What happened here?

What happened here?

Sandwiched between Inca and Maya civilization

Who lived here?

We they influenced either by Mayas or Incas?

What do you want to know user? I know mostly precolumbian history though.

t. El Salvador fag

Buffer population formed by Inca and Maya.


Ethnically and linguistically what were they?

How about in terms of culture? Were they closer to Central Americans culturally or to Andeans

>or Incas?

You mean Mayan and AZTEC, right lads?

They are central Americans...
Inca are realllly far away from these guys
Basically less established Maya and an array of cultures, very similar to their northern neighbors if you don't care about specifics

No I mean Maya and Inca. Incas are just south of the region and Maya's are just north.

There are jungles there so no civilizations and those retards literally couldn't build a boat to save their life

The pacific coasts of Nicaragua, the northern pacific coast of Costa Rica, most of El Salvador, the norhwestern portion of Honduras were all part of the Mesoamerica cultural region. The major ethnic groups were the Nahuas (Pipil and Nicarao) - pic related is a Pipil. The Xinca existed in the Pacific coast which borders El Salvador and Guatemala. The Xinca are their own ethnic group who were surrounded by the Maya. In Honduras and eastern El Salvador you have the Lenca which culturally are similar to the Maya and consist of Poton, Care and Lenca ethnic groups within them. In parts between Honduras and Costa Rica you have the Chorotega, who are related distantly to Chiapanecs and the Yopi of Western Mexico I believe.

These cultures were very similar to those of the core region of Mesoamerica and traded with them. So you will find things from Mexico in these areas and deities like Xipe Totec, Tlaloc, Quetzalcoatl as far away as Nicaragua. The Pipils of Guatemala and El Salvador were surrounded by Mayas and are originally Toltecs who migrated to these regions (some migrations came earlier) but they grew kind of in isolation from central Mexico and took in influence from their neighbors (Maya. Lenca). The Nicarao are even more of a mix between Mesoamerican Aztec culture and Tribal Central American groups.

As for the other groups, some were Chibchan, in Panama and those are similar to peoples from Colombia (Muisca) and Venezuelan people. These places were rich in gold and may be one of the myth origins of El Dorado. They wore little clothes, except gold and typically lived in chiefdoms. They also seem to have traded with Caribbeans.

Costa Rican


Well, I'm quite sure the incan empire never managed to make it to mesoamerica properly.
Very sure


Tlaloc depicted by Pipils


Costa Rica

Costa Rica

Priestess of Costa Rica

They look like Precolonial MS13

Costa Rica warrior

Culturally they look closer to Andeans based on what they wear


The Miskito people lived there mostly. It wasn't as temperate or fertile as Guatemala and Mexico so they didn't develop the population to support cities.

What is currently known as the Northern Triangle (Guatemala, most of El Salvador, Western and Midwestern Honduras) are indebted to Mayan culture. They were populated by Mayan-Aztec cultures that migrated from Central Mexico and moved south.

As you move further south the Mayan influence fades away. Eastern Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panamá received influences from the Chibchas, an indigenous branch of cultures that came from the Caribbean coast, especifically from the region that links Central America with South America.

The Inca had nothing to do in Central America, they developed in the Andes Mountains.

ncas were advancing to the north of southamerica, but they were far away from reach Central America. When the spanish invasion happens, Incas were at the Colombian south frontier.

Maybe if the europeans invasion happened half century later, there could have been a direct or indirect relation between Incas and Mesoamericans.

Aren't they those guys who helped christopher columbus navigate his way to shore when he had no clue where he was going

Did somebody say Lenca?

One of the tribes in Costa Rica managed to build a stone city with paved road and all that.

Other than that nothing else much. Standard maize farmers.

but GOAT gold and jade jewelry skills

chibchas mainly
they run from nowadays Costa Rica to the outskirts of the colombian amazonas

my nigga

To me they were distinctive. Neither like the mayas nor like the incans. The whole mesoamerica as well as Colombia and Venezuela were a buffer zone between Aztecs, Mayas and Incans full of small tribes, not a great deal.

Some of them were mere savages, mainly those of carib descent. Others engaged in trade between a confederation of tribes, mainly those of chibcha and muisca descent.

Didn't he get BTFO in the end?

>Culturally they look closer to Andeans based on what they wear
Closer to northern andeans, like from Colombia maybe.
Typically the central andean societies (like the Incan or Huari) were clothfags and wore a lot of clothes like tunics, robes, ponchos, capes, belts, etc; and they even passed this on to people of their empire who didn't usually wore decent clothing like some rainforest tribes such as the ashaninkas or the shipibos.
This, the incas were well aware of the rising cultural differences between themselves and the conquered peoples every time they got further north (or south, and east), I mean cannibalism, nudity, didn't worshiped the typical gods of the central andes and so on. The incas had to eliminate many tribes that couldn't be assimilated. Spaniards that went of foot from Colombia to the central andes, like Cieza de Leon, also noted the huge cultural differences between them and praised the incas for having modesty and being less "degenerate".

Lempira did nothing wrong.

>be a savage indian
>refuse to civilize
>go full reeeeeeee muh culture
>get rekt in the end

>Sandwiched between Inca and Maya civilization

That's a Big Sandwich.

>Sandwiched between Inca and Maya civilization
Incans never reached that far

We all agree that

Mesoamericans > South America > North America for precolumbian cultures, right Veeky Forums?

They traded and knew about both empires. Nothing else

Don't bully the North Americans
They were without a decent grain for thousands of years.

Do you have that book? Really interested in Native americans warfare and culture.

Wasnt El Salvador part of the Mayan Empire?

The region was influenced by the pacific polenesians which share geneologic records wiith the austrailian aboriginies.

The Aztecs would've conquered central America and bible belt states had the Spanish never arrived, and would've likely dominated the beta male Incas