Dota 2 general /d2g/

The chad chef edition

Frostivus is here! If by some miracle you manage to win 3 games before the end of the month, you get a FREE treasure.

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me on the left

but for real who is he i see him all the time

A game being decided by a midgame teamfight doesn't imply that the laning phase had nothing to do with it esl.
>I really don't know how really show you you're wrong any more than this
You can keep going on with the bastardization of the English language, if you prefer.

thats me

>the pro's say that you're wrong
>Match statistics say you're wrong
>but some 2k brainlet says he's right so everyone else is wrong

user i'm not even (you) but give it a rest

>user i'm not even (you)
Being dishonest with statistics and now being dishonest with pretending you're someone else isn't exactly going to prove your point, based retardbro.

do you lift with blitz chan dotards don't forget to vote for best waifu before the end of the year

you need fucking help man

fix her without breaking her

Congratulations on learning how to edit html on the browser.

lv25 talent haunt has no cooldown

giving free yous shouldnt be allowed


250 health at level 10

>report someone
>commended by accident

lower haunt cd, but still make it reasonable. Maybe something like 80 s at max level

who the fuck is BSJ

promo code: bsj

who the fuck are you

how do you break what is already broken

>enchants AM manta illusion
>sets it to attack enemy pos 5
>watch them try figure out why their carry is attacking them

Wouldn't this month be more accurate? This week literally just started, makes it a low n value

it's last 7 days, not this week

It doesn't work like that. I saw someone posted treant at like 12.5% because there were only 8 games.

Yeah one time someone posted ET sunday morning at >70% because of the low pool of games

How is there not an emergency patch for dusa and morph ?

just counter them lmao


unbreakable passives

i know right. the state of LD is unbearable too. someone picks him and it's game over. 36% WR in pubs, does icefrog even care about balance?

holy shit what lmao

lower BAT

Dagger slow pierces spell immunity
Dagger damage to pure
+8% Dispersion at all levels
Haunt CD to 140/110/80

col's chef

I wanted to have Desolate replaced with an active, but they already gave it too many changes so I guess it's Dispersion that's getting changed:
Dispersion REWORKED:
-Now has a passive and active component.
-The passive component negates 16%/19%/22%/25% of incoming damage and stores it for 5 seconds.
-The active component releases up to 300 of the stored damage as a blast of pure damage in a 700 radius around you.
CD: 4 Mana: 25

so basically its visage spell but aoe pure dmg no mana cost and 4 sec cd not to mention the passive component
just add +1 armor to that and spec should be balanced lol

I just gotta say man, i really appreciate you not working on the dota 2 dev team. You're fucking insane

What the fuck dotards there's actually interesting dota happening today.
While VP are probably the clear favorites, I wouldn't be too surprised by a Kinguin upset. OG and Fnatic is a coin flip.

>Dispersion and Desolate combined into a new passive "Spectre"
>Units affected by Spectral Dagger are now always affected by the offensive component of Spectre.
>Spectral Dagger pierces spell immunity.
New ability:
>Spectral Strike
>100 mana, for 1/2/3/4 hits deals 30% increased damage as magical and silences the target for 1 second
>new level 25 talent: Haunt illusions have Spectral Strike

Why THE FUCK can't WK control his skeletons???

Micro is over the complexity budget and adds nothing to the game.

Because he's the Wraith King, not the Skeleton King, duh


mafia is actually so entertaining

It has a severe problems in its core concept, though. The first night literally serves no purpose and ruins the round for one player, basically at random. As far as I see it there is no way to resolve this problem, which is exactly why it is a bad game.

i once played with like top 20~ dotabuff sniper he was only 5.2k mmr

People who commonly play together can deduce the first round motive pretty well. Removing a player who can influence everyone else, or a stupid useless individual, or etc.
If i remember correctly, BTS doesn't play reveal on death, which is actually the dumbest shit ever

She's viable.
Retards don't know about sleeper OP spirit vessel rush build. Free wins vs morph/tinker pickers.

>As far as I see it there is no way to resolve this problem
lynch on d1..?

I haven't been following the game since the end of 2014, what is the current meta right now?

I want miracle to bang my butt pregnant.

>The jimmy special

I'll pay $10 to whoever kills bulba.

Bulba is a top tier panel member.
If only he'd stop trying to go pro and take it up full time.

Analyst and coach, he is actually so spot on with it all. Like i remember maybe summit 5 or something, he could predict all of EG picks because he knew exactly how they would play

I thought he was /ourguy/

>Krauts in my gulag
yeah I'm out of here



>BTS doesn't play reveal on death
What is this? I don't really know maffia other then what i see on dota streams.

Btw on Bulba's play yesterday, it was extremely lucky it worked. Every factor that allowed bulba to win basically happened. The real cop didn't speak up, the townies didn't contest their voting off. It was a giant shitshow where nobody tried to calmly evaluate the situation. Which Bulba engineered by screaming like an autist. Every decent Mafia player would have BTFO bulba's argument.


zfreek/swindlezz's cousin, chef, life coach
5/6k apparently so he also helps draft
shit is actually not fair



Huh, now that you say it like that it makes sense.
First night is always
>get rid of ___ because they're not good players
>____ should die because he was [role] last game and now he's acting different/spoke out first

I think some sort of event should happen first night where no-one dies but player roles are affected or some information about 1/5 players is known to someone or whatever

So i think """"official players""""" reveal their role on death, where BTS plays games goes on or not


Solid Stance
Q: Take on the qualities of earth for 10 seconds, becoming a strength hero, gaining bonus strength, and replacing your normal abilities with three new ones.
Bonus strength: 4/11/18/25
CD: 35 Mana: 150
>Q: Create a large slow moving wave of rubble that damages over time and slows enemies in contact with it.
>W: Active attack modifier. Stun an enemy with an attack that deals a large amount of (percentage) bonus damage.
>E: Passively gain a large amount of HP regeneration.

Liquid Form
W: Take on the qualities of water for 10 seconds, gaining bonus agility and replacing your normal abilities with three new ones.
Bonus agility: 4/11/18/25
CD: 35 Mana: 150
>Q: Reduce the target's armor for a long duration and also cause them to lose additional armor every time you attack them.
>W: Become untargetable and gain haste for 1.5 seconds. If you issue an attack order on an enemy within 400 units during this time, you will automatically teleport towards them.
>E: Passively slows enemies in a small radius around you.

Clear Focus
E: Take on the qualities of air for 10 seconds, becoming a 600 attack range intelligence hero, gaining bonus intelligence, and replacing your normal abilities with three new ones.
Bonus intelligence: 4/11/18/25
CD: 35 Mana: 150
>Q: Vector targeted. Deals damage along the drawn line and pushes enemies in that direction. Very short cooldown.
>W: Create a protective dome of swirling air around an ally that negates several incoming hero attacks and one targeted spell.
>E: Passively provides a massive percentage increase in mana regen.

R: Gain the perk bonuses of all attributes and gain damage based on your secondary attributes.
Damage per point of secondary attribute: 0.15/0.30/0.45

Who are DotA's best Fish, best Furry and best Bug?

Name a better Dota 2 player than 3 rax down Sing. Go ahead, I'll wait.

Double mega creep Sing

15 min rax down midas rtz

Rime against TI winners.

ti 6/7 reso playing against EG

When do the NA teams play?

>EG/Optic/CoL couch all today

I asked "when do the NA teams play?" dotard, not "when do the BAD teams cast?".

>tfw the two euro teams will flop out at third and fourth
I can't wait for the damage control.

>singsing is bad

>3 european teams and EE
Too late doturd, whatever happens I've already won.

>furshit and weabs
glad this game is dead

Anyone else watching master sing sing? Im banned from his chat though, probably gonna make a new acc. Same mod as in buldogs chat that banned me I think ! !

This desu, i was trying to enable the chat and got banned permanently

>hurr durr i know i'm shit, but those guys who are better than me are shitter than others

How is having that last laugh amerimutt...

I got banned for spoiling GoT. It's a shit show, i don't understand why singsing is so pathetic.

>le 56% face

I just won a few million pounds on the lottery, it's now all cleared and in my bank account.

I wan't to hold a dota 2 tournament, how do?

slardar pango weaver

Outsource it to BTS.

No. I'm a bad goy, I don't fund kikes or kikery.

>buys lottery tickets
>doesn't fund kikes

holy shit i think optic got a direct invite to esl one genting
there is still an empty invite slot and they aren't in the na qualifier.

Mother got me it as a joke because I'm very much against buying them, so now I'm looking to use my ill gotten gains to help / fund others.

looks like PPD's whining got him somewhere

i thought "beady eyed greedy jew" was just a nazi stereotype but holy shit LD is self-parody at this point

when will you realize the nazis were right about pretty much everything?

>direct invite
pretty sure they would rather invite sg esports or infamous over them

Are you talking about a serious online tournament or just like an inhouse type of thing?

singsing more like singshit

I hope you're all prepared to apologize today when EE wins the Summit