Etrian Odyssey General

>Everything Etrian Odyssey (References, Music, Art Books, etc.)

>EOV guild cards

>EOV undub
US Luma:
US to EU patch for both:
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>EOV DLC cia


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I hope you're learning japanese for the new game :^)


Nth for le millinonnium girl

She's trying her best

The F should stand for Flat

Is this the first Fortreass thread in a long time?

I dunno about "erotic", I would have gone "energetic". She's not lewd.


I still don't see what's the appeal. She looks boring as fuck, generic, ugly, and completely unfitting for the class it's trying to represent, not to mention her box art looks like her head was just photoshopped on her armor.


>completely unfitting
That's the gap moe


user, please. Delete

I'm sorry, I didn't know I wasn't allowed to post it

Do you like Word Clouds, guys?


I really like them
>warlock cute
>thanks user


>eoiii haha

>bad III meme

tfw bosses

>rare Himukai

I look forward to them every thread
>Probably etrian DS

>dumb armor
>always buff odyssey
>1kat turns fast
>dont need games
What do you mean, we don't need games? Fucking wordcloud.

>thanks user
thanks user

>What do you mean, we don't need games?

You mean play other games until some autism with japanese and lots of free time finally makes a translation?

House wife Fortress is objectively the best Fortress. Stop denying it. this is fact. it's just like gravity. it's fact you cannot disprove it.

Didn't Einstein disprove gravity?

Exactly what it says? The long myth has ended, time to move on

>The long myth has ended
Stop trying to make this meme happen, it's not going to

>Boy hair

dumb 4 poster

It's... it's not going to happen..
Please stop...

A long myth.
Not the long myth

I still can't believe the space salad was lying to the entire planet!
And I'm not sure why she even bothered - it's not like her myth thingy got ever brought up after the intro sequence...

She was bored.

Couldn't she have, you know, done something else?


So she wanted to feel like she was doing something?
Like when she visits Empyreal Bridge with you over and over?

I can't tell if you're being serious, but the myth was what led the explorers to Yggdrasil in the first place. She was doing it to lure explorers to the tree so that someone would eventually be strong enough to kill the Eternal Tyrant.

Reposting this in the off chance that whoever asked about Harbinger builds is still around.

Thank you very much!

I'm having a ball in Heroes of a Broken Land using the Etrian Odyssey characters imported as custom portraits. It's almost like I'm playing extra dungeons with my party from the mainline games.

So why is it that Harbinger usually gets the shit end of the stick when /etriam/ compares the classes?

Other classes do what it does better

I guess thats because other classes require less skillpoints in order to start being useful, while Harbringer struggles in early and mid-game until high levels, when she gets good support.

Thats just my guess.

Because Harbinger is a late blooming supplementary damage dealer as Deathbringer, which is ALWAYS sub-optimal in Etrian Odyssey (See Landy in every game that isn't EOIV).

As a support however, Harbinger is just insanely, insanely good, and I honestly don't know why they have a bad reputation. Wilting + Eroding + Ruinous Prayer from Prayer Scythe is absolutely fantastic.

>they have a bad reputation
because the most OP builds in this game don't require any more support from harbinger other than wilting

Any tips on EOV postgame farming? I'm very short on money, currently going through all of the bosses

bully pic related

If only I had a necromancer in my party

pirate the DLC

get a fist from cicadas then

arcanist remember poison devourer

Nothing is "required" of a Harbinger. Or a Shaman, or any other buff class for that matter. You don't use them because they're "required", you use them because they make the strategy stronger / more reliable.

Just to clarify, you do understand that Harbinger is a better support for pure physical damage than Shaman is, right? Even though in practice you'll use both.

You don't need a Necromancer. Horrors rarely do anything threatening, are weak to physical, and are weak to multiple different status ailments and binds for strategies that use them.

Potato or Celestrian for Divine Punisher Shaman? For postgame purposes.

>pure physical damage
Only chain killer and edgy death meme use it, and even then death edge gets all the power from heavenly aid

There is guild card for EU with level 60 Necromancer with Zombie Powder. I made second Necro on my own, attached her to squad made out of guild card characters and started killing this FOE with instant death. Several level ups per fight.

For maximum protection, have this second necro use Fierce Shield on 9999 hp wraiths you will be creating.

With two Necros later on, you will be able to full your bagpack before you run out of TP if you will keep using TP restoring union skill. Thats around 300k per run.

Dont forget to give one of your characters memory leaking accessory during the farming so rest of the guild will get the exp as well. Right now, I have three full squads at or close to level 80.

>Only the two strongest strategies in the game use it
I guess it's garbage then.
>Death's Edge gets all the power from Heavenly Aid
I don't know if you just fundamentally don't understand math, or think that Heavenly Aid is mutually exclusive with buffs for some reason, but frankly my mind is just completely fucked by what you've written. I'm not even going to attempt to unpack this for you, because I think it'd kill the handful of brain cells I have left. I'm sorry if I come off as arrogant, but honestly, you've just fucked my brain into oblivion.

Shaman and Harbinger are not mutually exclusive. If you think they are mutually exclusive, you can't count. You have three buff slots and three debuff slots. You spend the debuff slots on Rain of Ruin / Eroding Miasma / Wilting Miasma, and the spend the buff slots on Ruinous Prayer plus whatever else the strategy calls for, whether it be Bravant, OE, an Elemental Prayer or Vitality Prayer.

You can reclass any Earthlain or Celestrian into a necromancer and theyll get the job done just fine
for maximum easiness/laziness reclass someone into a fencer and put 9 points in predict too, thatll completely negate the horrors damage output meaning all you gotta do is hold A til zombie powder hits

when you're done just reclass back, easy

I refuse to use my time on anything productive.

Oh my lord, is this the legendary OC Fort-chan?

I made it just now just for you, user
Take good care of her


Hey guys, I'm sure you get questions like this a lot, but should I go for IV or V? I'm stuck at work with basically nothing to do the next few days and want a time sink, are there any improvements over IV that make V the one to grab right off the bat for double the price? I played III a while back but never continued on since then.

Play IV first, going back to it from V is a pain

>Are there any improvements over IV?
Faster movement, better auto-walk, more mapping options, more interesting classes, better class balance, superior alternative to sub-classing, more floors, larger game overall, best sixth stratum in the series, worse music mostly.

It's an improvement over IV in almost every way. If you're a newcomer to the series though, you'll be perfectly happy playing IV. As says, if you're looking for as much Etrian Odyssey as possible, play them in order of release, because it's harder to move backwards from QoL improvements.

IV it is then, thanks anons. Looking at their banners on the eshop is kinda funny, V is one giant loli asking for a hug and IV is three lolis just standing around.

Also, class balance was mentioned, was this in a "There is a specific combo that destroys the game" or a "There are certain classes that are basically useless" kind of way?

Medic is kinda bad in 4 but class balance is called bad in that game because every single attacking class wants a bushi subclass, there's no better option to the point where using bushi main class is a waste
And arcanists are really powerful

Its borderline impossible to make a bad team in EOIV every class is super strong

Oh okay, I was mainly asking about the useless part because I didn't wanna get halfway through and get fucked because some class becomes useless or something.

Medic is only bad because they don't get anything that great later and you're better off using them as a subclass
Since you get an item to raise your level once you unlock each class you'd still be fine with using a medic early game then replacing them later with whatever

As usual the most important thing in my opinion is having enough damage as thats by far the hardest problem to solve via gear/consumables, most other issues you aren't ready for can be solved through some weird gearing/consumables/burst skills

that said the only way you could make a team with really bad damage in 4 would be running like multiple medics or something

Just be aware that IV is a very very different game from the rest, so don't go into other games expecting it to be the same. In fact, for this very reason I wouldn't recommend it as your first; it's like recommending a spinoff.


Michigan > Ohio

Are there any other etriam gyate gyate's?

The original.

also fairly difficult, as at certain intervals the game gives you free units and scrolls to level up new units a fixed amount. to make a bad team you'd have to do something really dumb like take all support units (it's fairly obvious which units are support, but one guy here managed to do it.) take at least runemaster and landshark and the rest of your team can probably be whatever and you'll get by.


why is she sad?

her friend just died

no untold 3

cant improve on PERFECTION

Made in Abyss themed Etrian when

>no 6th stratum battle theme

at least you dont get a good song turned into a bad one like EO5

hey fuck you i liked it

>a good song turned into a bad one

I just beat cursed prince in eo4. how hard is the final story boss? I'm only level 50 because I reset my party. can you not make class specific equips until post-game in this? I have some of the conditional drops from stratum bosses, but I'm still missing other stuff to craft the things it unlocked.

EOIV is highly unusual in that almost all class-specific items are locked behind post-game, yes.

So, are there only two beetles to collect in all of EOV? Is there any point to them, or are they just completely irrelevant events?

I still need opinions of people with more experience with Impact Pugs. Are Abyssal Killer and Heavenly Aidd worth it? Also, I assume you don't really need anything other than Overexertion and Thunder Fist from the base class, right?

>Are Abyssal Killer and Heavenly Aid worth it?
Yes. Heavenly Aid is [the] reason to use Impact Pugilists. Without it, their damage would be approximately on-par with a Warlock or 1Kat. Abyssal Killer is fun when you can get it to work, but it takes a different strategy that's both very unreliable, and also sub-optimal.

Pugilists deal moderately large damage, but moderately large damage multiplied by two, or three, or four, or possibly even five times turns into gigantically overwhelming damage.

>You don't need anything other than OE and Thunderfist from the base class
Correct. Blood Wrath is cute to have, and you will of course eventually be picking up the two attack up passives when you've got spare skill points, but nothing else needs to be (or even should be) taken.

Does it work without a Botanist though? Or am I supposed to use an item?

There's a guard on the in the 2nd stratum in front a fishing spot who you can battle with those beetles.

Yes, it works with a Botanist. Herb Boost also increases the maximum multiplier of Heavenly Aid. You may have difficulty achieving that though, as a Medica IV with Herbology heals more than you can achieve with Healing Herb.

If you're curious, this is my Impact Pugilist team composition:
Impact Pugilist / Barrage Pugilist / Deathguard Harbinger // Herb Botanist / Herald Shaman.