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>Heroes FAQ and links
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Lyn and Roy suck
I love you /feg/.
Uh oh.
Who was in the wrong here?
I want to put my lute inbetween Lute's lutes.
Ike and Lucina also suck
why is everyone's tastes so shit bros?
Ike is the most popular FE character.
Ikefags btfo.
>Roy 1st
>Hector 5th
>Lyn 9th
Who is responsible for this poll
>Marisa in fucking 7th
How the fuck
Lyn got more votes than he did though
>marisa 7th
she's /ourmyrm/ right?
>ephraim #2
wtf I thought nips hated him?
Is this a gba popularity poll?
that's a GBA-only poll you retard
Except Ike's votes were split, he had way more with his two versions combined
Why is Mordecai blonde and why is he being so rude?
>poll has FE7 and 8
>FE7 release date: April 25, 2003
>FE8 release date: October 7, 2004
>Super Smash Bros. Melee release date: November 21, 2001
Ike had 1,638 more votes than Lyn when you combine PoR and RD Ike's votes.
Thanks to smashfags.
heh... all the cyl are smash shill...
Ike is shit
Rutger fucking when ISIS
Post Marisa
Ike placed in top ten twice
Fucking Yura
Which is better for Bunny Camilla between:
>Gronnraven+ and Triangle Adept
>Keen Gronnwolf and Vantage
>Gronnblade+ and Flier Formation
Or some other combination?
>combining votes
They're two different characters.
Reminder that Fire Emblem probably would have proliferated earlier and stayed on track if Kaga hadn't gone full retard.
>Release FE5 for the SNES when the N64 had been out and the GCN was already a known thing
>Also had a return to Archnaea planned...for the fucking SNES which obviously got cancelled
>Wanted to port Thracia to the Nintendo 64 instead of helping with the actual N64 FE game, which ended up getting scrapped and made into FE6 for the GBA instead because of Kaga decides to leave
>Takes his ideas for the Archanea remake, makes a literal Fire Emblem game with a new company and calls it "Emblem Saga"...then is surprised when Nintendo sues him
dont post my 2nd wife pls
It could've been worse, atleast it's not Yura's ugliest work and the face fits Navarre better than it does Clarisse.
It's still fucking Ike
With all this talk of Smash, which FE do (You) want to see in Smash 5?
Make a moveset for them too.
Who's gonna win next time if they don't include the old winners?
Who gives a fuck. I like Ike. Was campaigning for him to be included in brawl since it was first announced. Didn't care much for how he was implemented, but most of those problems were rectified in sm4sh.
What the fuck is wrong with her eyes
Wasn't Thracia also exclusive to some download cartridge bullshit for awhile too?
I have multiple builds on her. I think Raven + TA + Vantage is the best kit for her. I dislike Blade without +Spd. Dunno about the Gronnwolf build but it seems like all it accomplishes is beat CA non-Firesweep B!Lyns while losing out on several other MUs.
Ugh no, that’s wrong. Sorry sweaty
He will be YURA'd because hes brown Navarre.
Reinhardt, unironically, especially if the previous winners are gone
None. FE needs to stop bloating up Smash. It should get its own fighting game
Berkut, chill the fuck out
How can he achieve greatness, anons? I'm not going to pass him off because muh bad stats. I love his art and VA, so there needs to be a way he can be meta
Her Shigure is ok
Ike again
Heroes has only helped his popularity
I'm not sure how the female side would go down, things have changed quite a bit since pre-Heroes launch
>my nigga Magnus
Elder God tier roster
Yes. By ArcSys
grail him
>that artwork is supposed to be this
Hector and Reinhardt win easily on males side
Female is a toss up between Tharja, Camilla, Nino, and Ninian
>put him on cav team
>get +6 to each stat
>suddenly useable unit
Yep, Thracia was pretty much a digital only SNES game until 2000
If FE got its own fighting game I would hope that it doesn't go the Smash and Warriors route of 'Oops, all swords!'
Hector is the pretty clear winner for the male side, runner up would most likely be Reinhardt. Girls is Tharja/Camilla with maybe a surprise appearance by Ninian or Eirika
Factually correct
>Fir got in before Rutger and is generally more popular
Rutger eternally BTFO
Yup. It also sold well decently because people liked Fire Emblem THAT much. If 776 was made on a normal timeline and N64 Fire Emblem was a thing, I bet the US would have gotten it.
Ike, from Fire Emblem Heroes.
Honestly only works of Yura I think that look ok are Subaki and Niles, even if Niles has some really terrible zombie skin shade and Subaki looks kinda bad in neutral with an awkward aspect ratio pose and face.
No shit, fucktard
I mean what can I do about his skillset
Ike from Radiant Dawn
Why would they shoot themselves in the foot like that? Were they hoping that 4's popularity could save it despite going full retard?
The general selection criteria for FE6 characters seems all over the place. Hell, it surprises me that FE6 even got included in the base games in Heroes.
You mean French Bread
They're hot shit now
Alright, Raven it is then.
>checking my barracks
>all my Navarre and clarrise have vanished
I don't remember getting rid of all of them, what the fuck?
>By ArcSys
Have him DC the fuck out of mages
rein cucks chrom, the other 3/4 placers move up to 1 and 2
Brave Lance
Fury or Death/Sturdy Blow
Quick Riposte
Has treated me well. Plus the Lance kinda matches his sprite a tiny bit if that's your thing
Fire Emblem before Awakening had a history of terrible decisions, your guess is as good as anyone else's
throw all the shit at the wall till it sticks. it doesn't fucking matter hes a cavalry unit you could literally put anything on him and it'll work fine with cav buffs.
lmaoing @ Rutgerfags forever
>On the official Japanese website for Nintendo, Rutger won 2nd place out of 80 in the character popularity poll for Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade, second only to Roy. The male-female vote ratio is 2:1. The voter comments seem to generally focus on his character design, his brooding and reserved personality, and his versatility as a Myrmidon/Swordmaster.
>On the official Japanese website for Nintendo, Fir won 5th place out of 80 in the character popularity poll for Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade. The male-female vote ratio is 2:1. The voter comments seem to generally focus on her naive but bold and emotional personality, her character design, and her easy usability as a Myrmidon/Swordmaster due to her high Speed, Skill, and Luck rates.
I see you've inherited Bartre's brains but none of his looks.
>tfw there will never be a Melty Blood styled Fire Emblem fighter
I was thinking something like this. I don't have the fodder to give him something fancy like Close Defense or DC atm.
+Res refinement would be best for magic tanking but I like the red aura too much
Julia will win
good riddance
>Rutger not in Heroes.
#1 male: Hector
#2 male: Reinhardt
#1 female: Nino
#2 female: Ninian
Nigga have you seen DBF
I don't have her, but if I did I would give a +def/neutral def one raven+ TA3 and QR3 or Bowbreaker. I'd give a -def one blade+.
Alright guys post your defenses.
I need to see if this healer meme is actually effective or if everyone's just getting lots of defenses this week.
She'll win in my heart!
>tfw Rutger will get Ryo'd