Would gender segregated workplaces function more efficiently?
Would gender segregated workplaces function more efficiently?
I used to think so before I learned how to control my sexuality by doing nofap. So, I guess the answer is maybe. Are you asking from the perspective of an employer, or an employee? Because if you're an employee, get on >>>/nofap/ and rise above the sluts and thirsty plebs.
No. Ever seen an "woman only" office? I was the head of one once. I'd much rather kill myself than going back. Men can deal with people they don't like, especially in an work environment. Most woman can't. That's just how it is.
>Would gender segregated workplaces function more efficiently?
I'm confused by the premise: who would make coffee for the men?
Yeah but it could never be executed properly
History proves we were just fine before we let women vote. Now we have rioting liberals and this "gender wage gao" bullshit.
Women sit in an office bitching about not making a good livong in hr with a liberal arts degree.
Men swing from thier nutsac 40 stories up building skyscrapers and tunneling to china mining.
You fucking kidding me?
Of course their is a gap. Women make 75% of what men make.
In general it should be WAY fucking less...
Not evem trying to be a sexist dick. When was the last time u saw a woman roofing or fucking underwater welding...
Huffington post. The post.
women are annoying as fuck and won't stop talking to you because they think a silent office is a problematic office
What the fuck?
I'm a married guy in a typical office. Everyone else here is in their 40s, married with kids, and we live in a tiny little white suburban town. Everyone here barely knows each other or says hi and there's basically no talking, just a few hours of work and everybody goes home separately. They also just eat lunch in their cubicles because why the fuck not. Make your money, go home to play with your kids, repeat. What the fuck kind of office sexuality are you referring to?
in places that employee younger, and single individuals, there's always lots of drama in terms of relationships, affairs, just things that people who are all married and wouldn't cheat wouldnt really be interested in, esp. at work. But who knows, maybe you're just completely oblivious to what's going on in the office around you. I mean, it's not like they'll come out and tell you about everybody's affairs.
Impossible. Females are incapable of solving problems on their own, especially if something breaks down. Shit would collapse in a year tops.
someone said mines?
I'm only 21 though and incredibly lonely here to be honest.
Cool I found my job at 62.6% men. Confirmed for not a faggot.
Why are dentists so low though? Also bank tellers, accountants, and auditors are kind of surprisingly low on men.
are there couples events for you and your wife to go to? the local church could be a good community.
actuary is what i'm going back to school for. i think the degree is referred to as actuarial mathematics. any tips & tricks you can provide?
>are there couples events for you and your wife to go to?
I wish. I think she is very bored in this little town with not much to do and I am lonely at work because nobody really talks to me. The pay is excellent and the work is pretty easy, so my job looks amazing on paper really, but in reality it's lonely and I wish there were things for us to do. She just met a girl who goes to the local church while we were walking around a bookstore last weekend actually, so she said we should try to go this Sunday to make friends. She is from Korea so she tries to find people who speak Korean so that's something of another social barrier for her.
Well I got a degree in mathematics, so i think anything with math, actuarial science, statistics, or even finance should be close enough. The fact is almost nobody cares about your degree, so long as you got one at some point.
What people care about are your actuarial tests. How many have you passed? Because that's everything. You can learn all about them on soa.org if you don't know. Essentially you should self-study and pass the first 1 or 2, maybe 3, then get a job. Then the company pays for all study materials and tests taken after that, so it's nice to be paid to study. I personally recommend using the Actex manuals to learn the material and then the Adapt practice tests available from Coaching Actuaries online to practice. That's always worked for me and you can look up all of this. Once you get up to level 6 or so on the Adapt tests (they give you a level based on how well you do on your practice tests and it goes up or down as you improve), you're ready for the test.
As someone who has failed a LOT of actuarial exams before I started really passing them, I can say that the Adapt quizzes and getting my Adapt level up to 6 before taking the real test has helped me the most out of everything. That's what got me passing.
Just remember that tests are the most important thing.
that's good that she's met someone who's open to starting a relationship.
you should definitely go to church this week. it's a great place of community no matter how deep your faith is. it's a weekly hangout for the town.
best wishes for going out and meeting people.
thanks for the advice. i'm signing up for the military and will most likely be selected for financial management/ comptroller. this gives me a good amount of time to study and educate myself.
the plan was for a bachelor's in mathematics (actuary) followed up by an MFE and maybe even ending with a doctorate in finance.
LOL FUCKING HA! dumb bitches btfo eternaly! I have worked like 10 jobs in the 97+% range and got anong just fine. Im in 99% and never even seen a woman here.
it's silly to think that there aren't jobs more catered to either sex. this egalitarian mindset people have is skewed and does not fit with reality. jobs where a woman fits naturally in to a motherly role are much suited for them. we just think differently.
>inb4 an anecdote with that one time what i'm saying isn't true
Cant find. Some realtor in new york though. Reverse image
Inhales the 4th time.
I transitioned from a part time job in college with 4 female bosses all managing at different times to basically the same part time job but with just 1 male boss managing 100% of the time.
Holy fuck it was night and day. The female bosses were actually about to fire me over nothing and would say shit like "don't you think you're more suited for a different job?" and they were awful. The male boss said I was his best employee and would love to write me any recommendation I ever need, that I would be missed when I left and was holding the place together.
Night and day.
>Emily Barry
The internet has so much fucking information
That image is dumb as fuck if it thinks libertarians are anything like "Liberals" in the modern sense. The funny thing about damaging behavior is that it that it quickly becomes eliminated without external forces ( big daddy government welfare) keeping the system out of equilibrium. If homos want to plow each others shitholes behind closed doors so be it, so long as they do so behind closed doors.
>The most right wing ideology is actually left wing lol
Nice meme, this is the problem with a lot of conservatives is that they think like women and want more government control in their lives, they're just like less retarded communists.
People actually naturally tend towards the nuclear family values that that image talks about. Note that it correctly identifies that the problem was women voting. Women vote for increasingly more authoritarian and left wing governments which is the external force required to shift the system out of equilibrium away from the "natural" state of family values etc. If women had their way entirely to take it to the logical extreme we'd be living in a communist 1984-esque hellhole
>Libertarians are delusional leftists and the free market is the devil
Does this fucker know what left and right actually are. Still right about the women working essentially destroying the value of labour.
It's funny that I agree with this fucker entirely on the actual practical things in his argument, but christ almighty is the argument itself retarded
I agree with you, a lot of the argument was shooting from the hip trying to make a point that quickly left the original path. If the author had substituted "liberal" for "leftist" it would make more ideological sense.
The parts of the article I like is the right to vote which did drive a wedge in between man and woman which effected the family. There was at least one article over the last election (US) talking about a woman with-holding sex from her husband unless he voted hillary.
Women working in the workforce also drove down the demand because it effectively doubled the supply.
my belief goes back to what i had said here everyone has a role to fill and our biology will quickly filter out that which does not fit there.