>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
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I want Arvis to fuck me senseless.
Stop shitposting Arvis. We all know you actually wanted Sigurd instead.
I want Julia to mercilessly murder me!
I wanna put Gronnowl on him, he's going to be in the center of an armor team with Hector, BK and H!Jakob
What's a good B skill?
who doesn't want sigurd desu
Only simpleminded fools want whitewing Minerva.
True men of taste want whitewing Michalis.
Quick Riposte/Green Tomebreaker.
Ilyana is fucking shit
>Raul gets to impregnate this
I'm going to go use this image
nuFE, that's why he lost to Tharja
Does anyone have that UNCLE HOLY FUCK picture of Berkut?
Which Woody do I promote?
+Atk/-HP or +Spd/-Def
Where can I get my own Sigurd?
>Thinking the 3D spic will ever get to touch a 2D image on the internet.
pregnant edits when?
Honestly I thought he'd lose to Orcas. I would actually switch to him if he lost too.
Atk. Speed is nice, but Eliwood's thing has always been hit as hard as humanely possible.
To be fair, there aren't a lot of characters that could have beaten Tharja in the first place. Sigurd did an amazing job playing on par for most of it.
She would get absolutely obliterated by Nino or Reinhardt though
Loli manaketes are trash
t. Redditor
Have you built a healer yet, /feg/?
I think he did fantastically considering that Sigurd is 5* exclusive and Tharja is available at 4*
Think Nino would be able to pull Ninian tier numbers if she was in a gauntlet? Or would it be lower because of people getting sick of her fanbase?
must feel bad being TharjaSpic now. Everybody and their mother fucking your waifu on christmas...
So are there any apps in the google store that let me just macro some movements? I'm sitting here grinding out hero merit on three units and found a short easy method of doing it, but I dont wanna sit here for an hour and manually do it, and auto battle is just being retarded,
Who deserves my 20k feathers, /feg/?
Hard to know without their IVs.
My wife
Yes, Genny just saved my ass against +10 armor emblem in AA yet again.
Alfonse with the Brash Assault 3 Seal meme combo
Post a quote and have others guess the character who uttered it.
>Anger keeps you going more than sorrow... Anger has kept me alive...
Cherche if she's +atk
How should I build my +ATK/-DEF Inigo? Does Keen Gronnwolf make sense
I built muliple before the buffs. My favourite meme build has been mostly obsoleted by the weapon refinery, though. Higher average HP and massive buffs to other staves make her damage feel mediocre again.
PKMN Trainer Red
Lissa looks cute, I think I'll roll for her
I just have Genny. I do have a perfect +Def/-Atk Azama to meme with though. And I want to promote my +Res/-Spd Wrys who was one of my first summons.
memeraven TA with bowbreaker and DM3 if you want him to bodycheck non-brave/firesweep lyns and reinhards.
Sakura since it seems like you've already invested into her
>"I should have stayed dead, but a foolish spark remained in my heart.
Now I must admit that my time with you has kindled that tiny spark once more.
With the power I've gained at your side..."
I have several at numerous stages of completion. Genny is easily my bread winner though. Working on wrys right now, he's working out pretty well.
"Yeah. At least I think so. We go through hard times, but isn't that all part of life?"
I really like this line.
Enjoy your Christmas crummies.
How does my meme man look? Anything specific I should change for the king besides praying I roll a Lissa for those sweet doubles and special charge?
+Atk Cherche
+Atk, Def or Res Camilla
+Atk or Spd Cecilia
+Atk or Res Felicia
-Spd A.Tiki
Seliph is +ATK -RES
Cherche is +ATK -DEF
I merged her because I pulled one with a better IV. She's now +ATK -RES, as is Lucius.
>not in game leader
>not S supported
>constantly shills Kagero, Sonya, and Kiria
Fuck of she's not your wife.
"Your fortress is a chicken coop, and you the clucking occupants! Come out and die like men!"
Who's cocksleeve is this?
"I'll do my best!"
Leif isn't that edgy
>Having the spic on your friendslist.
Nah, if anyone here is pathetic it's you.
+Def forge (if you switch to Bonfire/Ignis)
Darting Blow (if you have flier buffs)
QR (if you switch to Bonfire/Ignis)
Flier buffs on C
Lissa's skill likely only for armors
Cam is +SPD -DEF, Cecilia is +ATK -RES, Felicia is +SPD -HP, Tiki is +ATK -RES, Eirika is +SPD -HP
Speed, so he can actually fucking double and the other guy is retarded.
Swift sparrow or fury and cavbuffs full on
Blaze that durandal
Hmm... Trek then? It's one or the other.
Me on the back.
The guy below me.
Tails from Sonic Riders
Yeah, based Trec.
He's always showing off his screenshots
>only Fates sibling to be given away for free, due to GHB
>specifically built to be a top tier unit, until he got cucked by Brave Roy / Fury Fury Eldigan / his own son
>two alternates, more than everyone except for Lyn and Lucina (and soon Chrom)
>large part of Book 1's story despite not being a FEH character
>gets to be in Fire Emblem Warriors
>in the Legendary Hero banner, despite his Spring version being utter shit
>all of this despite the fact how he came in 42nd place in a game-wide popularity poll, not even counting combined votes from characters from multiple games
What do you call a character that is constantly shilled, but no one fucking likes? This isn't a Lightning, because people actually like Lightning.
I didn't know Seliph had minor Sety
Hm... Draug?
That's one big dick death blow, man. Give him hone fliers too
I know there's more than Nino who says that. Not sure about the exact words though.
Camilla would require heavy investment (DC and another weapon)
Cecilia would make a good Raven+TA, +Atk is her best set for it and -Res doesn't hurt her all that much
-Res on A.Tiki isn't as good as it used to but it's not the worst. +Atk is good, if you like her start to invest in her and merge into +Atk or +Def / -Spd eventually.
Eirika is really good, but not a powerhouse on her own. She also doesn't require a lot of investment to be good; she buffs and checks swords/greens and +Spd/-Hp is probably her best set.
Isn't Siegfried kind of miniature in that picture? I got the impression from Fates that Siegfried was pretty huge, or was that because of it's red aura?
I like him
More male dancers when?
"If you don't trust people, they can't betray you... And if you don't trust people, you'll never make a connection with anybody. Not truly."
>Not sure about the exact words though.
Nino, Amelia, Sophia, and Laslow all say it
>Sometimes Siegfried is depicted as being as big as a UGS on official art, sometimes its just as big as a broadsword
I'll never understand this meme.
When will they add prettiest boy Elphin? What weapon would be wield? Unlike Nils, he doesn't have the excuse of being a Dragon.
Perhaps magic like Shigure.
How do I make her good?
>le fodder meme
Don't give a shit about her bane, answer the question
Reyson soon