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>killing NOPAN weeb faggots in their special snowflake reward tank
feels good man
>breached 10k on Vixen after 3 days
I require a LOT of skill to play and the utmost concentration of my player to do well. What is my name?
FCM 50t
probably an autist
Panther 88
Best way to do Vixen Op is play high tier French Artillery.
If you track ppl with non arty tanks you're reliant on allies to be in position or have an arty player shoot which is frustrating to rely on other players. Playing a low dmg arty has players already in position spotting for you to shoot and your explosive rounds usually track them and then teammates cleanup the kill.
Be reliant on teammates to get into position to help or Be reliant on yourself getting tracked hits for ppl spotting for you guaranting them already being in position to give you tracked dmg
>can now get to the Batchat on console without having to go through the French lights
>pic related is on the way
What's this tank like at tier IX on console considering it's a tier VIII on PC?
I've grinded to tier 7 on the lights, havn't touched the tier 7 yet, but I want the Batchat. Should I restart with the Heavy branch to get both Heavy trees(when the EML releases) and Batchat?
It's almost exactly the same. It used to be tier 9 on PC as well.
The french heavy line is only good at tier 5 and 6. After that it's just powercreep. The light line is far better and leads to three tanks instead of just two.
The French Heavy line is one of the most mixed bags in the game at the moment. I really like tier VI, and I'm currently at tier VII which is like a worse Tiger (still usable though, mainly because I love the Tiger so I'm used to the playstyle).
But it was underpowered for tier IX when it was there on PC. Is it the same on console.
>leads to three tanks instead of just two.
this sounds like a good thing until you realize you need to play the tier 8 for over 600k exp if you want to elite it
for reference tiers 1 to 10 on an average line is 700k
>I'm currently at tier VII which is like a worse Tiger
It's a worse Panther with a bigger gun.
Feels more like a Tiger I to me in playstyle - especially the gun.
Obj 416
spam gold with the 105 gun and it becomes more enjoyable
It was the same way before the patch except you had to play the 13 90 for almost 900k so quit your whining.
>using anything but the 90mm on the ARL-44 and the AMX M4 45
>spamming gold on French tanks
You're doing it wrong,
I guess that's the right setup if you're going for the historically accurate crushing defeat.
I have enough free xp to totally skip the t-34-2 or the TVP-TU. which is the worse grind?
TVP by a long shot.
TVP is awful
TVP, at least the tank after that one has a reason to exist in the game.
I challenge anybody to name an objectively worse tech tree tank that this tank.
I'm unsure whether BP is worse or not
Isn't the Churchill VII worse tier for tier?
t. Doesn't have a TVP 50/51
It's not. The Fresh Prince is awful but the worst part about the TVP is how it looks like a half decent tank on paper but is actually utter garbage.
TVP would be bearable if the shells weren't so horribly slow. Tank has nothing going for it. Its there to encourage free xp usage.
BD when?
Churchill VII is actually pretty good for its tier, but when bottom tier it has no advantage. Black Prince is the same tank with a better turret, a better gun (which is still underpowered for its tier) and a better engine (too bad you're still limited to 20km/h).
>it looks like a half decent tank on paper but is actually utter garbage.
like Black Prince?
If you made it through both the Churchills and somehow thought the BP looked decent on paper you're just retarded.
>looks good on paper
>171/239 pen
>150 alpha
>on a t7 heavy
what drugs were you on when you thought this slow slug of a tank with this shit gun looked good
To be fair, the 17-pounder can still be competitive at tier VII under certain conditions (i.e. the Challenger in capable hands).
except Church I has armour not much worse than KV-1 and VII is decently armoured anyhow and I've went through I and VII before new matchmaking, so I didn't have to be bottom tier all the time
but dude armour lmao
>spam gold
strongly consider suicide
t. honorable red shitter
>the only way to be good is to spam gold
987 wn8 after 24k games, 1135 recent wn8.
only noobs spam prem ammo. nothing quite as funny as kiddies with access to moms credit card firing nothing but HEAT into spaced armor
Its not about being good or bad. its about getting through a shit tank faster.
>987 wn8 after 24k games, 1135 recent wn8
i heard that the tier 8 new french heavy is total garbage and the tier 10 is even worse.
So what's the point of the new line?
>987 wn8 after 24k games, 1135 recent wn8.
>not wanting to be good at every tank you play
is this a joke?
i spam gold in the tier 7 french heavy because 10% extra damage.
And the other gun isn't competitive. 240 damage on a slow pos tank. Sorry, but marginally better dpm isn't worth shit in this game if your alpha is 1/3 lower.
650-899 is average according to WoTLabs
900-1199 is above average according to WoTLabs.
the point is im not an "honorable red shitter"
The 105 does more damage and bizarrely its gold ammo does 30 more damage then the AP. It has over 400 more dpm then the 90mm
Friendly reminder that the Centurion Action X is the most aesthetic tank in the PC version of the game.
Does console have accelerated crew training for Elite Tank status?
Protip use stock turret on the new tier 8 heavy.
It is so much better. It has armor, the upgraded turret has no armor and has massive cancers on top of it.
being good at every tank you play involves maximizing their strengths and penning most of your shots and with the M4 45 that means spamming gold with the big gun sorry kiddo
i mean i carry a few premium shells in almost every tank, but i dont spend real money on this game so i need to pay for my prem ammo with my time
>im not an "honorable red shitter"
just a regular shitter
My 2 marks says otherwise (although the 3rd mark is proving elusive).
well maybe you should try it?
i only pay for premium time. I am not going to pay gold for gold shells.
And with the current event of 24% extra credits, you don't even lose money when spamming some gold.
I only load max 7 gold shells.
Nah, the 90mm is more similar to a Tiger I, which as I said is my favourite tank. I'll stick to what works for me to be honest.
i mean if you consider a statistically average player a "shitter" i guess you're right... in that case more than half of the players are below average...
everything below 3000 wn8 is red shittery lmao
are u 4 real
yeah why
>Get focused by arty all game instead of the paper tier 10s despite being bottom tier
XVM ban when?
What's a fun low/mid tier (i.e. not a tier 8) premium I can buy with gold?
>A small centurion body with a big Conqueror/Caernarvon turret is aesthetic
>spend $166 dollars on boxes
>no lorraine
>no type shitty ninerz
>no skorpz
I'm at 63,000 fucking gold, and 115 days of premium
THESE premiums are worth the gold
Superpershing: best pref 8
PzS35: for padding winrate
PzT25: for padding wn8
pantherm10: the only good panther, pref
lowe: buffed to nu-premium levels
su-100y: for bullying people
su-122-44: best tier for tier tank in the game
fv4202: buffed to nu-premium levels
M4 ravioli: best 390 alpha tier 8 med, and all 390 alpha tier 8 meds are good by default
HT no VI: tier 6 tigers are all better than the real tiger
type 64: for padding winrate AND wn8
wz-120-ft: most OP of all the nu-premiums
t-34-3: its a 390 alpha tier 8 med
strv S1: for being bush cancer
honourable mention to the STA-2 for being mediocre instead of garbage like the rest of the tech tree prems not mentioned, but its still not good
>230mm of pen is needed to be competitive at Tier VII
>Tier VII is largely made up of 1943-1945 designs
What was wargaming thinking?
Panther / m10
Su100y because lul 196 pen and 400 alpha
Type 64
Something something tiger 131 even if you own the type 6
> buy 6 boxes
> 3 days prem
> t28f
> 1500 gold
Honestly it was worth it
Keep buying boxes goys, dont stop untill easter next year...
That infrared spotlight bothers the fuck out of me.
>in that case more than half of the players are below average...
They are. Being "above average" in this game is meaningless because the average player is extremely bad. It's not until 1600 WN8 that you are even half decent. Your WN8 is still triple digit with 24k battles so you may as well just uninstall.
>more than half are below average
how do i into math
But they've got to keep adding increasingly more OP tank lines to encourage people buy gold and premium accounts for the grind!
>Latest French heavy tank line
>250mm of frontal turret armour at tier VIII!
whats your wwn8?
Yes. We don't have to choose crew training or free XP. We get both.
>we wont charge you twice for the same emblem
>lul now you need to buy it 6 times for it to be on both sides of the tank and appear for all 3 camo types
>is of balance)))
slavs are worse than jews desu
>>Latest French heavy tank line
mm of frontal turret armour at tier VIII!
you mean caernarvon
>spending real life currency on WoT
maximum shig
superlative dig
It would look better without it. I have a similar issue with the Chieftain.
>being poor
very nice. if you dont mind me asking, how much money have you spent on the game?
not like this