Are all bosses shit?

Entitled Millenial Fag, here.

I've been "in the workforce" for ten years, even through college.

Right now, I work at a radio station and I'm done by 1 p.m. because I come in at 5 a.m.

I decided to take a little side job as a grunt in a hobby shop.

I've been doing both for about four months now and I've never, not once, had a problem with either.

Well, the owner of the hobby shop asked me to be manager. It wouldn't come with any extra hours, just extra responsibilities while I'm there, and some extra money in my pocket.

I get excited and tell my radio boss and he hits me with this exchange:

>Me: "So I got a promotion at my other job."
>Boss: "Other job? user, you can't have another job."
>Me: "Why not?"
>Boss: "Because you need to be focused on your job here and only that. You can't have another job and do this one too."
>I assure him that the hobby shop owner is very chill and that the two will never affect each other and that I've been doing both for months
>He says I should have run it by him first before I took on a second job
>I apologize and tell him that I'll do better, but he shouldn't worry as it will all be fine
>He says "It better not affect your job here."
>I head home for the day

First, I was really defeated, but then I got fucking furious.

Like, what fucking business of his is it that I have a second job?

What if I wanted to coach little league or volunteer in my community or some shit like that?

Why the fuck do bosses think that they "own" their employees, body and soul included?

Is this an American thing, or is the whole world like this?

Do all Baby Boomers assume that Millenials should give up their lives and only work at one job until they die?

Fuck yes, I mad.

>mfw I just wanted to be happy

TL;DR The fuck is up with bosses, man?

If people want to bring you down, you're probably doing good.

Remember that, and take it as a compliment. Proceed doing 2 jobs.


Yeah, bosses are entitled as fuck, user.
Good for you though, taking on two jobs shows a lot of work ethic in my opinion.
I never understood bosses with this attitude. If you want your workers to be totally committed to their job then employ them full time and pay them to be totally committed.

lol i have two wagecuck jobs that are contstantly trying to schedule me on top of each other. they're both desperate for hours so nothing they can do tho

maybe ask the owner if you can try taking the promotion and working the second job for two weeks or a month. If conflict arises say you'll prioritize the radio one. if it works out, your good

Our generation is fucked, isn't it, guys?

prepared to get shit on for the remainder of your time at radio job.
>Opening up to coworkers or managers ever
This is why I just invent a completely fabricated life at work

It is. Working two jobs and barely making ends meet is common. Try to explain that to a baby boomer cunt, and they'll start their "Just bootstrap yourself" tirade. It's like we live in two different realities.

He's just power tripping and being an entitled cunt, next time he tries to talk shit you have to make sure he knows he has no say in your life outside of work and politely tell him to mind his own business or else he's gonna try and assert more control.

Radio is full of bitter losers. Don't worry about it user.

>boomers are sitting on properties worth hundreds of thousands
>boomers get paid by the govt to exist
>boomers own all the stock


No you didn't fuck up, that's a dick move by your boss. You sound like a good employee, which are extremely hard to come by, and berating a good employee for something that doesn't effect the job is never a good idea.

You may want to explore some sort of incentive-bonus option with the hobby shop (i.e. $X whenever Y units are sold or something to that effect, you'd know better than me) and dump the radio one if that's what they think of you.

Yes we are absurdly fucked.

>>boomers are sitting on properties worth hundreds of thousands

My mom's place is a roach trap that was worth peanuts when she bought it. Now the neighborhood has gentrified. I love her and I'll miss her, but when she dies, it's going to unroll a ladder into my pit for me.

>Like, what fucking business of his is it that I have a second job

It isn't, and yet you told him. Good job.

>be an entitled millennial liberal that doesn't understand loyalty
>disrespect elders
>get furious when they pass wisdom to you
hmmmmmm really makes ya think

Not all of them. Most forget there is a world outside of their business.

There is a sense of inflated ego where ever money exchanges hands. On every level of society, integrity evaporates like water on hot asphalt.

Your chance of finding a boss that keeps it real is the same chance of finding anyone other person that keeps it real. Fucking slim.

Loyalty is a two way street
If the company refuses to give you a contract why should you be loyal to them

What kind of lifestyle do you live where you piss away two salaries every month?

A boss can demand that this is your only job. But if he wants that to be the case, he should also compensate you appropriately.

It's that simple.

Low level bosses are pretty much invariably shit because of the Peter Principle. If they were competent enough to be low-mid level managers then they would have been promoted out, instead some of them were barely competent as workers and sought promotion up to the next level even though they were not competent enough for it.

That said. At my work they hire an external guy full time for 350 dollars per hour. And he has 7 businesses at the side.

Not sure how he manages all that. I barely have the time to do one job and one business at the side.

This and obviously hang out at the hobby shoo over the faggot nazi fcc ran ridio cuckery if they 2 should clash.

It really is. Even in the 80s mom babysat and dad worled a ton of hours wageslaving. We lived in a trailer park but never went without. Dickton of toys and going out every weekend doing shit. Now im poor as fuck and we both work

LOL your boss sounds like a typical corporate bitch in his 50s-60s. In IT they call it "moonlighting". Keep doing what youre doing OP, and fuck those dumb boomers, idiots love to put their nose where it doesn't belong.

this. ur a fucking idiot OP. dont ever treat people at work like a human being, u are just exposing vulnerabilities that they will try to prey on u dumb twat.

>uses words like dickton
>poor as fuck

The longer I work, the more I come to the understanding of how right you are. It's like some people really have nothing better to do than project their negative feeling about their life on their co-workers...

Your radio boss is a fucking tosser.
Don't let him control your hours outside your work.
Hell, don't even let him fully control you whilst at work.


What is this, South Korea/Japan?

Only a moron cares about employer loyalty.

Only people who matters are you and your friends/family. If you think your employers care about you, then you're a fucking idiot.

OPs boss is upset because he wants total dependence and obedience. By having two incomes OP is not dependent which shatters the boss's feeling of absolute power.

>poor as fuck.

I wouldn't say that. I tried my hand at sales and college and shit. Way happier being blue collar and flailing around with baby's first investments. Wife works full time. I work overtime. Live off half and invest half in our rental properties right now.

Currently getting paid to shitpost.

So, are you mad that you have to get a job now that Trump took away your Neetbux or are u just asspained in general?

Your boss is fool.

Your resignation letter should read "over and out".

Easy there Ahmed we don't treat our kuffar like you do in Sweden

Your boss is trying to tell you you need to focus on your career, not some shitty retail position in a "hobby shop." There's nothing wrong with your boss' attitude

This reminds me of a funny thing that happened at work the other day.

The floor where I work is a hot dealing floor. This means you take any desk you want in the morning and at the end of the day you pack up the desk completely and store your stuff in the provided locker.

This may sound retarded but the upside is that the floor is kitted out with nice raisable desks, good chairs and super wide curved monitors. Also there is a faucet in the kitchen that pours coffee and hot chocolate, as in the coffee machine is built into the desk.

Anyway, I am working there with a team of three people and I need to mentor them as they work so we need to sit together.

Basically we have moved location three times while we were there because it is hard to get a group of three seats together. I usually arrive late because I am up late reading retarded shit on the internet.

Anyway, we are in the third location, and it is not a great one because we are backed by the open room meaning people could see our screens easily, of course this doesn't happen but the seat is not great.

Anyway, some guy started working on the floor and he took one of the three seats that we are using. One of our guys was not there when he started so he was able to start using the seat.

So one morning I come in and my two teammates are there and this random dude had put his access card down on the desk but he wasn't there.

So I decided to set my stuff up there and use the desk and explain why when he came back.

So an hour later I'm all set up and I'm in conversation with my team mate and the guy shows up, puts his stuff down then sees my stuff and goes "uh".

So I off handily tell him I had to take the desk. Then he says he will go. Then I say " it's the nature of hotdesking", trying to make light of the situation.

Then he got pissed off and demanded I say sorry, and he said if I had said sorry he would have just walked away.

I see that he is throwing a tantrum over the whole thing...

To continue, he is throwing a tantrum and saying I should say sorry, that someone like me isn't going to say sorry and that if I had sorry he would have walked away.

Then he walks right up to me and demands again that I say sorry. And I plainly tell him "No, because offense is taken not given." Then he continues to carry on asking where he can sit and I just tell him sit on the other side of the office and eventually he left.

But then later that day the office manager came to me and told me I was a seat stealer. Or something like that, but what the hell, we need three seats and he guy called me a jerk to my face. I don't see how that is an allowable thing.

My next plan is to get there early and claim all three seats and if he says anything I'll be like " This is rightful clay. Deus Vult!"

Also to note, the guy is a foreigner, British. And I am Australian in Australia.

Tl;Dr -- Hotdesking offices: getting into nigh fist fights with random corporate dudes over seats and not backing down because you don't know who the fuck they are or why they sat down next to you. Coming to a workplace near you.

>muh loyalties

Company loyalty has been dead as long as those first batch of vietnam troops that got fucked. wana know why? ever increasing paychecks for higher ups while worker wages stagnated. Im sorry we cant work your completely fizzled out job of delivering fuicking milk for 5 dollars an hours in 1972 thats relatively near 15 dollars now due to inflation. seriously fuck the boomers, entitled liberal elitists, i hope they fucking dismantle the shit out of your social security scam.

also, any true person who is educated here has experience with the whole "we would like a young person with a masters but 10 years of experience" meme. But hey what do i know im just a dumb millenial who has to deal with ALL the shit you faggots broke from being greedy

That's called consulting, it's a sweet gig. You get really good at something you can do for whoever and then rent yourself to anyone who needs that job done for single project duration. If it's cheaper to pay one outsider $350/hr than it is to shuffle and delay your own employees and their own projects for however long it would take all of them to do it, they'll go with the consultant.

>Works 2 jobs
Unlikely 2bh famygdala. Unless you're not an Americuck and mean liberal in the sense that it actually means rather than the modern definition which basically means communist

You sound autistic

Lol the guy is a retard, you can't just take a desk and walk away.

>Also to note, the guy is a foreigner, British. And I am Australian in Australia.
Bring one of those giant but relatively harmless spiders and throw it at him as his welcome to Australia kek.


Buddy I make minimum wage and my boss is a vapid cunt, I show up 5 minutes early and do my job to the letter but they don't pay me enough to get emotionally invested in their shit.

An owners loyality is to their bottom line, why should mine be any different? Don't fuck anyone over but don't get too sentimental.

>Do all Baby Boomers assume that Millenials should give up their lives and only work at one job until they die?

Pretty much. Don't listen to them. Literally learned this when I was 24. DON'T. LISTEN. Sounds like what an edgy teenager thing would say... bu they were right.

Same here broham, I did debt collection for awhile but hated same for working at a non profit. That was a good job but was not worth the time. I work at a warehouse and truth be told I love it

>Is this an American thing, or is the whole world like this?

East Europe here. It is American thing. No one here gives a shit what you do after work as long as you do your job and don't come to work hungover (you would be suprised how strict laws are in regard to working under influence of alcohol).
Same thing goes for your political views or similar things. You can't threat someone with "I'll send screens of what you said to me about Jews to your boss an he'll fire you" because people doesn't link companies with views of singular employees. Company is a company, they're here to provide you with a service. Companies don't hold views or opinions.