Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

Ranked machine broke Edition

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Is yordle porn the greatest thing to come out of LoL Poppy or Trist > any shit tier waifu like Ahri
also graves lewds


waifu poll


what is your record time for losing?
hero league btw

>entitled casual ledditors imploding because they have to play ranked
>They also cry when it breaks
love this patch

I voted for Johanna, but the lack of votes for Kerrigan hurts. All these newfriends probably never met her when she was a snarky ghost who wisecracked at you. And you should stick with your waifu through a little zergification!

The shit she pulled in Brood War (and subsequent Blizzard retcon making her good girl who did nothing wrong) was enough for me to despise her to this day.

thank GOD
>desperation join some fags from general chat to do TL placements last season
>"so are you guys from reddit"
>he proceeds to feed non-stop
>"I should try playing against humans more often"

>try to make the game better
>screw it up over and over again

Over the years it's generally gotten better though
Like when they deleted haunted mines, that was good
and while it's hard to believe, the new version is slightly better than the old

If there is one game, it is HotS to have thick shortstacks
Atleast that is what Alex's model promises

how does this game handle supports/team lineups? are supports basically enablers that get slaughtered after early game? are there arguments during the draft phase over who gets to play carry/core/whatever its called in this game?

Get a load of this faggot, haunted mines was always the best map.

They will fix it, but whatever is causing the seeding issue is unrelated to PBMM and also apparently systemicly deep and they can't nail it down yet.

This is their first big fuck up since Hanamura so give then a break.

>there are people that actually play ranked
But why? The rewards aren't even worth it. Do people actually play ranked to feel like they're hot shit?

>already spent $25 on hots
>considering buying another pack of gems for $20
I really want the sugar plum pack, but man, i would be blowing twenty bucks on like 5 skins in a free game, while a full game costs between 40 and 60
It seems really stupid when i think about it like that, but then on the other hand hots is literally the only game i play and i have put many hunders of hours into it

Supports are healers and play makers. Some supports do not heal or give very minor sustain, some do mostly damage, some do all healing no damage, but for the most part is majorly healing. Lucio and the medic unit from SC2 are heroes so should give you some ideas as to what to expect.

In terms of draft, there are no forced roles whatsoever. The main things you need in every game is a main frontline and a healer of some kind, but the drafts are so flexible and lanes do not matter that loads of stuff can happen.

save your triangles like a normal person

Ranked is the main mode of the game that everything is balanced for. Not playing it is retarded.

not possible xmass skins are time limited and no person with existing social life can't play enough to save up 2x 1600 doritos

>main mode
You idiots that can stomach draft part and the even more whiny ranked faggots are weird. The first game I played ranked in I swore I wouldn't play again in any other game unless it printed in-game currency. You epeen ranked weirdos are an odd breed.

What about Mal'Ganis?

>not just having 3200 stunted squares lying around

>play literal forced 50 coim flip clown fiesta funsies mode
>not playing literal solo queue only games that you get to have control over at least in some way


>get tired of genji/nova/valeera every game
>pick tyrael
Only a true nigger can stop the nigger-tier assassins


it's impossible to save more than 1000 without spending it

>all the best skins costed 1600 even before the seasonal adds
what did he mean by this

I have 2900 git frugal nerd

How does anyone play ranked when there's a guarantee you'll be forced into supporting, at least occasionally, in order to not lose?

because i'm not an autistic one trick who can't play support?

You adapt if you want to win
That's part of the game

The issue isn't that I can't play support. The issue is that it isn't even remotely fun.

play kharzim if you have adhd kid

>Can't run from Zeratul
>Can't catch Zeratul
>Can't kill Zeratul before he kills you

Nice game.


so is it safe to do the placements now?
and do we get anything in return for the fuckery?



Blizzard really fucked up with Garrosh's representation in Heroes of the Storm. His abilities and role do not fit his character fantasy in any way. His kit should have been for another character.

Yes, he is fun to play. But he should have been a bruiser, like Artanis, but with burst and less focus on defense and with an ability to force 1v1.

>what Blizzard devs did
Hey guys we plan to release Garrosh somewhere in summer 2017
Fast forward summer 2017
Alright guys just attach some existing kit to Garrosh and release him. And dont forget to make a legendary skin + bike with a bunch of tints


you will get nothing
fuck off rediit


Supports are arguably the most important member of a team. Yes "tanks" initiate, peel and generally make their teams safe, but supports provide either a ton of healing (fixes 'errors') or a ton of utility (shut down enemy carries, make your team better at everything, disengage, help with CC, etc etc etc). Some like Morales don't necessarily have the best "utility" at first glance, but she has immense healing throughput, can reduce incoming damage by 25+% for a few seconds, ultra buff one damage dealer *or* move her team across huge map distances in a matter of seconds.

Ranked arguably has the most balanced teams as there's the smallest amount of MMR averaging going on... whereas in unranked or QM you could get two silvers, a diamond and 2 golds vs a team of mostly low plat / mid gold.

>Not liking playing some of the most impactful heroes in the game
What are you some kind of faggot? Some people actually enjoy winning fights on dragon form cooldown as alexstraza, dumpstering "play making" carries as brightwing or uther, speedboosting the scariest 'run-at-you' comp into the enemy team as lucio (and then shutting down either their damage with barrier or their ability to run with reverse amp), throwing out ancestrals every couple of seconds with auriel, fucking people up with rehgar or khara, or playing the most annoying push your shit in comp with a protect the morales + hammer comp.

I don't want to support *all* the time, but fuck me if supports aren't actually fun to play in this game, compared to being a starving ethiopian ward faggot that exists just to get killed in lol or dota.

>reset again
>back in Masters 1k

"The fact that if I get hard carried by my team and contribute nothing means they get placed higher than me is bullshit!"

Is ranked still bugged or is it fixed now?

bugged still

I think support and tank are both necessary. If you only have one, then it's very very hard for your damage to go in. If you have both, tank can start a fight, and damage can follow without being afraid of getting popped because they're getting some sort of sustain that gives them the time to get a kill and subsequently snowball the advantage. If both teams are missing either, fights become more volatile and coinflippy.


Aka shitters being placed where they fucking belong

If you have to have only one though the support is far more crucial than the tank in most cases.

>shitters placing in masters
i wish it was true user, but it's legitimately broken

So will they or will they not reset it a third time?

yeah so give it a fucking day or two so they can sink to silver surfer status where they will end up

id wait another week at least, people are much more faggoty when they do their placements and any potential shitters will get shifted down

>and do we get anything in return for the fuckery?

>and do we get anything in return for the fuckery
Yes, the valuable lesson of patience.

this, i want to reveal and bully poos so bad, i will make a separate account just to bully people

>playing ranked the first week of a new season


>playing quick meme
you asked for this senpai

yeah I did

it's not going that bad

maybe you get blizzard to sit down and think and learn from their mistakes. such as:

how retarded cross mode seeding is. confusion, illegitimacy, fresh out qm one tricks waltzing into plat or better. people want to climb anyway so let them and it won't kill gold to see someone good.

doing re-placements for a mode people were playing yesterday is retarded. needless drama.

how the fuck did they come to the conclusion that a partial reset would be acceptable in a competitive mode? again legitimacy.

how changing gameplay drastically doesn't justify looser confidence than normal (one trick trash bouncing around) if not an actual ranked reset just to signal it's a fresh game. complete fail in both directions.

how people are absurdly ill informed about what even happens in the background on a season roll because they leave thing buried in old forum posts and refuse to put things in the game directly for idiots

how not showing mmr stopped this from being noticed immediately

And why it that bad?

wait did they removed the personal mmr adjustment completely?

This is a fun brawl

>Your report has been sent. Thank you for contacting Customer Support.
>Your report has been sent. Thank you for contacting Customer Support.
>Your report has been sent. Thank you for contacting Customer Support.

sauce me up famalam

come on man you gotta tell us what happened at least

so which character should I choose to carry shitters in ranked?
Im sick of filling

I pretty much only play QM and you're still a tremendous fucking faggot.

what a lovely video
the best part is where my rank got reset 3 times in a week

>silver 1 a year ago
>silver 4 last season
>bronze 3 games in placement righ t now
help me bros

You should pick a hero that shuts down the biggest danger from the enemy team, so even if your team is shit, you can at least control how much aggro/support the enemy is putting out.

Even if you pick a strong hero for killing,healing or tanking, there is no gurantee your team mates are good enough to heal,tank or peel well enough.

>need to be self reliant
>need a good escape

>wtf why can't I solo this duelist burst assassin with my squishy support

how could you ever be sad when you have tyrande for a waifu

She's been cucking him with Stukov

>Can't run from Zeratul
Why are you ignoring his big obvious ghostly shadow walking into blink range
Why aren't you using an ability that helps you disengage, like Raynor or Hammer's knockback, a stun, a dash/jump/whatever etc
>Can't catch Zeratul
He can only blink once before level ten now you know
Even if he takes his 25% stealth speed boost, he's still a character that has to close to melee to do literally anything to you in the first place, so unless he saves his blink to escape you shouldn't need to 'catch' him. And if he's saving it to escape, again, why are you ignoring the big white ghost of christmas protoss past walking right up to you in lane?

>Can't kill Zeratul before he kills you
Try using attacks and abilities to lower his nonexistent health pool, or mitigate his damage by blinding, stunning, or otherwise doing anything whatsoever to him.

Are you telling him to pick Medivh?

>guy picks xul to "counter" sylv
>someone gets upset
>enemy team do lv 1 sylv cheese
>only me and one other guy react
>they kill us both and take fort on lv 1
>other guys still busy talking shit about each other in chat
>they get first zerg and finish with it

this map is so bad

meh i actually like it but 90% of the times the outcome decided by who counters picks the other top.

>Try to make the game better
>They make Nova better

Don't let them fool you user, they're not trying to make the game better at all.

ridley of hots

>get a masters player on team
>how do i know? he proclaimed it in almost every other sentence
>14minutes in he wants to boss when the enemy is nowhere to be found
>and we also have a huge wave pushing to our keep
>tlel them not to do boss but MASTER player calls me a shitter
>they all die
>enemy takes boss and wins a minute after that
>master player cries and say
>"from masters to gold ;("
>'Last 2 resets i got gold and it looks like im getting it this one"
>well maybe its because you suck and got carried hard
>"no i lead in everything"
>"has most dmg taken for solo tank"
Thanks blizzard. I'm glad i waited for the 3rd reset to do my placements just to get the dumbest people in the universe

I've got two of these size charts, and this is the more accurate one, but the other has more heroes... Deathwing doesn't have shit on an ODIN.

at least until he bloats up in spine of deathwing / dragon soul fight

I don't believe it is unrelated to PBMM. I think it is very much related.

it's related because it broken when they added it, but the PBMM wasn't the cause of the seeding breaking

correlation =/= causation

>azmo 25ft
>anub about 18ft
>diablo 15ft
>zagara about 13ft
>stitches 12ft
>butcher about 11ft
>artanis 3m or about 9ft and a bit
>Orcs ~7-8ft
>Chen (should be a little taller at about 8ft)
>Humans 5-6ft
>Chromie 3ft and a bit.

This one adds more but gets shit wrong cause of perspective and someone just fucking around with things without consulting the people who actually know shit (eg scaling arthas up to fucking 9feet tall for some reason and scaling abathur down when he's big enough to have canonically killed ultralisks while feral). Rag would be bigger than a properly sized azmo, cho'gall is supposed to be about 25ft same as azmo, Zul'jin would be about 12ft upright (forest trolls are fucking huge), Tauren would be about 10.5 ft. Sonya would be about 7ft (she big), Night elves are almost the same size as orcs but more slender. Probius is about a 4ft sphere, which makes him bigger than chromie, but not as big as Muradin.

Oh and its only labeled as "better" cause i'm too lazy to change the name, it's the one that's less accurate in some ways, more accurate in others.

Would Alexstrasza's dragon form dwarf everyone? IIRC the Heroes team said the original idea for it would've made her take up a third of the map.

No. Warcraft dragons aren't that big. Only Neltharion / Deathwing was described as "titanic". He was big before he was uncorrupted, he bloated and swole when he got corrupted and then whatever happened in the hour of twilight / dragon soul / spine of deathwing fight made him fucking ginormous.

Alexstraza might be a bit bigger than a "normal" dragon, but she's still probably not 'bigger' than Azmodan, longer sure, but not wider or taller.

You can see Alex fighting Deathwing in the twilight highlands, she and the other dragons are just as big.

It's been 2 years of doing these seasons and having to do placements again. In that time the only issue with placement games was people creating new accounts and abusing QM to get their QM MMR up real high then going into Ranked and being placed well above their actual skill level.

Cut to this week. They release PBMMR. A system that is supposed to alter your MMR and Ranking based on how well you performed on that hero according to 20 unknown stats being fed into a ML Algorithm. Ranked goes fucking haywire so bad they had to reset people that got placed wrong. Whooops, didn't get everyone and reset people that weren't placed wrong. Disable ranked. Hotfix and reset everyone. It's still fucked.

Hmm, wonder what it could be.

I'd actually say that a "reasonable" comparison if properly scaled would be taking her dragonform trait, comparing it to azmo and then scaling them both up appropriately.

Diabloverse is actually *VERY* good at keeping their scaling together which makes it nice for comparing other things to.

I know the timestamp won't work on a Veeky Forums link, but 2min19s is a good sidelong shot of azmo "next" to leah. Mentally fill alexstraza into that and you've probably got a "reasonable" scale for her.

However these sizes all fluctuate a bit because blizz usually doesn't like to commit to hard numbers and they like to tinker around with size when they feel its appropriate.

In game scale / 'cinematics' for warcraft don't mean shit. You can have a 25ft tall jaina standing next to a 6ft tall jaina if you do shit right in the hyjal raid. In fact they've actively downsized certain races just so they don't have to fuck around with building sizes (they've made tauren smaller since vanilla because they used to not be able to enter certain buildings, especially when mounted).

Deathwing/Neltharion *always* dwarfed the other aspects.

shut up

why did my rank get reset?

blizzjew incompetence