Other urls found in this thread:
reddit shit
>win my last positioning match against a gold player
>Get assigned bronze league..
is it because im a f2p or is it always like this?
shut the fuck up new idiot just play the game
I will, im almost out of bronze in like 2 games was just wondering
goddammit my ps4 controller
ugh not enough widow mines in this thread im heading back to the club
yeah you'll get there soon don't worry. its just testing you
whys that chick have aids lesions on her face?
IEM Quals
just had some za comm
thats huge could feel all of us
bestie are so underrated tbqhwyfam
mr fbi
seriously though where is avilo...
feel all of us XD
lost in italy?
dear santa
kgf 4 christmas
thats the christmas I'm dreaming of ^__^
i feel you
what a nice surprise for maria