>tfw you find out about sexpats
>there are men who have enough money they can spend every single day barebacking 10/10 18 year olds in the Caribbean and going fishing
>you're supposed to be content to be a kv wageslave using your hand
Tfw you find out about sexpats
This is why I'm reluctant to have a child unless I know I'll make enough money that it doesn't have to work for a living. My gf doesn't acknowledge this as a valid feel and just wants babby
Selfish cunt just wants a little, living toy to love. The fact that she will be sentencing another being to the horror of life struggle completely eludes her.
exactly. i tried to explain to her that we're not making a KID, we're making a PERSON. she just stopped talking to me for like an hour
That's dumb, such a kid would just turn our spoiled and shitty and lazy, like have you met any trust fund kids?
Either way, it doesn't necessarily take that much money to do some of these things, especially in 2nd world countries like the Philippines , there your money goes a lot further
>like have you met any trust fund kids?
Yes. Ironically, her cousin (as in her father's brother's daughter) is one, and she's pursuing a doctorate at Columbia. She's a bit of an SJW, but far from a spoiled lazy brat.
You sound like an autist, profiling her in that way,
OP's point lacks real argumentative philosophical grounding
OP, your point lacks grounding,
if you managed to save up a couple million, i imagine you could do the sexpat thing and fuck a new girl a day for about 30 or 40 years in SE asia or elsewhere
Ultimately OP, life is not suffering, at most it's empirically neutral, and can be quite great without certain personal and very mental problems; let your wife show a child that view with her love perhaps?
>be born poor, struggle all your life seeing how others have it better
>be born rich, be spoiled and rotten
So your argument is not to exist at all?
More like, be born poor, middleclass, or rich, and realize that money is only the main sidequest of life, not the campaign
>not the campaign
And that's why I don't want to have a kid that has to waste its whole existence playing the sidequest.
>life is not suffering
My favorite philosophers and religions disagree with you.
Antinatalism is objectively correct
My dude, I think you might have misunderstood what I said, but either way, the way your are talking makes me think you need to get working on the esteem part of the pyramid, and on to self-actualization,
Afterall you wouldn't treat the sidequest as the main one would you?
So you shouldn't do that for your child
I googled your meme pyramid. I'll do some reading on it to see if it's worth a shit.
Thank you, OP, I genuinely hope you do find the way you want to live and be, whatever way that is
...why do you keep calling me OP?
Maslows hierarchy is the truth.
Changed my life forever.
Kek, misread the IDs and thought you were op,
Looks like he hasn't posted here since
Impregnate her, maybe you won't have other opportunity to continue your genetic line.
>genetic line.
This is a stupid meme.
True. Statistically it makes little sense for several reasons.
1. We are all part of the same family. If you die a bunch of other branches of the same genetic tree simply take over.
2. After a few generations your genes are so diluted there is little left of it.
3. Eventually all genetic lines end. It's only a question of when.
>2. After a few generations your genes are so diluted there is little left of it.
This was my main point. Nice to see someone who understands how genes work.
Let's hijack this threat for philosophy reasons
>Peter Wessel Zapffe (1899–1990) viewed humans as a biological paradox. Consciousness has become over-evolved in humans, therefore making us incapable of functioning normally like other animals: cognition gives us more than we can carry. We want to live, and yet because of how we have evolved, we are the only species aware that it is destined to die. We are able to analyze the past for broad expectations of the future, both our situation and situations of others; we expect justice and meaning in a world where neither occur. This ensures that the lives of conscious individuals are tragic. We have desires and spiritual needs which reality is unable to satisfy, and our species still exists because we limit our awareness of what that reality actually entails. Human existence amounts to a tangled network of defense mechanisms, which can be observed both individually and socially, in our everyday behavior patterns. According to Zapffe, humanity should cease this self-deception, and in consequence, passively end its existence by living out the lives already created but actively abstain from procreation, thus ceasing to create new lives.
>paying to fug
>not being Chad
Top kek
Exactly, I can't wrap my head around how pol-tier genecucks ascribe so much significance to their genes.
Literally 10 seconds of dwelling on it and you figure out that 'passing on your genes' is an empty goal.
What about discovering and passing on the knowledge? This is guaranteed to last as long as humanity survives.
A more noble goal.
I don't like this word, user. Nobility and virtue are completely abstract scoring systems that don't translate to reality. Yet another human self-defense mechanism against a world without meaning.
Barebacking 10/10's gets old quick desu.
>This is why I'm reluctant to have a child unless I know I'll make enough money that it doesn't have to work for a living.
Are you fucking retarded? Its one thing to help out your kid from time to time, or give them a leg up and another one to breed useless trust fund trash.
>I'm a shitty worthless person with no drive and no cause close to my heart because I'm a useless millennial who cares only for consumption of goods and entertainment
>Therefore life has no meaning
How deep! How intellectual! Truly you late-20's minimum wage workers experiencing enui because you've never had any sort of adventure or struggle in your lives have really got things figured out.
Dump her, she deserves better (or at least smarter)
>Dump her, she deserves better
Yup, this is something that's been on my mind. May happen soon. I will definitely talk to her about the issue tomorrow when I see her.
I agree with the premise but not the conclusion. We have the ability to go beyond the limits of reality, either through imagination or through virtual reality. And simply through books too. Reading a book allows us to temporarily enter a state of mind that is not under the limits of reality. So while our lives are tragic, we have chunks of time that make it worth existing.
take some shrooms if you wanna see something really beyond the limits of reality
>How deep! How intellectual! Truly you late-20's minimum wage workers experiencing enui because you've never had any sort of adventure or struggle in your lives have really got things figured out.
These kids aren't experiencing "ennui", they are just rationalizing why they are effeminate pussies. It's the same reason NEETfags from /pol/ rail against "libtards" as a mental safeguard from the reality that their own laziness/stupidity is the real reason they are failures.
Anti-natalism is still objectively correct though.
Inflicting a human existence on a non-consenting unborn child is sadistic beyond description.
I know what you're going through user. My current gf wants a kid just to make herself happy, even though she would be a horrible parent, and it would make me miserable. My longterm goal is to get to the sexpat life. None of the girlfriends i will ever have will ever get marriage or kid out of me. The marriage thing is easy to not to get sucked into once you realize that girls are one of the most abundant resources on the planet. Girls grow on trees. They are everywhere. There is no shortage of them.
The kid thing can be tough to not get sucked into, because you could end up accidentally getting her pregnant, and once that happens, you're done, most girls will have the kid, and there's nothing you can do about it.
The best thing i ever did for myself was get a vasectomy 3 years ago. I did it because i didn't want some selfish cunt to ruin my life because i accidentally got her pregnant.
i dont think guys realize how much power a vasectomy gives you when there is zero chance that she can get pregnant and fuck up your life with a kid. It takes away the only thing that a girl can really hold over your head.
Im hoping to start the sexpat life within 10 years, banging 18 year olds on a daily basis in the Caribbean.
I'll see you there user.
lol stupid cuck u know those arent 100% effective
>a religion
I pity those who didn't discover the bliss that is 2D.
>be westerner
>work whole life so you can retire and go fishing everyday
>relocate to backwater country
>"living the life"
>meet local fisherman
>he's been fishing every day since he was a kid and never had to work and save for it
>realize you wasted 50 years of your life being a corporate rat on a wheel
If you have to pay a woman to fuck you, you're a loser. Literal convicts can get laid. Money isn't your problem. Try to stop being pathetic for five seconds.
>implying chads and brads use Veeky Forums
no real reason to laugh fellow loser ;)
>Barebacking 10/10's gets old quick
not if she's 10....jk jk jk
user is right
but that's wrong, if you're a male your Y chromosome is undisturbed and if you're a female your mitochondrial dna is undisturbed through generations
what if i just want to play games all day
I just don't want to waste 8+h of everyday life laboring in an office/factory and getting shit on. But without it I will become homeless and starve to death.
I already started saving and investing but when I think about how long it will take to reach self-sustaining dividend it crushes my soul.
idk... Jews wait to have kids until they've got money. Sure does seem like they tend to write a shitload of science papers and win nobel prizes.
Yes they are...
You know those failures you hear about? The fucking idiots didn't go back to provide samples even though the urologist tells you that you must so they can test that you are firing blanks. Your tubes don't just suddenly fix themselves