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/wfg/ - Warframe General
Is mod rating total endo divided by 10 or 15?
please no more retards whining about how their weapon that oneshots everything oneshots everything faster than the other tard
How do I make the Baza viable in endgame?
I love the gun but it sucks ass in sorties and kuva floods.
The riven is +impact +cd for those wondering.
to the guys giving constructive criticism on my rhino:
How do i make a pure iron skin build? Just power strength?
Remember to treat your fellow Tenno with respect.
By trashing it and using a real weapon
this subreddit is very hostile
That + armor, and ironclad charge. You might want some range if you have trouble finding good groups of enemies, but your normal iron skin will probably last until then.
there is no endgame and baza is garbage.
not a rhino-player, but as far as I know Streamline and Continuity isn't worth spending slots on, get iron-clad charge and the iron-skin augments - get rid of stretch and throw more strength on it - not even sure if you need vitality since you're always in iron skin.
Iron skin is affected by your armor amount, so Steel Fiber beefs it up together with Ability Strength.
2 60/60s for corrosive
standard crit build
primed shred
your riven replaces heavy cal
shoot at enemies from 12m away and aim for head
>3 impact mods on a weapon with 30% base impact damage
youre actually trolling or youre this dumb. either way you dont deserve any help
why do you keep posting this animu girl? is it some new hot fad on the jap world?
Please don't bully me...
>draw a girl call it a boy
>damn i need tits
what did user mean by this?
what? what did you a mean by that?
>impact riven
>two impact damage mods
>heavy cal
>no elementals
What the actual fuck is this. A non riven build with hunter munitions and viral is better than this shit.
He doesn't have tits though, other wise would be futa?
On a crit weapon, is critical damage on a riven better than regular damage or are they the same? Assuming the +crit damage stat and the +damage stat have the same value and the 2nd stat on the riven is +crit chance
>more proof that shitters are the whales that made DE $27m
Depends on the base stats. Gotta calculate this stuff on a case-to-case basis, bro.
>weapon actually has enough fire rate to overcome low status chance and strip armor
>doesn't build for corrosive procs
>vigilante armaments
>vigilante munitions
>no shred on a bullet hose
into the trash it goes
You only need one viral proc to get the full benefit of hunter munitions, with all the multishot and sustain you're bound to get at least one even without dualstats, viral also works on all factions unlike corrosive. If you want an armor stripper you're looking at the wrong weapon, it's not what the baza does best. Shred is shit an makes the gun more annoying to use, only the punchthrough is good but there's no space.
Baza doesn't have enough crit to use hunter munitions effectively, hunter munitions only replaces bladed rounds, so only snipers have room for it.
Baza can proc status over 10 times a second. 2x 60/60s Corrosive + Primed Shred is faster TTK than Viral + Hunter Munitions against everything but Eximus Units where they both have roughly the same TTK.
Not that user but I don't understand why use radiation vs alloy armor instead of corrosive. For example the Sedna boss. I can use Shattering Impact and corrosive element to strip the armor completely.
>baza doesn't have enough crit to use hunter munitions effectively,
what did he meme by this
Assuming it's some magical riven that grants 100% of each stat, +damage wins out. But really, that's not realistic, since usually one of the values will be larger than the other, and you also have to consider the mods you're already using, as well as the mod you're removing for the riven. Like I said, you have to run the math yourself.
In the case of shielded unarmored enemies you still don't use hunter munitions, you just use 90% and 60% toxin and ignore their shields with most of your damage.
you want ironclad charge and iron shrapnel augment mods, then max strength and dump every other stat
and steel fibre of course
Is there like a rule of thumb? Lets say I had a build that procced orange crits most of the time and red crits sometimes, with the basic crit dmg mods and bladed rounds on top of it, would crit dmg win over regular dmg because of high crit chance and other crit dmg mods?
>Baza doesn't have enough crit to use hunter munitions effectively
But it does? It's more than a coinflip plus you have 150% multishot. Bladed Rounds is shit and requires you to aim for it to not be a wasted modslot. It has more crit than status, so I don't understand your logic of treating the Baza as a status armor stripper rather than the crit weapon it is. Shred is suicide on the weapon's ammo economy both in normal games and ""endgame"". You're putting in too many bullets.
you need to crit to roll for hunter munitions, the only weapons with room for it are weapons that hit 100% or higher crit chance with just point strike while having innate punch through or AoE
Can we talk about a good weapon instead
you use radiation on things with garbage status chance or which aim to kill in 1-2 hits, like sniper rifles
All of the weapons in warframe are good with enough forma, there's no point in singling out certain weapons.
shred is an increase in ammo economy compared to vigilante armaments unless you only ever hit single enemies
Sadly, no. Gotta math it out.
perhaps effectively is a poor choice of wording, assuming you already have every mod, there is no fully minmaxed build for any faction or mission type that uses hunter munitions on the baza
ins't baza literally just soma prime but with faster more frequent reloads and limited range
What the fuck do you even mean? Show your math
And no recoil, no windup, cooler name and sound.
>tfw no new sasha in months
which is more worth my weapon slot /wfg/
Right. So instead of doing many hits with 0% bonus damage, you do one that does +75% extra and bypasses 75% of armor.
>spending time lining up enemies rather than just shooting them
Multishot is never bad. Armaments is essential.
He's good now, right?
To make hunter munitions work better you're making the weapon worse even after factoring in the slash procs' finisher damage. At no point will it result in faster TTK, because both armor and health scale. As levels get higher building the Baza to strip armor becomes more and more effective than building it for slash procs, and at no point is the corrosive build worse than than the slash build against armored enemies except for alloy armor eximi.
Anyone interested?
armaments is not essential, and in fact is less of an average damage increase than a third 90% mod (or it would be without munitions)
explain your exact reasoning for adding impact damage
>0 cells
I know that feel
Heavy cal and armaments shift the line to the left. Argon scope and bladed rounds shift it to the right (no weapon is better with a crit riven when using argon + bladed)
Is Latron Prime worth a potato and forma? It's refreshing to use, but it lacks the punch I initially perceived it to have.
Can I actually trust top gun?
baza, 20p
>bought hundreds plats worth of Riven Slots because I'm too lazy to do all the Challenges and/or too afraid to sell some shitter weapon ones thinking one day theyll get primed/buffed
he rolled an impact riven and thought for some reason that having +impact on a riven made other impact mods stronger
>enemies frozen with chilling globe are immune to status while frozen
At least it seemed that way when I was using a CO melee weapon on frozen enemies.
But dont use the prime skin it looks like shit
yes, as long as you can hit headshots
wraith is better, but prime isnt that bad
/wfg/ - Baza Riven General
Can you explain this table to me? And what does 'no weapon is better with a crit riven when using argon+bladed mean' ? Does it mean raw dmg is better on it than crit dmg? What if you also have +200 crit chance on a riven
He's not shit at least
t. the Oberon guy
>t. the Oberon guy
That table is specifically comparing a damage+multi riven vs a CC+CD riven for weapons using serration, split chamber, point strike, and vital sense.
If you already have + crit chance, crit damage is probably better (to an extent). It's usually better to just use bladed rounds + raw damage on a riven because there is no supplemental +raw mod comparable to bladed rounds.
Guy who plays Oberon
Oberon is literally a worse Trinity/Frost.
is this a decent riven
is hate crit viable
First, trinity and frost are nowhere near the same
Second, oberon has a different use than trinity
if you want a weapon no one uses to rape corpus with because you're a hipster that riven will work wonders
Do you want fun or effectiveness?
Don't fall for it, he does it every time
i love being a hipster
i have 3 akjagara rivens
Both Frost and Trinity do everything Oberon can do better with less button presses.
if only there was some sort of site that could calculate your build's dps or something
oh well
>there is no supplemental +raw mod comparable to bladed rounds
scratch that. If you're fine with heavy cal, then crit damage wins.
>crafting meme frames
how is this build for a DPS banshee?
any constructive criticism would be appreciated.
>im going to farm for another fleeting so i can rank 4/5 it
t never used a dps frame before
>playing boring banshee
Resonance/Savage Silence build or
>that low efficiency and duration
you're aware quake is a channeled ability, right?
just threw random crap at this, decent build? i really like the 5 disposition on it
i know i should probably invest in more primed mods cause this shit isnt going to get me anywhere for much longer
where the fuck do i farm orokin cells now holy shit
>get a Strun riven from sortie
>roll it 10 times, but only get passable stats, nothing great
>want to take it on a Kuva Flood to test it out
>Flood is on Kela
Yeah, fuck that. She's not hard, its just that I don't want to be reviving my fucking cat every bombardment.
Do people get mad if you open the same relic a dozen times on endless voids?
>~25% chance of getting the relic I want from each run of cerberus
>run it 8 times
>still hasn't dropped
time to farm trade chat?
vor+kril, bring loot detection and hit cell arrays
Remove rending strike and jagged sedge. Endo them so that you don't get tempted to use them again. Replace with blood rush and drifting contact
don't use IPS mods or true steel
use blood rush, maiming strike, 60% toxin, 90% toxin, drifting contact
this kills the corpus