/svg/ - Shadowverse General

>pet classes

>Next expansion pack is Chronogenesis

>Reveals so far

>November nerfs - DShift, Sibyl, Soulsquasher, Carabosse, Staircase

>Rotations, formats, new class

>What events are up?

>Official Website

>Deckbuilder and card database

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Shitposted to death:

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Post elf.

play point
enhance (3) do nothing

>pet craft

>Honest craft

>somewhere in beetween

Don't give it replies.


*replies u

Where are the fuckin reveals?

No more bully elf


>get excited about concede Dirt finally getting a wincon next expansion
>remember that she's gone next expac
I guess they want everyone to use Golem still

I want to fuck that elf

I wanna make her a mother of many

boring and shallow faggots, the ultimate and everlasting dindu, exclusively dedicated to deflecting, momposting and crying
>meme contributions
none, even their ingame memes are weak
well deserving of the number 1 spot
dindus since DE when they were the epitome and incarnation of cancer, at their time they were just another version of shadowfags minus the constant bitching.
>meme contributions
the chemo meme is pretty strong, good at shitposting, solid
shadownigs 2: electric boogaloo
lowkey all around, minus points for discord
>meme contributions
yuriusposting and discord come to mind, solid memeing all around, very balanced
aside from being the current fotm cancer they are pretty alright, fun
even at their prime with daria they were never obnoxious dindus, currently stays lowkey aside from the occasional subhuman dshitter, minus points for that
>meme contributions
jebposting is pretty good, kinda lacking still, fun
solid and well rounded, a portion of them are big time subhumans but i'd go as far as saying they're mostly self aware
not much to say, rightfully bitches from time to time
>meme contributions
pretty weak aside from some image macros
boring, not bad though
dead, mostly post about how dead they are
>meme contributions
thinking's man craft shitstorms and deadposting are pretty good, solid meme powerlevel
dead, fun
need i say more? responsible for the best memes this game has, a meme itself, never bitches despite his long lasting shitty position, embracing the meme tier
>meme contribution
ascended tier, rowenposting is the highest and purest form of memeing
thanks for existing
you are welcome to input feedback for this now official ranking

It was a tragedy for her to come out in the same set as dread. Forte-Urd combo is a bit more satisfying than dreadstorm though.

I lOVE my big sis Isabelle!

Fuck off with this retarded pasta.

>it's a control blood fag stalls out the match while they desperately try to draw esmeralda because they don't have a win condition episode
>and it's special guest, you with max hp watching as blood removes everything you play in bloody finger tipped panic
>and its a rerun

Who is supposed to be the ultimate evil in rage of bahamut? bahamut wants to nuke the world and satan wants to unsleash his army and kill everything

Bahamut is destruction and rebirth.

Satan is jobber tier, bahamut is one step higher in the ladder

Shadow is a pet class.

I'm going to fill your big sister with my children

Bahamut is more like a force of nature/walking cataclysm.

I hope I roll cerb so I don't have to use lunashit anymore when I do dailies in unranked.

Cerberus is the face of Cygames, so it's fair.

I want Luna as my pet.


That's Arisa

>not a single gold or legendary card for Sword yet
What are the chances at least one of these isn't hot garbage like the last three expansions?

sorry, family comes first

Except Forest is either godlike or tier1 every meta, dumbass. Also what's so honest about haven? As honest as runecraft i would say.

The only honest craft is sword. Blood is thinking man's craft.

Arisa would be a nice pet, elves are born for ownership

They'll release fucking 2pp spawn for Sword or 5pp spell: Summon a Juliet until your board is full.

me play face damage from hand
me play ambush 8/8 hit face for 16
me heal and remove for free
me get storm me go face
me smart me think

Forest was literal garbage during TotG though.


Dragonshitter, pls.

>Blood is thinking man's craft.
Bloodshitter's revisionism.

*screeches autistically about mouthbreathing*

You can't be serious.

Scans where.

Check your crate.

The only mouth breather in this game is Latham. Discord /hsg/fags are stupid.

never ever

I wish cygames would stop shitting on eris

OH SHIT! Thanks bro!

>dark general
>not blood's latham

It's been shown in the previews that dark general has her mouth closed normally

Some day... maybe.

There was honestly no way to make Latham look right because he's looking to the side. Even if they went through the special editing effort to close his mouth and shape his head accordingly, it would have looked weird. It's a shame too because he is a pretty cool guy.


more Luna Claus


Scans when?

It was a short lived meme for those who didn't see the video of her in action on the nip stream. Latham will always be a mouthbreather though.

How disappointed were you when you realized that Remi and Rami weren't actually twins but just split personalities?

wtf want a pet like shadow now.

It needs to be released first.

>thinking man
Let me just swarm the field with my low cost over stated followers every turn
So much thought involved

>tfw running 10 nox instances to ensure that i get matched against myself in arena
anyone know if arena has micro ladders? eg. if i go 1-0, do i get matched up agavinst other 1-0s?

They demolished the Sword's alt leader right on the spot. If weren't for it, Latham could've been popular, who knows.

Why would you crop the best part out?

You didn't realize this from the getgo? I thought it was obvious

I love this artist!

I demand pictures! Pictures of Luna dressed as Cerberus!

You can even see her behind Remi.

Me too. I wish he did SV stuff more often.

Where are the damn reveals


I mean let me go through each gold/legendary sword card since ToG and explain why Sword is garbage. Gold/Legendary cards are suppose to game changing.
Was good until CoCK nerf
No reason to pull a commander that doesn't cost more than 5 pp. Maid leader can do the job for a quarter of the vials
No reason to play neutral sword over neutral blood/forest
Read Maisy
>Captain Lecia
Probably the outlier here if 2 pp 3 damage didn't exist in every deck
Trash card in firstverse. No commander powerplay except for Frontguard or Leonidas who are gone after Rotation
>Whiteridge Swordsman
Control Sword support. Control support is a meme
>Round Table assembly
Good until the CoCK nerf
>Support Cannon
One of the worst amulets in the game
A literal lose more card. Even nerfed Ourboros is better than this trash
The best card sword got since Albert and Luminious Mage, then got gutted because greedy dragoncucks and Dshitters bitched too much about aggro sword
Control Sword support. control sword is a meme. (REMOVE BAHAMUT)
>Captain Walfrid
>Hero of Antiquity
If only he was a commander

Dragon and Shadow got more good gold/legendary cards in one expansion than Sword did in THREE.

I told you to stop posting that picture.

I've been warned recently and don't want to risk my Veeky Forums pass.


>sword could have had Otohime but muh 1:1 gender ratio even though there was literally no other good choice in the gold/legendary rarities
>sword got a decent street fighter but it's from the ugliest street fighter game ever
>sword could have had saber but dragon is the main character class
>bishounenfags ruin sword's leader poll
Will sword ever get a decent skin? Erika is pretty good I guess but this is ridiculous.

Does that actually work?

Have this Rowen dressed as Arisa instead.

It legit took me like five expansions to figure it out.

>giving money to gookmoot


You're really slow, user.

Do you got the one where she's facing forward? I was looking for that one in particular

You never read cards' flavor text?

>typing all those fucking captcha instead of just paying $1.50 a month
Carpal tunnel will cost you more in the long run

Here's a censored version

>expecting nip coders to check for identical ips
i'm pretty sure that arenas have microladders though. i have a hard time getting matched after my first win.

I read them all. That's the sad part.
I can barely tie my own shoes. I guess I was also so fixated on the Rem and Ram comparison that I missed the obvious.

I hope they "censor" Luna with a sukumizu in the future swimsuit event.


Sex with Remi must be amazing. Imagine her switching personalities when she cums. Meek submissive Remi one moment, assertive dominating Rami the next.

>4pp summon a 3/3 ward
So not only slightly understatted for the 4pp cost, but much shittier because you want your free sigil on something cheap you can combo with if need be.

Can't wait for the 1pp 1/2 summon an earth sigil next expansion

>Rem Ram
She's more like Yoshino

I miss the user that got a hard-on hearing Rami's eng death line.

>piercing rune
>conditional 1 cost deal 2 to follower and face
>nerfed to 2
>diabolical drain
>conditional 1 cost deal 4 to follower and heal 2

This guy was also trying to argue that red hot ritual was never a good card just because Dirt used to suck. He really doesn't understand how value works in this game.

What the fuck, dubcucks?

Who's Yoshino? Is this a Nep character?