Fighting Games General /fgg/
play kolin
I'm so fucking bored I might actually play a fighting game.
how do we save booki
get out of my thread
i feel the same but i also feel like i'd be even more bored if i tried
Does she get a hard knockdown from any EX move?
Who maining Beerus here?
>playing friend at jive
>play a few sets
>his gf comes in
>after 5 minutes literally starts riding him
>sit next to them fucking each other for 10 minutes muttering stuff like "you can actually punish the target combo, did you know that? it's -6"
>spend 5 minutes trainingboaring
this is your brain on sfv
>been playing 200 ranked matches of whatever character someone tells me to play in this thread
>land FANG
>can't play more than 50 matches with out feeling sick to my stomach
>can't stop playing Meeker
>actually beginning to develop feelings for a fucking video game character
am I turning
Post succ.
Oh, he has Terry's Power dunk, I didn't notice that. But no, I probably won't. I want to try Hit though, I like character with a counter.
lmao wow bro you're such a C.UCK lmao kys
Post bee.
>Say Ibuki is insane in S2
>Get laughed at until Xian wins the first major
>Say Birdie is good and Necalli isn't that stupid
>Get laughed at until Capcom Cup
Listen to me in AE.
welcome brother
oops. cumfart
i can't get into video game characters desu. i just see them as an extension of my button presses and little else.
now manga/anime on the other hand... i once marathoned this long romance manga i was really into, lost all my appetite and was depressed for 3 days afterwards.
>still no female big body
Maybe in Skullgirls 2
sheeva from mk
holy shit it's irl antoinette
I couldn't sleep for like 2 days after beating Persona 3 when I was a teenager.
>Ibuki is going to the trash without winning anything in her best season ever
2018 is the year of Cammy
Should I buy MvC3 or Mvci to practice for FightZ?
It's fucking beautifil bros
>Ibuki is going to the trash without winning anything in her best season ever
Xian won a premier and that Chinese tournament and Yukadon won three premiers
This man walks up and bullhorns your championship. What do you do?
buy cranium chicks
what's fightz?
>vappa: hueheueheuheuehue sfv is taking a step back jajajaja they are removing FM, a FREE way to earn new things like new characters we shat on for no reason kekekeke
when in reality based Capcom is, again, fixing things and actually improving ways to earn FM by making it more fair and fun for the player:
is she ok
Learn the lesson and throw an YOLO raging demon the next time we met.
Who cares? Evo and Capcom Cup are the only things worth winning.
Buy MvCI only on PS4 or if you have a locals scene. Otherwise you'll probably still be fine because the game will mostly attract newer players anyway I assume.
>cfn website says the document with the full AE changelist is coming "late january"
what did they mean by this
How true is this? I'm pretty sure Justin fucked Choco.
I say nice job, but also make sure he knows I think he played like a fucking gorilla.
fuck these other ninjas ill be right by your side.. till three thousand and five..
yeah i've seen ppl mention it on /v/. i have no clue what it is
I'm a moron man and I can't play fighting games for the life of me even though I love the genre for other reasons, mostly art-related ones (character design, art direction, etc etc).
Is it there any way for me to get not trash in USFIV at all or should I just give up now and save me a year worth of headaches? I assume there's not a lot of bad/new people playing online on that anymore.
My laptop is old so I can't really play any newer games I don't think. Tried SFV and it ran at less than 30fps even with the lowest settings.
so then only two characters preformed well this year? dumb sniff faggot.
I always like people with the power dunk move. I've forced myself to learn characters just because of it, and I also like beerus' sphere thing. Honestly, a team super is looking way more appealing than I thought it'd be.
I don't know how to reconcile this with the fact that Adult Gohan is the perfect anchor though
it means we have to figure out data first ourselfs.
It means Evo Japan is going to be fun. If I were you I would go steal some games from nip legends.
I know nothing about dbz but if I end up playing the game I'm gonna play trunks, piccolo and beerus
fuck off shill
If I ever get into this game I'll play Beerus/Piccolo/Kid Buu
Daigo should transcend above this whole chart in his own category, that's all it's really missing.
Also that pic of ortiz wtf that's the only convincing shot I've ever seen of him
I love Alex Ahad's stuff
t. salty ibuki player
Infiltration is literally married and has won majors in the past.
He should be on the center.
>has had sex
Was married.
Based Tokido not only put Birdie on the radar, he somehow evaded it all together despite winning Evo, and winning but allowing his opponent to "win" at Capcom Cup. How can one man be so smart?
Does fgg ever do mvci/sfv lobbies or lobbies for any fighting games? or do you guys just straight up not play any more
There's been plenty of jive lobbies.
When is the patch coming out?
EU sf v lobbies happen regularly but vappa calls the players in them reddit
Capcom simply can't stop winning. Amazing!
>We're going to remove this FM grind where you fight against the A.I. and replace it with this FM grind where you fight against the A.I.
>fair and fun
jan 16th
Guess, you genius.
It's just a prank.
They cannot possibly put in anything worse than Survival. The only worse thing that is even theoretically possible is a more difficult Survival mode.
Net code is an excuse scrubs use.
ft1 with 7 other ppl isn't very fun.
Infiltration was married, he had sex.
As did fchamp, how do you think ricki got in the center.
>gllty having sex
I don't believe anyone would do this.
Yeah really. Fuck that shit.
At least, we won't have to fight 100 AI, which can be either retarded or broken, and lose 1 hour just because the game cheated by giving us a low life recovery when we didn't had life.
blaming the netcode is low IQ i blame cosmic rays when i lose
>doesn't move
it's a valid excuse in sfv. you can't see teleporting players in bad connections
>Playing online instead of at locals
This is it. The worst hot take ever posted on /fgg/.
Eliza is a lucky girl bros
Gold Soldier could be Stage 99 Bison mind-reading scumbaggery.
>we're going to remove some FM from this tedious grind that only cheaters and super autists would play and replace it with something more fun and rewarding
>and with these changes we will make it more fair for early adopters as well who bought the game before the AE version
Capcom is too fucking based, TOO FUCKING BASED.
Well technically anything past the middle of january can count as late january.
Solar explosions would be more plausible
dont you ever shitpost with asuka again kid, im watching you
>american education
Sometimes I wish I was black so I could be as un-black as possible and really bamboozle people.
It isn't possible to post Asuka without shitposting.
>sign up for sf v at locals
>go to locals
>"oh sorry man, only four people signed up for sf v so we cancelled it. you're welcome to join melee though"
>just watching tv
>ken bursts open the door
>gives you this look
it's not fair bros
>go back to SFV with my man Nash
>i'm rusty as fuck since last time i played ANY fighting game
>decide to play casual games to get the rust outta the system
>i get trashed for the most part
I didn't expect to do particularly good but that was an unexpected blow