn. Hahahaha you fucking losers, I'm glad I never bought in.
SJWs tried to make an impact and failed again I think this was supposed to connect to Antifa and Mexican pride against Trump but they don't realize nobody cares about them. Veeky Forums is a board for making money and maybe a little bit of MAGA but mostly making money. Go back to your women's studies classes beanfags
It's still higher than when I bought it, so how could I be sad? You nocoiners really know nothing at all. It will go up soon guaranteed.
do these coins prey on third worlders? kids with their moms credit cards? just who is dumb enough to fall for these scams but also has more than zero dollars?
Bitter faggots, people sold and made massive profits, they then buy in again, and it keeps rising and rising and rising and rising.
You will be sitting here in a year saying the same thing when Bitbean is at 1000 sats "eetz a skam guise, dun invesssst u r reetardzzzz"
it'll pump back to 40 today and then it'll dump
Still has great fucking potential, small crashes always happen when coins moon
This shit haven't stopped, it was just landing quickly for some more fuel
We going back up fuckers and I'm not even shilling, check the website for the dev updates coming THIS WEEK
I've invested all I my cryptocurrency in bitbean, buy now when it's cheap
>beans dead
>still 14 sats higher than what I paid for it
It's literally as fast as PIVX and has a way better logo / community, so I really don't get why everyone is so butt blasted about this coin. I think they see the raw potential of the bean's cuteness and get really upset for some reason.
Can't stop thinking about those beans.
so basically the whole thing is a ponzi scheme, greater fool scam, and you claim that of the $500000 that is BITB market cap people made mad gains. what would those gains be? $50? $500? is there enough liquidity to cash out? is there any way to time such a joke? why not just go to a roulette wheel?
Dude you said you were almost bankrupted by Dogecoin. And that you're now investing your dad's money in another coin. Ever thought about that you're getting scammed here?
Nocoiners will never buy because they like being poor and living with their parents for their whole lives. They're like babies so they always need their mommy next to them to change their diapers.
If you really think that bitb died, then, can you spare some?
isn't this like the best time to buy beans because 14 sats?
Lehman still has great fucking potential, small crashes always happen when banks moon
This shit haven't stopped, it was just landing quickly for some more fuel
We going back up fuckers and I'm not even shilling, check the website for the Federal Reserve updates coming THIS WEEK
I've invested all I my portfolio in lehman, buy now when it's cheap
who didn't fall for the bean here?
I'll admit I bought some. you got some of my money libtards but you won't get more we're building a wall to keep beans out
Don't listen to the liberal shills we are nationalist beaners who are actively combating the Clinton Foundation
Yeah we up again fags
I almost bought them but then I thought "Am I really about to spend my money on internet beans with a logo I could draw in MS paint in 5 minutes?"
I shilled the bean for free so idiots fall for it.
I fell for it and gained €200, thanks bro