Did this piece of shit do anything good while in office?
No, universal white male suffrage is not a good thing.
Did this piece of shit do anything good while in office?
No, universal white male suffrage is not a good thing.
>universal white male suffrage
What? Is this like libshit jargon for a thing I know by an academic name?
lol meant manhood suffrage
>Did this piece of shit do anything good while in office?
Well not really but-
>universal white male suffrage is not a good thing
Oh, a bait thread, carry on.
>No, universal white male suffrage is not a good thing.
>since you asked
Founded the Democratic party, fought corruption
>Democratic Party is now the most corrupt party around
Although, I think the older you are, the more corrupt your institution is.
His dad was born in my town so he is the best president as far as I'm concerned.
He defeated the efforts for the private central bank the War of 1812 was fought over. This is why his last words were "I defeated the bank" (allegedly), and Murica held fast until 1913.
I should also mention, it is little known that the real reason of the war of 1812 was over the establishment of a private central bank, one which England already had, owned in part by Nathan Rothschild.
>Did this piece of shit do anything good while in office?
wrong picture OP.
will fix for you...you're welcome.
killing the national bank was moderately good.
it came back tho so not entirely successful there
>party that redraws districts to win elections isn't corrupt.
>party that started a war declared illegal by the UN is less corrupt.
>started the ball rolling on universal healthcare for all americans
pretty nice legacy.
I'mma need evidence.
he means taking away every barrier to voting except race and sex, which I thought happened in the revolution
>implying the UN has authority when it can't even stop some faggy 3rd world dictators from raping babies and eating women
>yfw the affordable care act is repealed, then the exact same program is proposed in congress as "TrumpCare" to the wild applause of Republicans
>Cost of reprinting all the forms and promotional stuff is tens of billions of dollars, but one of Trump's cabinet owns the company that does the reprinting
Cleared the savages out of the south for the growing American economy to take their place. My beloved USA wouldn't be what it is today is Andy Jackson didn't take care of business when he did.
>this will be cheered on by /pol/ because trump is draining the swamp.
impeachment when?
He killed the bank.
>He told John Marshall to go fuck himself and enforce his decision about the trail of tears himself
lmao how can you hate Jackson?
>the UN has no authority
>therefore we invaded a country, destabilized a region and got a bunch of our men killed
>somehow shrillary is the corrupt politician.
>while trump who actively avoids paying taxes in the US is a smart person suited to running the country.
Fucking please. It would be so funny.
Obamacare is already imploding. It won't exist in two years, regardless of what the president does.
Even though his entire platform for more than two years has been privatization of healthcare.
No wonder this board is about to get pruned, everyone here is practically illiterate.
>arrest clinton!
>nah, that was rhetoric
>sweep out the trash!
>except all the insiders and brown-nosers on my cabinet
>bomb isis!
>nah, we'll let russia handle it
Trump can get away with literally anything.He can eat a baby on live television and his poll numbers will go up.
He's Cerebus as Pope.
Are you implying democrats don't gerrymander when they have the opportunity?
Democrats have been leading the push for non-partisan redistricting.
But no, of course, both sides are equally bad u r right gud job
Guy had an adopted injun son or something, but then declared the superiority of the anglo-saxon race. I honestly don't understand him.
Fuck Jackson desu
>It's a reddit gets triggered because Hillary didn't win so they derail the thread into a /pol/ baiting shitfest episode
you mean the universal healthcare that just forced everyone to pay for private healthcare or get fined?
yeah, real nice.
>>started the ball rolling on universal healthcare for all americans
Fuck no, if anything it impeded that movement. When Bernie brought up single-payer during the primaries, all Hillary said over and over was "he wants to dismantle muh ObamaCare, we can't have that".
ObamaCare is based on RomneyCare which is based on a proposal by the Heritage Foundation, a right-wing think tank. It's the exact opposite of universal health care, it's a corporate wet dream.
I love comments like this. I'm not a great fan of the Obama presidency but you do know his proposed system was single payer, right?
It was his (terrible) tendency for compromise which left us with the Affordable Care Act in its current form. You can honestly blame neocons and the Tea Party for making your health care so costly.
His comment had nothing to do with cost. Obama care doesn't offer me anything I couldn't get before. It just takes
>implying I am even american
>implying I am not laughing at memerica right now.
A successful Solidus, plus he had a mighty parrot.