League of Legends General /lolg/

Non waifufags stop crying please Edition


Xth for leagues biggest and best bust!

Thats not Sarah

xth for my wife Syndra

Like I dont get it, why is he so lewd-looking without ever exhibiting lewd attitudes and qualities?

Riot keeps going on about how only characters that are thematically sexy should be sexy but this is an alien demon conqueror he has no business being so slutty-looking.

>Face an Annie in mid.
>She keeps trying to hexflash in my face and stun me without hiding or anything.

Alright, who the fuck played this shit on stream or whatever and didn't warn his viewers that he was facing a literal retard if that shit worked out for him?

That's right! It isn't Sarah, it's Sona, the breast waifu!

>tfw my poro king MMR is too high and now my queue times are getting long

Why does varus where a target for his weak spot? Just wear some armor or something why are you showing it off

It's cause he's made of gay, so he's a complete slut for big fat homococks and can't act like a normal person at any moment.

Nice messages Riot is sending out, huh?

what would (you) do if you found Lulu alone in a magic dampening forest?

How do I lane properly.
No matter how much I try I eventually fuck up.
If I do well farming they poke me down and I die.
If I try to harrase them they outfarm me.

the cow cant even compete

Graves buffs when post by GravesBuffsWhenAnon when?

does ap corki still work

>posting samples
You're disgusting.

tickets sure are expensive though...

2K ip for just one tournament

tie her on a tree,pour gasoline all over her,throw my zippo and run
When #YasuoNerfsWhen

see ya later bud, until then relish in the BIGGEST bust in lego legends

No like give me a serious Riot-style explanation?

Inferior chestlets please leave

Try sending them a ticket or something. Ask them why is the alien warmongering conqueror not wearing any armor and posing in the most gay manner possible. I'm sure they must have a good reason.

Riot doesn't have any problem pumping out gay fap material. It's only the women that get any sort of consideration over how attractive they should be.

ill be fine
the denial sure is strong in cowfags uh

Taking requests for drawings and edits.

No lewds.

lulu with a gun being mad

This post kills pirateslutfags

Why does his face look like a malnourished male model?

Project Yi playing chess with another project member

Made this time ago but I don't think it's what you want.

>ahri mains

Give her headpats.

>MFfags always proven wrong
>resort to posting a mid-tier chestlet at best
lmaoing @ ur life kid

lulu swimming in a pool of poro-lulus

Its lewd because the composition points us to his navel/chest and then that points us down to his hips. Line of action being curved and given a *slight* dutch angle isn't helping either.

Combine that with the actual new lore of him being made up of two gay warriors and the suggestive-bias in us kinda assumes Varus is flamboyant now. Meanwhile the splash also heavily emphasizes his torso rather than his bow (WHICH THE OLD ONE HAD RIGHT) so this whole splash comes off as pretty boy rather than intimidating and it honestly hurts the character even more. Even Kayn's splash is more intimidating and he's like the ideal male body type in this game sans Taric, unless you're into bara in which case Braum.

Riot's splash team is god-tier and much better at the job than I ever could but there are plenty more base splashes better and less implied lewd than Varus's will ever be...and at least more intimidating ones at that. The old one was better from a composition stand point and I sort of miss it already.

draw gangplank getting punched in the face


how is illaoi in this meta? is she worth trying to learn?

Whats the difference between aery and the comet?

They seem the same

Comet does more damage, can be dodged and has a tiny CD.

Aery does less damage, has less CD and can't be avoided, tho it can be proced by shields.

This but with Azir

she has the second highest top winrate according to op.gg

she is definitely worth trying to learn, take klepto and max e. then play her for like a few games to understand her kill potential
split push

This face but Kayn

Lucian trying to use jhins gun

With jhin in the background trying to figure out lucians

Sona and MF bra shopping (pure not lewd)


Taliyah looking fascinatingly at a rock with a magnifying glass in the middle of river while any other champ facepalms in the background

Anivia trying her absolute hardest to make Gnar have a happy Christmas.

I like this hero.
I wasn't even fed and we lost that game

What the fuck guys. Half the time I ask for requests it's either shitty ideas, lewds, luluposting or boring ones.

Now I see a lot I like and can't decide. What is happening.

>People STILL acting as if zoe is balanced

Getting real tired of your shit

They're supposedly on a discount, they'll be more expensive once this system comes out for good. Not like I give a shit, I have all champions. You being the shitter twotrick that you are should have nothing to really spend IP on either so what's your problem?
>tank 2 turret shots in a ranged vs melee matchup
>be fucking surprised
You shouldn't even have attempted diving him there. Everything up to the point where you flashed under his turret was fine, forcing him to back and crashing your minion wave into his turret while is already good but you being the greedy nigger jew that you are of course had to force it. Chances are that this jax being the same elo as you would also be as much of a greedy jew as you and attempt staying in lane at which point you would just kill him the moment your EQ comes off cooldown.

draw them all and make us have a happy holiday

just dodge her skillshots lol

I could draw more than one if I make them sketchi and uncolored.

That fine with you guys?

Zoe will never truly be balanced as long as the RNG is in place to its degree. RNG can be in this game but Zoe's literally by design cannot be allowed to exist.

it'd be more than I've ever got desu

>has 2 damaging abilities + AA
>heavily rely on her E
>both can be dodged and can't go through minions

Zoe punished bad positioning a lot, aside from that, she's not broken in any way.

Why is this Zoe mission so fucking shit? And why is everyone in bot matches so fucking autistic that they autolock?

Are you better than Faker?

faker thinks she is OP

i'm fine with it

It just feels awful to get one shot by 1 abilities even if her whole kit is based around it. Just doesn't feel like you should get one shot

This but with GhostCrawler as Obi Wan and CertainlyT as Anakin

CertainlyT wielding Zoe, and Ghostcrawler holding a giant nerf bat

>You being the shitter twotrick that you are should have nothing to really spend IP on either so what's your problem?
I get IP very slowly now though, if I just throw 2-6K ip here and there I will be stuck at 0 in no time

I have no idea how jax works still

i got the mission done in 3 games in draft pick
you all must be impatient

This make a big holiday photo

>Zoe is shitting on korean challenger and competitive games
Fucking shitters should learn to position

Because everyone else in bot matches also just wants to get the fucking mission done without having to dodge or play through that autistic game mode?

Draw Ahri with a christmas hat

>1500 dmg flies outta nowhere across every wall, space and time
>4 seconds disable slow into stun
>can rapid fire blink+heal+blink+ignite+blink
>le mao zedong, just use summoner spell to avoid her
>Zoe is actually a skill based hero
>who cares about that every time she sleeps someone in a team fight that means an instant death
>she has no mobility, it's so easy to avoid her 4 second cooldown ult
>well, I've played Zoe and I went 0-40-1, that means she is not OP at all

I'm not good at mid but I need the xp. I just need the 8 unique spells one.

>box of tickets
>only contains one ticket

It looks like he's coming out of or backing into a hot tub.

*one tickets

Aery is targeted, Comet is a skill shot.

Comet is only for damage, but does more of it.
Aery gives shields on top of your existing shields, and its CD is based on distance (moving closer to the target shortens the CD, Aery gets faster as she travels.)

I hope theyre both coded as untargetable minions, i.e., not projectiles.

I found this.

Swain rework will be teased sometime between now and Tuesday

What are you hoping for from it?

derpy eyes

I love Lissandra!

And this.

his Ultimate and passive.

LeBlanc self-cest

reminder as to who the best tank in this goddamn game is, and don't you forget it

thats not nautilus (no boots)

It won't.

It will be teased next year. Deal with it. Us Swainfags are slowly going insane over this fact.

Just sit by the fireplace and share your Noxus theories. This is how the rest of us cope.

hope he keeps the dab

How do you build a Sona mid?
I have seen a few different builds but cannot decide which one is the best.

>phase rush jhin

Hey guys I like most of you thanks for keeping me from killing myself years ago.

But im afraid I might not visit here often anymore

If it was this patch it would be release next year when the season starts which is probably what they want to do

To finally get a warlock champ

>sacrificing -10% Auto damage/20% Tenacity and resists

>not being a literal slow tank
its called a TANK for a reason

Swain will be 8.2 at the EARLIEST. Current PBE patch is 8.1 and that's not going live until the new year. Swain's teaser won't come until a day or two before the 8.1 patch to live, then his stuff will be dumped on to the PBE. Assuming of course that he won't be saved for stuff like 8.3 or 8.4 patches.

Is there a kayn streamer where I can learn how to get better with him?

taliyah getting made fun of by popular female champions (sona,mf,ahri,etc.)
she is covering her nose with both hands and crying

A month from now Noxus will be property of the Crimson overlord.

I have this

Pool Party Fiora trying to take off Pool Party Leona's bikini top because of jealousy of her boobs

she HAS to be covering her nose
its important to me