>TFW work as a dishwasher
Is there a worse job? This is literal torture.
>TFW work as a dishwasher
Is there a worse job? This is literal torture.
Other urls found in this thread:
My first job was washing dishes at a Panera. 12 hour days, 4-5 days a week. My fingers and hands were literal sponges at the end of the day. And the water was so fucking filthy and disgusting it could have been considered a biohazard by the CDC. Now, 7 years later, I'm doing 80K/yr organizing accounts for a used car dealership in Louisiana.
Moral of the story OP, it's your fault you was dishes and you're a candy ass cunt.
I know I made this thread yesterday but should I honestly just quit?
At this point I'm thinking even working at a callcenter or something would be better. This is the ultimate cuckold-tier job.
I once had a job for a septic company where we were basically the cleanup crew when septic tanks broke. That was the worst job I ever had.
come to alaska
how old?
I love this meme
become a waiter. busser, server anything besides dishwasher, dishwasher is for illegals who don't speak English
They wont let me without experience I've asked
I think I'm just going to quit.
>pic related
>leave Poortugal and go to New York
>dishwasher for years
>start acting part-time
>make tons of money
Not a very famous actor but check out the movies he entered.
The only guy I know that started washing dish's
Torture? No, it wasn't that bad. Kind of fun actually.
With the waitresses grabbing your ass all the time and such
if you didnt wear something like these you are stupid, i worked as a dishwasher 16 hours a week on weekends for a few months and if i didnt wear those all the skin would be falling off by the 2nd week working there
Why is it so bad OP? I though about becoming a dishwasher because I enjoy being alone and I like doing things that require tactile rhythm. Why don't you like it?
Just go get a job at a different restaurant and tell them you have serving experience. It's ok if you don't have experience, it's an easy as hell job.
I remember when I was in college and I got a job at a restaurant being a "server assistant" which was a glorified buss boy. All the servers acted high and mighty because "serving tables is so hard you have to have skill omg." I was told maybe in a year I could move up to a server, so after about 3 months I went to a different restaurant, told them I was a server wanting a new job, and was hired on the spot.
Easiest job ever.
I made pretty good money, 100 to 300 a night on Friday and Saturday.
Not a way to get rich but much better than washing dishes and you can look for something else while you're doing it.
I don't like being alone, getting paid shit and not learning any skills.
So you're still a slave? Grats I guess.
Move to Las Vegas, join the Culinary union and sign on as Kitchen Worker, get hired by Hotel/Casino on the Strip.
Now you are a union pay scale dishwasher.
Rake in the bucks while figuring out how to work your way up to Steward.
heh dishwasher...
lemme tell you a story
I was at the top of my game in 2010, selling cars left and right. I averaged 20 cars a month and my income was just into six figures. Top salesman for 2 years straight, every month. I broke the dealership record for sales for three consecutive months in 2011. The august was 28, september was 32, and october was 35.
No one at this dealership since has broken my record.
fast forward a couple of months, and long story short, I get cucked by my girl, who also worked there. Not only do I get cucked by her, she sleeps with the finance managers son, who ALSO works there, and eventually leaves me for the GM.
Well, as you can imagine my life went to total fucking shit. It was bad... I mean I stopped paying my bills even though I had the money... my electricity and cable got cut off and I'd just sit on my couch in darkness for hours staring off while my brain was just flooded with white noise.
I didn't pay them because I didn't think I'd need electricity or water or cable anymore... if you catch my drift.
in early 2013 I finally got axed. My sales had plummeted for so long, it was a downward spiral and I had completely changed for the worse.
when I got fired, I spent a week or so groveling in my own self pity... then I did what I knew I must... I applied for a job.
First place I applied? jersey mikes... to wash dishes.
That job saved my life. I loved it. It was so easy... so stress free. I loved the kids I worked with, they were your typical teenage slackers but I picked up the loose ends and things just worked in the kitchen. I'll never forget that job... I felt like I needed to go back to the bottom of the barrel... like I needed to return to the basics. And washing dishes was it. Boy, I'll tell you, it didn't take long and the owner noticed me. The current GM quit (was a great guy) and they wanted me to run it. I chose not to, simply because I loved what I did (washing dishes and misc prep)
>20 cars a month
Stopped read after that. Grant Cardon would call you a bitch for sell so little cars.
Dishwasher here too long time ago. Horrible, horrible job. Holy shit, worse than landscaping, and I mean the hardcore landscaping that involved digging ditches and hauling dirt. Worse than cleaning bathrooms too.
I literally only lasted 3 months. That's it. And that was part time.. Most people don't last a year, the job is that shitty. If you can handle this longer than a few months, then you'll do fine in life, OP. Some people couldn't handle one day, let alone a week doing this. I had a coworker who worked with me on an assembly line take like a day off every two weeks it was so miserable. He needed a break from it all it was so bad.
I don't know why we can't let kids do these shitty jobs. That's the only period in my life where I was willing to do it, but it taught me a lot and straitened me out when I was 16. Would've gladly done it when I was 12 or 14, but that's illegal because the jews want us to be subservient. There was so much shit I wanted, but couldn't have because I wasn't allowed to work. I see some kids already at 25, having never worked a real job before, just unpaid internship jobs. These aren't fucking real jobs goddamnit, that's why they don't pay you, and if they do it's not sustainable in the long run.
Why did you hate it so much?
Because he was lazy, entitled, and lacked the self motivation and ambition to stick with something beneath him.
I literally started as a dishwasher in a hotel 15 years ago after the janitorial business I work for lost their big contract, I worked my way up through the kitchen and now I manage the hotel itself and two apartment buildings.
Started at the literal bottom, now I make $100k a year plus free food.
Nice sales pitch for the dishwashing position, mr. Restaurant owner
When I worked in a restaurant we had high school boys who washed dishes.
About a week before I quit I caught our exec check butt fucking one of them in the basement after closing.
There were only two people who had been there longer than me when the old manager retired - the kitchen manager/head cook and the main housekeeper.
Owners wanted to promote internally and knew I had more knowledge about the place and a better work ethic than anyone else aside from the kitchen manager regardless of where I started.
Dishwashing is the ultimate cuckjob. I'm not doing it again.
That was my point - neither am I.
I just didn't walk away from a job that required no skills, paid the bills, and got me in a position that I could work up from.
I didn't quit because it was menial and therefore beneath me and pretend that I was too good for a job that at the time was the only thing available.
Anyone can get a better job. Settling for dishwashing is sad.
>wash dishes
>get butt fucked
Sounds about riggt
If OP could get a better job they wouldn't be bitching about dishwashing, they'd have already quit.
It's not a great job but it is better than no job.
>About a week before I quit I caught our exec check butt fucking one of them in the basement after closing.
that's hot
>work as junior bartender
>the only people they can get to be dishwashers are literal mexicans who don't even speak english
>and even they only last for 3 months and are hired from a temp agency
I'd sooner live in the woods and eat berries naked. I hold my breath when I go near the dish pit because it stinks like the gate of hell.
Also, my bartending makes 20-30 an hour. And it's a slow place. I'm going to look for big-boy bartending jobs hereon out. I think I could pull 50/hr. "Go to college" they said. Heh. Waitressing and bartending and other tip based jobs honestly make better money than white collar shit. That's why I never tip the waitress, because I know these cunts make like 200 a fucking night while some college-educated dude with 3 degrees makes 20/hr = 160/day. And oh god are the servers entitled, too. They don't even understand how much money they're making.
It was pretty hot both our dishwashers were high school football players with nice bodies. I would have fucked them too.
Maintenance on a golf course. Weed whacking thick brush for 8 hours a day for minimum wage in every weather condition. Like you had to change the string on the weed whacker every 5 minutes because the shit you were cutting was so tough. Starting at 4am in the dark cold to 1 pm in blistering heat. Plus mosquitos and soaken wet grounds constantly. Fuck that job
>It's not a great job but it is better than no job.
This is what waggies actually believe.
What a pussy. I was clearing brush for my dad for 5/hr when I was a teenager, and we didn't have no damn power tools, just a pair of gloves that were full of holes and threadbare. Had to pull the roots out by elbow grease.
I worked in nursing for a year. You don't know horror until you've wiped the shit splattered ass of an obese matron with senility in a tiny room that smells like a fresh load of strait sewer for 7.25/hr.
I'm sorry dude for you, but you should take what you get your hands on and keep it until you find something else. I live in Europe and I'm depressed that I can't get even the simplest of the jobs (they're looking for people with high school professional diplomas in MECHANICS to wash dishes) think at what you have, not at what you don't have