Comfy Crypto General

Hey Veeky Forumsnessmen, how's it going?

Buy any cool coins recently? Make a nice return? Looking for your next opportunity?

Why don't you come on in and chat for a minute. Maybe you can get some good ideas or give me some.

Want to make your first trade? Read this article:

Hearing a lot about POSW lately? Here's how you can get in on that action:

Tell me what you're curious about or want to know more about and I'll work on an article about it.

Otherwise, just tell me how you're hanging in there in this crazy world.

Other urls found in this thread:

Post holdings

I have 60,000

Just slowly accumulating XCP
bless me ke so I can buy MEME too

What's the fastest way to get BTC to an exchange?

On day 3 of waiting for Gemini to confirm my shit so I can buy some BTC and send it to Bittrex.

I also thought about maybe sending a couple ETH from my coinbase to my bittrex wallet and converting into BTC to buy with, but ETH is worth more on Coinbase versus Bittrex.

What do user? Just wanna make some comfy trades.

I have most of my portfolio in POSW and Pepecash.

I loaded up all the way from 4k to 17k on POSW, not bad but not great. POSW I have huge hopes for, almost a guaranteed win, should hit at least a $1 in a few months or so.

Pepecash already gave me big returns, but I'm still holding that bitch cause the game is coming out and when it does - BOOM.

I hold some XBY, purely speculative, big gamble but maybe it will pay off.

Also have some LEPEN/MCRN/FRN for the elections

dats about it for now

I've been following your website for a while, good stuff
Just moved my posw from cryptopia to posw staking. Was a little worried about them running off with the funds but they have a system running that profit a lot for them.

I bought the RLC ICO which was pretty neat.

Also, for any new coiners, my crypto guide is here:

>Was a little worried about them running off with the funds but they have a system running that profit a lot for them.

Exactly. It's in their absolute best interest to make the site and coin successful.

Do you have a credit card available? I would sign up on Coinbase and use their credit card payment option.

See here for that process explained more in-depth:

I would otherwise recommend just transferring your ETH from CB to Bittrex. Coinbase's default platform normally shows an inaccurate price, but you can see the "real" price when you go to sell. If the spread isn't crazy (it shouldn't be), I would just transfer the ETH rather than wait for BTC.

I'll definitely agree with this assessment-- for the time being, they have much more to gain by running a legitimate operation rather than taking their money and running.

Thanks for being a reader! Let me know if there's anything you'd like me to cover next otherwise I'll probably do something on masternodes next.

If they're ever stupid enough to pull something, the guy who registered POSW Holdings, LLC. in North Carolina in February is named Colin Blakely. He's 29-30 and earned his PhD from Michigan State.

That way we can find him and beat his ass