How powerful was Russia by the time Moscow became Third Rome? And did that title carry that Russia is Roman Empire 2.0 after the Byzantine? And is Rome (in Italy) a "holy" place for the Eastern Orthodox like Antioch and Constantinople are?
How powerful was Russia by the time Moscow became Third Rome? And did that title carry that Russia is Roman Empire 2...
>Moscow became Third Rome
>Third Rome
>medieval Bulgarians come up with the Cyrillic
>medieval Bulgarians come up with the title tsar
>medieval Bulgarians come up with the idea of a Third Rome
fast forward 1000 years
>Moscovites are now a big scary country and people think they were anything important back in the day
"Third Rome" is a meme, it's not an actual title.
>medieval Bulgarians come up with the Cyrillic
Greek monks created Cyrillic.
>medieval Bulgarians come up with the title tsar
Greek Emperor first bestowed title of Caesar on Bulgarian khagan.
>medieval Bulgarians come up with the idea of a Third Rome
So yeah, Russians just took all that good Greek stuff Bulgarians were busy emulating for centuries.
But those first two things are wrong and you shouldn't write stuff you know nothing about for the only purpose of appearing smart on an anonymous board.
>medieval Bulgarians come up with the Cyrillic
*bastardize Greek
*bastardized Phoenician
>Roman Empire version #986489486583697754210
>Greek monks created Cyrillic.
You're probably thinking of Cyril and Methodius, who actually created the Glagolic alphabet. Pic related, nothing like the Cyrillic, which was named after Cyril, because his disciples (Bulgarians) created the Cyrillic alphabet. But don't feel like an idiot, it's a popular mistake people make.
you should go look up Saints Cyril and Methodius before you spout bullshit on an anonymous board
>Moscow became Third Rome
You should kill yourself for being a retard when Nature gave you a brain and circumstances gave you a computer with Internet and the ability to check stuff.
I'm pretty sure they taught me in school that Methodius created Glagolic and Cyril created Cyrillic, but it looks like scholarly consensus shifted since then and you are actually right.
It has always been known who did what. It's just people ASSUME it was Cyril because the alphabet is called Cyrillic.
Also it triggers me so much when they have monuments or icons of Cyril and Methodius with them holding stuff written in Cyrillic.
OP here, I know a lot of you are eager to post your meme pics and green text you've been waiting to use for weeks but nothing of what I said is a "I think this is it so it is 100% true" that's not it, as much as memes are welcome they are not appreciated. Big thanks for the doable answers I gotten so far?
this shit is gold
Moscow is not a third Rome. It's something the Russian propaganda uses so that the people there can feel better about their shithole. They literally memed their way into "We wuz byzantines"
>but nothing of what I said is a "I think this is it so it is 100% true"
>How powerful was Russia by the time Moscow became Third Rome?
At least you could have said "by the time Moscow claimed to be" or "was considered by some to be"
Fair enough, just put down the first wording to come to mind.
When 'third Rome' was coined, it used 'Rome' in a specific meaning as 'seat oh the Christian Emperor'.
By that measure after the fall of Byzantium, Moscow was about the only independent Christian state
Note : heretics claiming to be 'Catholics' can go apply themselves and their pope as well
So: it was not a statement of power or the height of civilization. It was declaration of the theocratic agenda pushed onto Great Princes/Tsars by the church, translated into common language as 'go beat up Tatars and poles'
My english is very bad and I thoight you said circumcision
Shieeeeeeeeeeeeeet nigga
The title "third Rome” was coined by Ivan IV, whose grandma was a neice of the byzantine Empra, that's also why he got himself the title "Tsar".
I can't say how seriously other countries took it (not seriously at all probably), but in Russia itself it was used for bolstering nationalism, expansionism and sense of brotherhood with other orthodox nations (like Serbia), but all of that happened years later.
If you want to know how powerful Russia was when the claim was declared look into Ivan IV biography. It just began emerging as a regional power and the time of troubles beginning soon after Ivan's death didn't help it either.
Yeah, Rome is one of the pentrarchy cities.
i love this
>I can't say how seriously other countries took it (not seriously at all probably)
He claimed to be a direct descendant of Augustus. Needless to say no one took him or Russia seriously until they became a power.
How can one person survive such a magnitude of wrongness?
> The title "third Rome” was coined by Ivan IV
Wrong. It was coined in times of his grandfather by one of church's elders
>no Roman Poland-Lithuania
>Moscow was about the only independent Christian state
>Ethiopian Empire
Also ebin "Catholics aren't TrueChrsitians" meme
>Aquatic Roman Empire
My sides
No it quite literally is taught in schools this way.
They're both, actually.Mother was Greek and the Father was a Bulgarian Slav who went by the name of Leo, a lesser droungarious of Thessaloniki, I believe.
Also, both of their alphabets were somewhat based on Greek letters and pre-Christian Slavic writing, which is largely forgotten by now.