What have you profited from this board honestly?

Sometimes I think I'm done to get advice or tips from here. I mean anyone smart wouldn't be browsing a fucking anime themed website.

Other urls found in this thread:


buying eth and posw made me rich.

Occasionally little tidbits of good information. Largely it's naive kids trying to figure out how to make it in life with a common set of limitations (poverty, NEET-dom, poor social skills) and that's interesting to read.

see.. this is wat i mean. It's a bunch of fags jewing each other on crypto-currency.


"anyone smart wouldn't be browsing a fucking anime themed website"
then why are you here?

that's fine, but is there any legitimate advice or tips that a NEET could use?

I do it as a public service to be honest, familam.

$2,492 in a year's time.

If your smart you should join us. It's a business that gets ahead. join us.

>If your smart


Made $900 in a month on eth and other alts.

Missed the opportunity to a make A LOT more bc i had weak hands and i'm still new to this shit.

>poverty, NEET-dom, poor social skills

Describes me to a T

I made $20k off of ETH though so no complaints

take some risks then, only the poor and indian listen to the shitcoin shilling thats going on here, but the theme is the same, take some risks. if you want to ignore all crypto shit be my guest, but i'm free from work thanks to it.

Yeah, but from the Robinhood threads, not crypto. Made like $850 on my $2.5K in a few months.


That face when autistic mods run an illegal pumo and dump scam..

I profited pretty significantly from POT but then I lost it all.
Then I put what was left into POSW and so far things are going good.

Oh course your proxy did. All 400 NEETS made 40,000 usd off a scam shitcoin.

Coiners triggered and will have guaranteed 5 (Yous) from 1 triggered cryptocuck

>nocoiners cope
>stay poor

You've gotta have a bullshit filter to take advice from here, you can't just trust everything being said, look for posts that have reasons that make sense, a good example is the huge amount of shilling for both POSW and Bitbean at the moment. One of those coins has a good business model, offers longevity, potential and something in demand something new and valuable to the crypto community, the other is being propped up by memes, can you tell which one is which?

looks like you hit all the bases champ

Best advice was what books to read to get started on investing etc. The Investors Manifesto and the Intelligent Investor were great finds

ETH, PIVX, BitBay, Golem,Viacoin,transfercoin,all of theseon bittrex have made me roughly $5000, i mainly just buy and literally set a sell point at around 10-15% increase and once i see it sells i buy another that is cheap., thanks bois and as always, Fuck madman.

also, i recently started visiting biz since february of this year, was day trading here and there beforehand and this place got me into cryptos.

Shilling coins like Ethereum on this board won't affect its price. It might work on shitcoins like Bitbean, but that's about it.



Why do you even come here?
This is literally the cryptocurrency board.

>hiding dropship

No, its business and finance retard

I've made no profit but then again I haven't made any profit from non board related activities either in the last 12 months... what it did teach me was that there is no excuse for not having capital, that i can start my own business, and that people constantly make excuses for the mediocrity in their life.

Oh, and affiliate marketing, I'm learning the techniques of that but gonna sell my own product instead of join an affiliate program.


kek. 2

put $40 in robin hood, and $40 in crypto currency last year, have $83 on robinhood, and $89 in crypto currency as I type this.

when $MGT and $AMD were a thing

Veeky Forums actually gave me the nudge to open up a Vanguard account. I had been looking for things to do with my money, had heard good things about Vanguard through real life people, then when I saw those good things being repeated here it actually made me finally fill in the paperwork.

I didn't make a profit though... over the 18 months it turned out to be "buy high, get some decent returns, sell low" and I broke even. After factoring in taxes I might have ended up about $500 - $1000 under but it was my first experience investing and wasn't really that horrific.

$55,000 in 5 different Vanguard funds. Cashed them in to pay cash for a house instead (with my additional savings)
