Friendly reminder that if you're a parent and your kids make more money than you you're a fucking failure and should kill yourself.
Friendly reminder that if you're a parent and your kids make more money than you you're a fucking failure and should...
Yeah cause every generation making less than the last is desirable in the slightest
mate nobody over 18 post here
>raised kids that managed to be more successful than you
should bring a tear to your eye you fucking mutant. that's literally the goal of parenting. to set your kids up to be better than you.
My goal when I have kids is to ensure that they exceed everything that I have ever accomplished as a human being
Kill yourself and don't have kids
This is how the vicious cycle of failed and poor humans with shit genetics continues. But hey, someone's gotta wageslave, might as well force someone into existence to do it
>Doesn't understand that if everyone's kids were worse off, then that would be the real vicious cycle
It's the opposite, unless your kid is in his 20s.
If you have kids you might as well kill yourself and die a eternal poor fag
>future generations being worse off than the previous is desirable
>those who you will rely on (to some degree) in old age being poorer than yourself is also desirable
>Veeky Forums
From the authors of "bean shill threads" and "the next moon mission". This fucking board, i swear...
OP is just projecting his failures through his LARPing. This is what Veeky Forums is all about you reddit fag
Oy vey OP, did you hate your parents cuz they were like soooo totally uncool to you? Then you made it your sole purpose in life to be more "successful" than them, leading to you making more goy tokens than them. Now, you've come to take a shit, via this thread, on this humble bird-watching forum, in order to express your happiness.
OP is a giant faggot confirmed
What kind of breed of nigger do you have to be to want your kids to fail harder then you.
Shitcoins ruined this shitty board
>having kids
Sounds like a terrible financial investment
No, opposite is true. If you're a parent and your kid winds up being less successful than you, you're a failure.
Wrong, OP. If your kids DON'T make more than you, then you are a failure.
Your mission is to set up your kids for a better life than you have.
t. Boomer
This is why the mod should dox idiots like this one.
>Friendly reminder that if you're a parent and your kids make more money than you you're a fucking failure and should kill yourself.
You got it backwards retard. You want your kids to do better than you did.
What kind of fucking idiot hopes that his great great great grandchildren will be ghetto welfare niggers
>My goal when I have kids is to ensure that they exceed everything that I have ever accomplished as a human being
Guess my kids will have it easy!
can we ban this guy
You aren't a fucking loser are you? What kind of parent would you be if your children's role model was someone less successful than them?