Another all nighter Edition
Its 7 fucking 30 am and i havent slept a minute and im beatboxing regie's song from shrek 2. Fuck my life
Another all nighter Edition
Its 7 fucking 30 am and i havent slept a minute and im beatboxing regie's song from shrek 2. Fuck my life
Other urls found in this thread:
soraka babes
tight dragonladies
your motherfucking life ends in 30 minutes
>tfw no elf gf
xth for my wife Syndra
same haven't slept at all either, it fucking sucks
back link
the fucking thread
you imcompotent goon
Which meta champs are actually fun to play?
>tank presses buttons with no rhyme or reason
>bamis/sunfire garuntees they win the trade
yeah I can see why noone is really too happy with this """""interaction"""""
>mfw can't get S- for shit
>mfw no face
>ywn own limited edition battleworn dragon sorceress zyra's undies
>tfw no qt petite gf
tfw no yordle gf
Is she actually wearing underwear or is that just part of her body? Same with her top, it's hard to tell
>ywn make Jinx beg you to take the condom off
Do you actually speak Japanese or do you do it for the JP VO?
hey syndor you from the eastern bloc ?
eune here
xth for Renekton Jungle is the best and there's nothing anyone can do about it
Real thread below, this one is shit, no back link, no info link
Trying to sell my d5 NA account for 1.1k. Has all champs with ip. $650 in rp in 975 and up skins. I had every rune before this season started. 7 to 8k games played.
xth for best Ionian.
turn BGM and VO off
just keep ambient and SFX
everything else is a distraction
>blogging in the op
>blogging about shit that has literally nothing to do with League of Legends
Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.
>Irelia will never sit on your lap
not small enough when will riot release a real champ
I want to eat noodles with jinx
anyone else have tame desires like this or is it just me
pic related or play 3v3
you're right but I doubt these mongrels will migrate or that mods will smite this thread
I wonder if hiten style is the same as reverse cowgirl in terms of ionian kamasutra
xth for sexually objectifying Xayah.
>does true damage and heals her per thrust
I honestly don't know what the equivalent would be
I just bought Moo Cow Alistar and have enough leftover for a chroma. Which one should I get? Kind of leaning towards Jasper but Catseye and Aquamarine are good too.
i want to slurp thick japanese noodles out of her ass with jinxmilk soup
si si
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
too many human champs
i would like to teach her about taxation
I want to get leg-locked by those.
you mean not enough
all non humans should die, starting with anything that has knife ears
ud b lucky to get over 200$ im sure
>ask about a champ's mechanics because im losing to him
>all they do is spout memes like "200iq" and "i just become invincible" because i guess they think im getting mad
>just new and i just want to learn and get better
you already put many enough gays in my video gays ,now you want more furries too?!
ok thats enough
elves(janna) are fine,everything with fur or feathers
Catseye. As indicated by the banana, he has his very personal juice in the bottle.
>not wanting to be leglocked by the goddess of leglocks
>Enemy Support locks in a real Support with CC, utility and Engage
>My Support locks in an AP Mid
>You can stand in front of an enemy Rift Herald when it's ramming to bodyblock the damage.
Well shit, i've never known that.
The wiki doesn't mention that the eye stops opening when Rift Herald gets down to ~2k hp. Someone (meaning not me) should rectify that.
Nope sorry I'm euw, pastaland.
greetings from debtland
Yeah sure, why not
why does every one of jayce's skins except his classic one suck?
Catseye is the winky face that looks like the :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: emoji, which I fucking despise.
Pick any of them except for that one.
Because your taste sucks.
>Implying she won't put a gun to your head and force you to cum inside
>implying you aren't going to wake up tied to a bed with her already riding you bareback
Good choice.
>open honor capsule
>soraka and annie champ shards + 2 key fragments
What's in the box?
dead thread
dead game
is ap sion a thing or why is my toplaner in low plat going ap sion
fucking plat, always hated fucking plat fucking shit elo SHIT!
Do you have to be polymorphed first?
Big ol winkie
His shield and shout have good ratios. They probably went ap Sion after seeing that challenger Sion main play it.
I can tell you that Silver atm isnt any better. Im getting put up with golds and plats in my team and they troll the fuck out of it
>first time draven xD
>0/10 in 15 mins
>*proceeds to flame the team*
I got stomped by one back then when I was a silversurfer,and stomped a ranked game as hybrid sion with 2 lethality items roa and some other meme items,I was support tho,gotta make autofill fun
I love my wonderful fluffy husband Kled!
I want to kiss him everywhere, even on his butt! Especially on his butt!
>gotta make autofill fun
just play zyra and leona and be an asshole to the enemies
Back to your thread dotard
illaoi buffs when i want her winrate to be even higher
No supp champs in that acc,I don't even have all the champs I want to play om the regular so not buying supps by now
She is bad rn don't know her winrat but can't be high
If lulu could poly you into a tampon for personal use would you let her
You know what's going in her, don't you?
No, actually
Kill yourself
Who said that Zyra is a support ? :^)
Why not?
could she poly me into a cute fairy girl for her personal use instead
I'm not really interested in being a tampon nor Lulu's vagina
I want to be Lulu's panties!
god bless us stomping botside (+mid) of the map so we could end the game fast. and god bless kindred for sitting on top of my dick and never letting me die.
ap sion doesn't seem like the most optimal build for that champion, but what do I know
Can she poly you into an anvil so that i can drop you into the sea?
Is this a real tail or a buttplug?
>play shaco
>have fun but lose more
>play meta shit and win more but hate the game
what do I do
>11/2 kindred
What sorcery is this?
What kind of miracle build makes her not suck?
I'd rather her polymorph me into Miss Fortune's dildo
Play shaco till you win
Hes in a good spot right now
when is that tournament bullshit coming to NA? is it even worth playing?
If someone wants to go damage Sion they're better off going lethality. The shield is nice and all but R and Q is such an easy combo to get off and you deal a disgusting amount of damage in your zombie form if you stay on someone.
>enemy top laner is fucking everywhere while ours just stays in lane and doesn't even push
How many of you have fapped to your waifus character model
red warrior/bloodrazors -> runaan -> black cleaver or ie
u guys might not believe this but... i play karma top, and i am a virgin.
>tail buttplug
i wonder what Graves fursona is like
The question shouldn't be about Kindred but about how the fuck does Lucian/Alistar win lane against Ashe/Zyra.
Anyways congratz man,obv is not optimal but it can work sometimes.
also if anyone wants to play lucian, go for it. he's in a really good spot now (just make sure to go crit with shiv (no exceptions)).
make sure to go ravenous hunter, that shit works on your shiv/q etc. not necessarily OP, but definitely underrated Imo.
PtA ?
I'll try her again with the new runes ,see what happens. I was pretty fucking dissapointed back when i bought her and i still am because i feel useless playing her unlike with any other jungler.