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are there any shaman decks left?

this meta is shaping up to be one of the worst

what the fuck is wrong with whelan?

evolve shaman

lol no

Shaman literally didn't get any cards in the last two expansions aside from neutrals

Aluneth should keep you fuelled with enough cards to overpower his healing.
You just need to keep pushing the board and throwing fireballs in their face. Burn Mage's plan does not really have much flexibility to it.

What did people expect Shaman to get anyway

>he only crafts decks that look aesthetically pleasing
>loses to every shitter out there

well fuck me

wew haha

someone give me the top non murloc aggro paladin list

>aggro games are decided by who draws kelseth or patches
>'control" games are decided by who draws his DK first

woah KoTF sure was AWESOME right?

also wtf happened with the quests? why play them when you can get a stronger effect with just one DK card?

So was oakheart warrior meme a success?

>also wtf happened with the quests? why play them when you can get a stronger effect with just one DK card?

literally answered your own question

How do I convince people that it's worth not running call to arms in paladin because spiteful summoner's highroll is so gamebreaking?

Who here running museum man?

Gotta love people playing 5 mana do nothing

warrior quest is still good

Maybe better support for an existing archtype or a new GOOD archtype? Totem WIIIIINNNNDS sounds neat but will only really work in Wild sadly
Stayed in the top decks for a few days before leddit cried about it and it got removed, had somewhere around 250 points I think?

They did not go out of their way to make bad archetypes

>control Shaman literally got no support since Un'goro with Volcano

Why does it hurt so much

It just works.

Shaman is paying the price for being S-tier for a whole year

What card are you most excited about leaving Standard next year?

I can't wait until Priest stops insta-winning games by removing 2 cards and 5 damage worth of board with a shitty 1 mana spell.

The Totem stuff isn't necessarily bad but it won't be anywhere near relevant in the Standard meta this expansion. At least minionless Hunter can hold it's own

Dare ka? Kono rejenderi.

What's the verdict on to my side?


>Priest loses Raza, Kazakus, Dragonfire, Potion of Madness, Pint-size/Horror, Barnes, Y'shaarj, Drakonid Operative

Keleseth dragonpriest user. you here? thank you based user for that deck. it is pretty fun and good.

>tfw all those cuck mulligan and play thinking i am a R*zakus priest
>tfw they all get rekt by the unexpected creepers and 10 mana minions from spiteful summoner

also i apologize for doubting your goodwill and thinking you may be pranking us like Kolento deck.

Dead fucking class fucking soon

fuck yourselves priestcucks, this has been a long time coming

>warrior even worse
Nice going blizzturds, literally killed the class with the axe nerf

>hide behind 5 iceblocks

Lots of success against control, but I get shit on by tempo.

The idea is to play nothing but card draw and ramp, with the bare minimum taunts and removal to survive until you swap decks and give them either instant fatigue or mostly useless cards.

Against control you can easily use coldlights and naturalize to fill their hand and burn the ransom, especially vs new warlock. Against tempo they just play the ransom and you lose.
I was so disappointed when I learned it was only 5 mana, I was hopeful it would be 10 to cause some major tempo loss, but figured it would be at least 8, as much at togg himself. This way druid could ramp to it and force his opponent to switch decks for a couple turns, and when playing it they would lose almost as much tempo as playing an 8 mana 5/5


i am solarsurge's cousin and we are looking for you everywhere. prepare your anus.

Spell hunter and secret mage are pretty common at Silvermoon Guardian rank.

What's your list? Looks fun

grumble elemental shaman is pretty fun, you can replay blazecaller or kalimos, along with the new double battlecry elemental, to go face for some pretty insane burn

>tfw no gf

My deck has Zola in it too. Double Kalimos battlecry or Double Kalimos depending on the situation is good fun

Should I dust my wild legos to build Cubelock? I'm missing Umbra and Skull.

I'm not the only one who gets turned on by Zola right

Depends which leggo.

Umbra isn't strictly necessary

Enjoying the more control focussed meta


Are there any good Yip decks or do I have to define the meta all by myself?

There was a kolento hsg deck but admins ruined the fun

>Are there any good Yip decks

You could try to make Kolento's warrior deck a thing.

HS proves morality is overrated and I should be allowed to murder people for playing priest

Murk eye

Also I was thinking mostly the ones that I don't use that are going to rotate out soon like
Prince M
Rag 2.0

I really want to farm wins for golden lock

would probably use branching paths instead of oaken summons since the 4 drops are pretty weak, but i don't have those or a second spellstone. i built the deck thinking "i dont want to give my opponent good cards" but in reality you usually give them a 0 card deck anyways so it doesnt matter

it's always ready

i got all the cards in the left part man. shall i try it? i can't craft Hemet tho.

t.solarsurge's cousin


Don't dust justicar/finley/murk eye at the very least.

>Draw all your big minions
>Shadow essence TONIGHT

Kolento made a really good warrior deck that uses it, just google it or maybe someone here has a link. It's a bit expensive but it's worth it if you want to reach high legend.

>leave his Northsire Cleric on with a full board
>Use the circle of healing i got from based swashburglar
>Raza milled


left side is what i use, right side is what i was thinking of finding room for

it's a pretty shitty deck but fun to get working, probably cut the jade blossoms for spreading plague though

you be nice

>it's a pretty shitty deck but fun to get working

man i just spent my dust for an OTK Malygos weapon druid while i could easily make a cubelock with it. fun > grinding ladder for 400 dust imo.

shall i add a spellstone on my deck? and as solarsurge's cousins we forgive you.

>playing Yip


Do you guys kill people that AFK (for whatever reason) ?

New meta.

I don't have Oakheart and I ain't crafting that shit.

yeah mostly to finish the game if they seem like disconnected forever. but if they start the game active and go akf in the mid game i rope to give them their chances because i have my standards.

Any decent fun paladin decks as I make my way towards my first golden hero? Or do I just jam murlocs?

Is there a spiteful paladin list without murlocs or do you have to run murlocs in paladin always no matter what? Was thinking of running a list with just dinosizes for the guaranteed highroll

I used to fly around with discombobulator featherfall mage and dismount people before they fixed it.
Lots of hate mail for that.

>i rope to give them their chances because i have my standards

what paladin deck runs sword of justice?
I just played against a paladin and he conceded the moment I broke it with ooze


Yes because they would do it to me and climbing is already enough of a chore.

i just started running a couple primordial drakes because im going against tempo so often, you can swap most of the 3 and 4 drops out depending on what you keep losing to, and you will lose a lot

i've crafted hemet, madame goya, rotface, cho, genzo, so much useless meme stuff it hurts, but the memes were fun.

>what paladin deck runs sword of justice?

Exactly zero

100 dust, or put it in my priest decks for the style?


play that keleseth priest an user here made. you could find it in two former threads. it is pretty fun and good. and best part is it rekts other priests.

I opened a golden one on day 1, does it count?

I already have 2 duskbreakers I'm asking do I use 1 regular 1 golden duskbreaker in my decks for the memes or just take the 100 free dust?

Dust golden obviously.

Link to deck?

I'd like to thank Amethyst Spellstone for existing

Put 2 spiteful summoners, 1 grand archivist, 1 free from amber, and 2 mind controls in a deck. Then make dragon priest without any other spells.

I'd like to thank Raza for existing

I'd like to thank Rin for existing and give a shout out to all the "41 mana combo LUL" comments

i only lost to an evolve shaman with that deck because i couldn't clear their boards. rest were all win. if you get a Y'Saarj or Tyrantus from Spiteful summoner mind control combo it always ends in concede.

win the board early, lynessa wins games sometimes, otherwise you can swing for 18 with valanyr blessing of kings leeroy

deck is probably better without the lynessa and spikeridged steeds but i got a gold one and just want to play it

seems that they offer yip along with other legendaries because if you got him alone you would be too disappointed

these memes would probably be more consistent with some low mana stabilizer spells and hemet


Isn't that basically just a janky version of the current meta non-murloc aggro paladin deck?

You really don't need the lower cost spells in priest in all honesty, dragons have a lot of spell-like effects already. The hard part is in paladin because you have to decide between playing call to arms and potentially fucking up your spiteful half of the time, or not being able to play call to arms in your deck. Grand archivist also doesn't work well because dinosize could target one of your opponent's minions.

Just start watching it.

Since when so fucking nigger dragon priests run double MC and 4 (four) silence effects?

Fuck back off to reddit, Kibler.

Since when do priests run keleseth

>talking about out warrior deck


i havent drawn a spell in 5 straight games as burn mage and lost on turn 1 every game vs stonecold nuts

Just now.

>thijs kills himself with the 3/3 that discovers a card and damages you based on the cost

I guess this game does require skill, hmmmm

Thijs makes tonnes of mistakes. Nothing new.

1 pack play.

Since Grand Archivist and the 6 mana 4/4

what a shit card honestly