What historical hairstyle do you like? I like this late 18th to early 19th century era one, dunno what it's called though. I remember Hegel and Beethoven had this kind of hair too. Napoleon too, before he grew his hair. Female too, by the way.
I think that some of the greco-roman hairstyles were pretty Veeky Forums.
The best hairstyles and popular clothing definitely goes to the 18th-19th centuries in Europe.
>I'm a girl xD
Fuck off.
I think OP meant he wanted to know about historical female hairstyles as well.
>tfw you have curly hair so you cannot have that hairstyle
Are there any good historic curly male hairstyles?
late XIII / early XIV century
Anyone find interesting how the popular hairstyles for men have seen very small variation in the last century, specially compared to those of women?
I mostly see straight, short hair and vast foreheads in men, whereas girls might have it at different lenghts, straight or curly, ponytails etc
I noticed that about fashion as well.
Men just wear dark coloured suits with some variations of collars and ties, while women wear all possible and impossible kinds of clothing. Even in an informal environment you'll see at least 90% of men with jeans and a t-shirt.
Is that not curly hair?
What about the Renaissance and Antiquity though? Men even wore dresses/ robes and "legging "
Well more than just legging, all types of hats and hairstyles were common amongst men during Renaissance.
I unironically love some of the Hitler youth haircuts.
I'm not another /pol/ faggot who says cuck, I just think it looks really cool. Neat, yet still unique.
You mean the regency hair?
So does the whole of Veeky Forums you're not special it's literally a really popular haircut
It was what historical haircut you like. So i posted it. i'm not trying to be special, stop looking for things to be angry about.
Nobody's angry. His point was that you don't have to be apologetic about liking the haircut, it's to this day a very popular haircut.
embrace fash, young goy
The hair style is called "dog ears" or "dog's ears"
It was present in the late 18th c. Napoleon himself had the hair as a young officer.
It became incredibly popular after the turn of the century (Regency / First Empire)
Murat a cute
Isn't it actually just a kind of mullet?
It's not *just* a mullet. It's the ultimate mullet
There was a good deal of variataion within the bounds of the dog's ear style
You can see the Incroyable has wavy "mullet" descending in the back,
While Murat has a curly "mullet"
And Darcy in the OP has no "mullet" at all
The style was often a fairly wild tangle of curls like Nappy, Darcy, Murat, and the Incroyable had. But more orderly variations of the style existed the only real requirement for the style was that the hair was curly and frizzed out especially on the sides.
18th c. dog's ears tend to have larger volume and be more orderly
19th c. dog's ears are generally more like Murat or Darcy
Young Stalin's hair
If we include intricate facial hair as a hairstyle I'll say the muttonstasche
>Polish halfshaven head (Polish: czupryna, podgolony łeb, łaszczówka) - is a traditional polish noble haircut, associated mainly with sarmatism, but worn by Poles in Middle Ages too. It's marked by shaving hairs above the ears and on the neck on the same height, with longer hairs on the top of the head. For hundreds of years it was a typical of Poles.
Is this even a legitimate picture of a young Stalin?
12th century, striking similarity
He's handsome for sure, but I just keep picturing a high pitched Georgian bumpkin accent coming out of his suckhole.
No. Stalin was described as ugly, with some sort of skin condition on his face.
My exact problem with this photo. I've actually seen a Documentary or two that used this picture but they were of dubious quality.
It's a heavily touched up photo. Here's his mugshot from 1911.
There's the genocidal madman we all know and love.
What genocide?
you dipshit
Sorry not genocidal. Just someone who consented and was complicit in the mass starvation and killing of his own population in order to hyperindustrialize his peasant society.
A lot can happen in 10 years.