/mhg/ Monster Hunter General

Lancer(s) Edition

>Monster Hunter: World
-MH:World is coming out for PS4 and Xbox One Jan 26, 2018, and eventually PC. pastebin.com/Pc4NsdxP
↳Second beta period on PS4 available from the 22nd to the 26th, does not require PS+, starts at 5pm GMT
↳Third Fleet Trailer 12/8: youtube.com/watch?v=8RIaU9kpA8Q
↳Paris Trailer 10/30: youtube.com/watch?v=64ql8jQBgsw
↳Weapons: youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_ALSpmx2A8sAdeuYKMnrCt0xCpwPyPbC

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, observed changes, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Password: rage (7243 for 3DS)
XX, ターグット: Gathering フィールド採集
Gen, Objective: Gathering
4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MonHun, /mhg/

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Show of paws, who actually likes the leaked roster?

I think the los/ian/kirin variants are completely unnecessary

Ehh, nah

Like is a strong word. I'm content with the list.

Of course I wish it was bigger, and I'm sure Crapcom could have made it bigger but it's about on par with 4 and with all the huge technical/control/ai changes, I'm content, just there better be free dlc bi-weekly with possible Paid Grank and not 1 monster a month.

The DLC will be as free as RE7's promised free DLC.
Probably as punctual too.

Lunastra is the only returning monster I'm looking forward to


Sorry I was in a hurry to make it since no one else would make one when it was nearly 100 posts past limit. I wont make the same mistake again cat-kun

>he DLC will be as free as RE7's promised free DLC.
So, free?

Ive been playing 3u on cemu for ~10 days now, no issues at all, i used a few reddit posts and a youtube vid to fix and make everything run great, if you want i can give you a google doc link to download everything prepared and set to go, you just need to install the patch and run the game + fix the flickering boxes issue that can appear on the edges of the screen

good taste, OP

unfortunately the new lance is so good, its hard filling time until world with any monhuns

Also, what those anons said is pretty much it, download cemu, the cemuhook, wiiu usb helper to download the game you need to download both, the eu version and the patch version and thats about it

Hello where are the blood effects

Thanks lance pal. Think I'll swap between the two since normal lance has so many nice adjustments it feels like a dream to play and Gunlance just for massive part breaks and I'm glad it's useable again.

The problem I have with 3U is once you get Brach weapons there's literally no point in making anything else. Blast is so hilariously OP and they're pretty good even without considering that, it's just dumb.

How do I put my name in in character creation? Screen goes black and buttons stop working.

still up

Please, good sir!
I'm in the process of downloading myself.
Much appreciated if you do!

Use your keyboard.

Change input to keyboard in settings, start typing on the char screen, press enter at the end and thats it

The characters don't up but it still takes your keyboard inputs. When you enter it works just fine

Reminder that Tri STILL have the best monster icon

Fug, XX room, that is

I've never really used Lance.
Mostly stuck with hammers, horns and dual blades.
Got some tips for a beginner?

I'm a newhunter. Really loving the GS but having a difficult time getting the hang of it. Could anybody offer any advice? Playing P3rd if that maters.

I didn't see it. Are my niggas Astalos, Steve, Seltas Queen, and and Zinogre in it?

No, no, no, and no.

Not my gdoc, its from a reddit thread i found on the whole issue, its what im using and it works perfectly
Download the 'cemu + mh3u' zip, theres a readme inside there on what to do with the whole thing
If you run into some more issues, ill be here for another hour before i go to bed


>Original 4th gen monsters

Poke the monster until it dies
Press the counter button when the monster tries to not die

Don't be afraid to block. It helps you keep uptime and close to the monster especially hipchecks and the such. Try to use the angled stab as much as possible since it does more damage than the straight one but has less lateral reach.
The counter attack if you don't get hit will still do a fuck hueg damage charged attack which is good. Get used to using your hops/dodges as movement tools to get angles on a monster. As an extension of this, get familiar with the hop I-frames so you can just hop through tail swipes and small hit box attacks like bites. I recommend getting Evasion+ skills since they increase your iframes and at +3 the entire hop is iframes.
If you can avoid putting away the lance and keep hugging the moster you're doing it right.
The charge is good for knocked down monster's soft spots if you wanna shred your sharpness but do good dps. The jump into mount is super useful for obvious reasons.
I didn't get to play much with the super guard but I really liked it, I'll report with more during 2nd beta. Playing P3rd right now to hold me over.
Hope any of that was helpful user.


but those were fun fights with cool looking armor

I'm sick of fighting Diablos for the 5 millionth fucking time. It's the worst monster. Rathalos is garbage too but he's the pikachu so I can't complain about him.

Unrelated, are SnS oils still in this game or nah? I was busy last weekend and didn't get a chance to play the demo

Also, this version of cemu and cemuhook is bit older than the newest one, but it still works fine and well, as i said before, no issues at all

>SnS oils
user, I...

It's all about that sheathe, run, draw full charge, slap, pull back and hold triangle charge attack. Make sure you let go of triangle as soon as you hear/see that 3rd level charge pulse. If you keep holding it'll still swing but it's demoted to a level 2 charge.

100% helpful.
I now feel bad about dumping such a cancerous comic. I should probably stop.

my usual method is to observe a monster as I hunt it, and in the cases of potential openings I start counting, whether I'm there to punish it or not. Then next time you have a better idea of what level of charge you can fit in.

don't be afraid to just do a lv1 charge. 3 lv1 charges is roughly a lv3 charge, and worth a lot more than a whiffed lv3 charge.

if you've found you've played too aggressively and can see an attack coming that'll hurt, block. the ability to block is really valuable. it'll save your ass more than once.

Sorry they had to make hammer usable again so unfortunately no.


I don't think it's a complete list, if it's legit. Not enough shit to fill up the Volcano and one more zone.

I like it, I like the new mons we've seen so far a lot and the returning mons are ones I like mostly, really wanna see how Kush and Lunastra/Teostra's effects interact with the environment, hope Chameleos returns sometime soon with DLC.

Considering the resources needed to revamp a monster's assets to work in this game are much more costly than they were before I expected the list to be far shorter so it's a nice surprise to see it semi-confirmed.

There's not even 3 ice monsters the list, and there's almost 10 fire monsters.

It's fake

pretty hard to write up something on the fly, maybe watch some videos if youre completely unfamiliar with tye lance/gunlance flow. lance is super rhythmic, like all weapons you have to know the monster to know when you can fit in an attack, but because youre so rooted to the ground, the windows of attack and not attacking are quicker since youll almost never be out if range for an attack.

when youre learning a monster, dont be afraid to keep that shield up. the guard poke does very little damage, but its super safe while youre figuring things out. one last note- while your shield is up, if you walk you will recover stamina

Remember: No Monster.

We don't even know if there's going to be a tundra map.

Appreciate the help, my friends. Are there any helpful armor skills I should go for that'll speed up the charge?

The turnaround smack you can do out of a charge does the same damage as the regular charge poke. Very abusable on some monsters. The end of the swing also reaches above and behind you a bit, a lot of monsters can't effectively deal with you running past them and turning around to slap their ankles

wow kind of like in every HR game

It's real

Not so sure honestly, Uragaan, Teostra, Lunastra and Nergigante are more or less confirmed to be there if the list is correct, Rathalos and Rathian have appeared in past Volcanic areas too and it wouldn't surprise me if Odogaron could show up in it same way how Stygian Zinogre showed up in whatever place it wanted. Not to mention I'm sure there's probably a gang raptor we haven't seen yet.

It's always like that, I don't understand why they add so many fire monsters


I don't think Elder Dragons will be regular inhabitants of zones is the problem. Unless they've just been hiding them in the four zones we've seen so far at gameshow demos.

>I don't think Elder Dragons will be regular inhabitants of zones
What? Why would you think that?


It's fake.

*deflects ur slinger*


Isn't part of the premise of world that this New Continent is one that elder dragons seem to congregate at from time to time? Isn't that like the entire reason the Research Commission is heading out there?

I literally didn't use the slinger a single time during the demo. It feels so tacked on.

Do bad things happen to captured monsters?


Because they've never just been randomly wandering around during other hunts in previous games.

Are you guys ready for three roaming Deviljhos to show up on your Great Jagras kill quest?

Where is this from

If you send a female monster the male researchers fuck it while it's sedated. Female researchers suck off the male monsters for their fluids.

crit draw
attack up

the core gs skills.

That doesn't really mean you'll never see a Kushala in the Ancient Forest though

>Hunter 2's and his palico's name

I'd appreciate the help, still getting into the swing of monhun. Thanks.

don't forget quick sheathing

Quick sheath is more of a luxury. I like to use it but it's not a necessity.

damn... it was so much better wtf.
I also thought about how unreadable those monsters icons are in the beta


don't forget fortify

That's not what I was saying. The list, minus the Elder Dragons, only has like 7 or 8 monsters that haven't been revealed yet, three of those being Rath and Diablos recolors. And one of the new names would have to be the thing under the corpse pile in the Paris Games Week trailer, and Beltuguese or whatever the name was would probably be an Elder too. That would leave whatever Zone #6 is short on monsters that would always be around like how the forest has Rath/Anajath/Jagras. I just think it's missing shit, whoever posted the suspect pastebin could have had advance knowledge from Famitsu or something since the articles are lined up well in advance for big games like this, but that doesn't mean they knew 100% of what's in.

I wish Tigrex/Barioth/Narga and their variants were in
Also maybe Gore/Shaggy
Otherwise I'm "all right" with it, at the very least

Many thanks.

Tri had 18 large monsters including raths and diablos. Also you didn't need to look up monsters in advance if you didn't want to spoil them for yourself early.

So? It's always like that. In XX we had Giadrome, 2 Lagombis, 2 Gammoths, Blagonga and Zamtrios, and I don't even recall if Zamtrios was really there or not. meanwhile we had Agnaktor, Akantor, 6 Raths, Teostra, Kut-ku, 2 Garugas, 2 Glavenus, 3 Fatties and more that I'm forgetting

I just want some fucking bugs and crabs, is that so much to ask?

don't forget DuL, GSbabies! ;^)

Did it work? You ran into some troubles?

>those delicious hard nipples
On the other hand it's got some great combo work after the back hop charge and feels pretty robust.

What the fuck happened last thread?

What? When did I talk about spoilers?

Is there any footage of the beta with Wyverian audio?

I'd like Tigrex and Kirin. I'm happy to see mostly new faces though. I always find the sweet spot to be the mid-to-late monster designs before they start throwing in bullshit like fatalis, so it's nice we're getting a lot of those by the looks of it.

Previous thread: → #

According to the List™ Kirin and his variant are in the game though

This picture is fake as fuck.
>A/B/C rank instead of S/A/B
>not even the same UI placement as other arena quest screenshots
>fonts don't match up

Tri didn't have 3 monsters roaming each map at all times

>Things can't change in development
Interesting theory.

Nice. I'm happy then, looking forward to seeing if it's true. I don't care about pony shit but kirin's a fun fight. It makes a nice change from the xboxhuge monsters that screw up the camera and even then just scatter the same few AoEs anyway.

does this mean the original image has been BTFO?

Me too, I just hope we have a decent number of "late game monsters that are worth fighting even after we did mostly everything"