Asx and general aussie investing thread

What are you holding or looking at buying? Any tips? Discuss here.

>be me, NEET
>missed the boat on buying Yen and Euro in Feb.
>The dollarydoo lost like 6% against each one
>don't expect the dollarydoo to come back, what with French Election and Japanese economic confidence
>Could have earned myself a night out
>feels bad man

Probably going to buy more RAP if it stays around this price range.

I don't fuck around with spec stocks and usually just trade healthcare/consumer staples stocks but have optimistic expectations here, their Australian trials were so good I don't see how the U.S. trials can't be at least as good if not better. FDA approval should be very likely as well.

>What are you holding or looking at buying?
All im interested in is getting rid of my MLS. Its now hit 0.005, I bought at 0.012.

I'm Aus, 25, full time wagecuck, and looking to start investing in stocks rather than saving for a home. I've heard AFIC or Argo are good index funds to get started on - should I hedge my bets and go with them, or should I play aggressively for the next 10 years and then look for something a little more cozy?

AFIC and Argo aren't index funds, they're LICs (although they are diversified), read up on the differences more - they aren't ETFs

Anyone excited for some serious RMX lithum gains next week?

Jealous. I wish I had money free to invest in RMX, too bad it's all stuck in MLS

Should I sell MLS at a big loss and use it all to buy RMX?

They're both garbage

the one time I listened to a hot tip on Veeky Forums and I buy fucking MLS