Another Dokkaebi edition
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How do you deal with that spawn on Kanal where you have to run across open ground to attack defenders who can shoot from the windows? Seems kind of bullshit but im probably missing something.
you can stop worrying about grenades now
>play with friend, usually in discord
>he refuses to turn in game voice chat on
>constantly typing shit to communicate
>usually starts typing 30+ seconds after whatever he is about to say has already been established in voice
how do I fix him
worst map in your opinion?
Redpill me on Zofia's LMG.
thicc goddess
Best girl coming through, if you like ela/dokaebi you like reddit, tumblr and probably consume soy on a daily basis.
>How do you deal with that spawn on Kanal where you have to run across open ground to attack defenders who can shoot from the windows?
Isn't that every spawn on Kanal?
Acceptable if your playstyle is to quickly rush inside and spray down everything pointblank, otherwise garbage
>best girl
best taste
>tfw don't like blondes, but Valk is still best girl
What is it about her?
Hereford Base
Muscles? Ability? Calm voice? Girl-next-door face?
presidential plane
Before it was favela, now chalet. Everyone here hated bartlett for some reason but I'd unironically rather play bartlett three games straight than a single game on chalet
i want to lick the filth between IQ's sexy toes!
Note that this doesn't mean I think the other Operators are shit (except Castle and Tachanka) I just don't enjoy playing them as much. Not listed:
love her
love her
fucking useless but fun just for the shotgun shenanigans.
Fuck, forgot to put bandit in the "rarely" category.
But she's a clean and nice girl, she doesn't have any filth between her toes!
>german captcha with three words, fifteen letters each
Nice language you got there kr*uts
Bartlett is still pretty shit, Hereford is just hands down the worst map right now. Favela is silly but fun. Chalet is perfectly fine, don't know what your issue is.
how the fuck do you defend kitchen and library in
Reposting this, someone make an edit but with clanfags
not a /pol/fag
c75 or SMG-12 on dokkaebi?
you fucking don't, just reinforce all walls and hope your mira doesn't want a soft wall in kitchen
I had honestly forgotten all about Hereford since it isn't in the ranked pool, but holy shit, I just realized how retarded it is.
>Runouts that have defender favoring cover and are impossible to safely claymore
>One (1) staircase
Is there any gun you would want to put a silencer on?
*hacks ur phon*
stop using this shit tier artists work as OP images
C75 is just okay, while the SMG12 is absolutely broken. It's a SMG11 with double the mag capacity at the cost of not being able to choose a barrel attachment. There's just no reason to not have it.
Glaz, because no recoil and more than enough damage already.
Chalet has super shitty inside layout, basement is an autowin for attackers if they manage to breach the wall and autowin for defenders if not, you can get shot everywhere from anywhere, and it's also small, nearly the size of House. Chalet is hands down the worst map for me, playing it feels like a chore, I don't think about winning or even having fun, I just want this torture to end as soon as possible. What's wrong with hereford though? In hereford you don't to cover all four sides in order to not get shot from behind
>press 1 button
>give everyone on your team a pulse gadget with longer range
>multiple uses
>kill a guy who didn't hold a button down for 5 seconds
>access to all enemy cameras
Man this game is easy
>your art style will never be immediately as recognizable as shadmans
If you have to ask, the answer is no.
Silencers only pay off if you really know what you're doing and why you need them.
Not only is it recognizable (while still being poor quality) but he's also a fucking edgelord/pedo/political faggot who makes a shitstorm every time he updates his website
its a good thing she belongs to me
Pistols if you're roaming or attacking and know how to aim for the head, handy for picking off people without giving away your position, will gimp your pistol dmg though so no more body shots
>kill a guy who didn't hold a button down for 5 seconds
or you could just ignore the call and shoot her in the face instead, best use ringing the defenders up has is making it hard for them to hear you moving or locking them out of checking cameras
>access to all enemy cameras
>"cool now I can look at myself!"
Just gotta make art of popular fandoms with your own recognizable motifs (pierced buttholes, chromatic aberration, etc.) then transition into outright vile content.
Don't obviously.
Is anyone else feeling like DLC names largely can't hold a candle to original names?
>Sledge, Thermite, smoke, mute, castle, pulse, Montagne(I guess), Fuze, Doc, Blitz,
All named for their gadget. The rest has pretty decent origin related names.
>Buck (for buckshot I guess?) Mira (kinda, who the fuck speaks spanish? Gargabe people, that's who)
List of gadget related names ends here. Frost is kinda ok, short and snappy codename.
What would you name the DLC ops?
Something edgy with a 3 instead of an e
>cool now i can see all the cameras they still have up, the objective room and location of all valkyrie cameras
how the fuck is she holding that gun
>play casual
>3 clanfags in enemy team XC_ (or something)
>start with a friendly "Clan tags are gay"
>super mad right away "stfu cunt" and such
>absolutely shit on them first round
>second round one of them C4s the hostage.
I feel bad for the 2 guys that were just randoms there.
I'm glad you're not in charge of naming new ops.
>the objective room
only a handful of maps have objective rooms that have cameras looking into them, and if they're really THAT much of an issue you can just shoot them yourself
>location of all valkyrie cameras
it's not like there's another op that can already do that
Well at least her weapons are shi... oh nevermind, welp time to by togepi
Eh, just shitty examples I came up with on the spot I think at least Heimdall is SO much better than Valkyrie. I mean for fucks sake, he's the one that sees all.
Why are they even in this game? And on offense, no less.
her SMG has pretty terrible recoil, her single shot rifle is decent, the korean shotgun is probably one of the best shotguns in the game if not the best, if you think Dokkaebi is anywhere close to top tier you need to learn how to deal with her because she's not even close
>cool now I can see which cameras my team shot already because they're not shitters, the objective room until the literal second they know you hacked, and the location of all valk cams (one outside where we got peeked and one in a choke-point that doesn't see inside the objective)
Her SMG recoil is not important, that thing is for CQB, the M14 has no recoil and is the best DMR on the game, and is a newbie friendly OP.
I’ve come to understand why I like Dokkabie so much.
Korean girls are really the best.
No it's not, it's fucking terrible.
>korean double barreled antitank rifle, check
>kill hunter gadget that allows you to locate enemies through walls and renders cameras useless
What more do you need, a fucking peek shield?
glaz gets russian acog when
Tell me, why "Heimdall" is bad for an operator who's gadget is literally having more vision? Or how Valk is any better?
I suck ass at this game, but it's fun.
Just prefire angles and they're fun as fuck
Heimdal is a dude, valkyries are female.
>tfw your hearing is shit and can’t pinpoint where the ringing is from
Just fucking switch her gender. We have too many girls anyway.
kys pathetic incel
>CUM player
How do you feel being the only person who plays >her in the whole country?
Ok so if I'm not retarded, how come I miss the one-hit-vault so often? Can't explain this. Checkmate Atheists.
Recoil does matter when someone rushes in as you describe in a CQB, bad recoil means more likely you may miss and at that point it's more about getting shots in than getting a precise headshot. The M14 is the best DMR, I'll give you that, but it certainly doesn't put her in the top tier of operators with assault rifles that can do almost the same thing, with more bullets, faster. By no means am I saying her guns are bad, but they're definitely not super amazing enough to make her top tier
>kill hunter gadget that allows you to locate enemies through walls
You cannot tell me with a straight face that the buzzing is going to give you a pinpoint on their location, it is not loud enough for that. Sure it'll give you a relative location that a roamer is in a certain room maybe, but you won't know where enough to get a good wallbang like you would with a Jackal mark.
>renders cameras useless
See enemy. Fire in general direction until either you die or the enemy dies.
And Margaret Thatcher was a woman.
Thatcher is a surname, dumbfuck.
Holy jesus, I'm really glad you are not in charge of naming ops
>suggest to change perfectly fine callsigns
>doesn't want to change ela and zofia
Is this baiting or are you retarded?
I just didn't mention them because I couldn't think of alternatives. I think they're shitty too.
If you can't kill them through a wall you're either on the wrong side of their fort or need to get new headset
Ehh, "Heimdall" is alright but "Wadjet" is better because the icon literally makes itself, is already female, and she has a desert theme.
is fine and I don't get why people wish to complicate it?
is also fucking fine because it means "Firefly" in Chinese.
is a fucking annoying goblin so it's fine.
is fine because it means wound in the most general sense since his shit is both sharp and poisonous.
Believe it or not, Jackal was going to be called "Tindalos" but Jackal reads better than "Bloodhound" anyway so...
Point is that the character being referenced is still female, you cement-licking cretin.
I’d be a Jam Player if she didn’t make my ears bleed and would just allow that hair to be free.
Still wouldn’t take her over My Haehyun but still. As for how I feel, I really don’t know.
I agree that some names could've been better, but I don't think it's limited to the DLC operators.
Why is Bandit called Bandit and not Blitz, considering his ability as well as his ability? I, like many others, often confuse those characters when naming them because of that. I understand Blitz like in blitzkrieg, but that's just dumb in context. These two would've been better off swapping names, even though Bandit wouldn't have been perfect for Blitz either.
Why Twitch, because her drone shocks people? Not terrible, but not very good either.
I have no idea why Ash is called Ash. Does anybody know?
Why IQ, because she's smart?
I just realized that the female operators are actually the worst named of the original cast. I wonder why that is. But also that the DLC character in fact do have noticeably worse names.
Buck is actually pretty good, but why Frost? Because it's cold in Canada?
Blackbeard's name is also pretty dumb, yeah he's a *Navy* Seal and has a beard. Had they just given him a "pirate gun" like it has been proposed here, it would've been excellent. I think it's a real shame that Valkyrie didn't keep the name Hollywood. It's a good name because it's American and is related to her gadget, unlike her current nonsensical name.
Both Caveira's and Capitao's names are stupid, as they are just a reference to the BOPE symbol and a movie reference respectively.
Hibana is a thoroughly good name and Echo is also alright.
Mira is good and Jackal works, but here is actually the only name I agree with you, as Bloodhound could've been a much better name.
Lesion should've just kept Caltrop, as it's make more sense and also sounds at least as good. Ying is an alright name.
Both Polish sisters have obviously bad names, like every other non-gameplay related thing surrounding them.
Dokkaebi works, but I don't think it's sounds very good. Vigil is just non-nonsensical, why is he called that?
It would have been a pretty cool callsign. Bet they changed it because the reference would have gone over most of the normies' heads.
>Blitz like in blitzkrieg
And also Blitz as in lightning, or a blinding flash. It works.
How do I even attack in this game
Should I drone before I enter the building along the route I'm going to go? Should I follow my team or fuck off and go some other route? I honestly don't know what I should be doing, we just sort of trickle in and die one at a time.
Blitz makes more sense now. In reference to Blitzkrieg he can run with force, and is able blind people like lightning. B
I really autism'd here, but it's annoying because so many of them are extremely unimaginative and/or don't sound very good.
I'm not saying I could come up with much better names, as I usually have trouble even naming my characters in games where you can do that. But I also don't get payed for writing and designing characters, while also doing a very poor job (mostly in the bios section).
Oh shit, you're right. But still, the fact that Bandit has a lightning bolt as his icon often makes me call him out as Blitz, which I've also heard others do.
>I have no idea why Ash is called Ash. Does anybody know?
Because she is a Jew
There's an obvious difference between using a name that is strictly of a certain gender, like Hejmdal, and something that is gender-neutral, like the surname Thatcher.
Just not obvioius enough for retards like you.
Blitz originally spawned inside the map during the set up phase
Wadjet is actually pretty cool
I guess his Decibel would also have worked.
>who the fuck speaks chinese
same for the other names.
As for Tindalos, I still think Bloodhound would have fit him pretty well. Also conveys the feeling of "being hunted" when you are tracked.
I also want to Thatcher here. His name is just a dumb reference to the embassy siege, I understand why, but they could've still given him something better.
And Castle, what the fuck? Niggers never even had proper Castles, shit makes no sense.
Because Castle’s barricades make the objective a castle, aka fortress/unbreachable
Yeah, I understand that. But seeing the lightning bolt instantly connects him to the name "Blitz" to anyone that speak a Germanic language that isn't English.
I know, the name's good. It was just a dumb joke.
>And Castle, what the fuck? Niggers never even had proper Castles, shit makes no sense.
We wuz kingz!