>Reactionary friend complains about modern art being shit and renaissance art being the peak of art
>Ask him to name 10 pieces he dislikes and 20 renaissance paintings he likes
>couldn't do it
Is it a pathology?
>Reactionary friend complains about modern art being shit and renaissance art being the peak of art
>Ask him to name 10 pieces he dislikes and 20 renaissance paintings he likes
>couldn't do it
Is it a pathology?
Juh Net Icks
>it's a leftypol pretends to have friends outside of ""his"" sjw hubox episode
John 12:40
its all intellectual signaling and fartsniffing with you guys
modern art is shit and everyone knows it on a visceral level if you cant see it youre a faggot or a kike or just a pretentious asshole
>thinks i browse that shit site
Go back to where you came from, newfag.
Name 20 pieces without Googling :^)
Giving you 2 minutes.
>if you cant see it youre a faggot or a kike or just a pretentious asshole
or someone with money and friends and 'good taste'
>he says this whilst probably wearing modern clothing and fashion
>guns are dangerous
>name 20 models of guns and prove it :^)
>>Ask him to name 10 pieces he dislikes and 20 renaissance paintings he likes
What the fuck. I can't even name 20 farm animals but I like meat. You're just being pretentious.
we wear modern clothing because its cheap and mass produceable unlike traditional gear
>or someone with money and friends and 'good taste'
exactly youre a pretentious asshole
you still dont get it
Couldn't do it, could you, buddy :^)?
That's ok, little man
Except there are a limited number of farm animals that people regularly eat and there's 10s of millions of art pieces from each period.
Nice false equivalence though!
>hur dur people like things not because they actually like it but because they are pretending
You're an insecure guy, should probably get that checked out.
I don't like rap. I find it repetitive and offensive to the ears.
Why do I need to list 20 rappers to validate my dislike of rap?
Nice try ignoring the other part of the OP.
Name 20 pieces of an art period that you like :)
Without Googling...1 minute...
Go away, arbitrary man.
I win, thanks for playing. Bye bye, loser!
>but because they are pretending
its not pretending per se you just like modern art because it makes you feel good to be superior to those hicks who just dont get modern art
>You're an insecure guy
its not pretending per se you just like classical art because it makes you feel good to be superior to those aztecs who just dont get classical art
you dont need to "get" classical art, its beautiful and even the most simple man can see it
Bye hater!
PS the fact that you're getting #triggered by people disliking modern art means deep down you know it's shit too!
you dont need to "get" modern art, its beautiful and even the most simple man can see it
Thanks for playing :)
why do you assume that anyone who goes to modern art galleries actually thinks there is something to get?
Have you ever actually spoken to a modern artist? If anything, classical art needs you to "get" something with all the symbolism and biblical references
You dont know what youre talking about
You're welcome.
>we wear modern clothing because its cheap and mass produceable unlike traditional gear
You wouldn't even wear traditional clothing if you got it for free
>If anything, classical art needs you to "get" something with all the symbolism and biblical references
the references and symbolism are optional though
>why do you assume there is something to get?
>You dont know what youre talking about
It's not about being reactionnary it's about being into art or not, most people are not.
So from the outside modern art looks like retarded toddler painting and classical art looks like pretty drawing to them.
>But most modern art piece undeniably sucks tho
Friendly reminder that 'Modern Art' is a term used to refer to art from the 1860s to 1970s and that /pol/tards think 'Post-Modern Art' is 'Modern Art'
>You wouldn't even wear traditional clothing if you got it for free
yes in the current year not because peer pressure and such
think of the time when people started switching from traditional clothing to industrial produced clothing
the benefits of wearing mass produced clothing was undeniable in that time
by that logic beethoven isnt classical music
Back to /pol/ you go, retard.
Still haven't named any pieces you like.
Waiting for you to post some Da Vinci, Bellini or Raphael lol!
Beethoven died in the 1820s, retard.
LMAO, go back to where you came from.
The difference is that Beethoven composed during the Classical era and used the exact same style so that doesn't make sense as a comparison.
I like classical art more than modern art and there's nothing you can do to stop me :^)
beethoven did romanticist music but its still considered classical music the same way that post-modern art is considered modern art
Nothing wrong with that, just don't go around claiming all of a 110 year movement is shit and people pretend to like it if you know nothing about it.
It is shit and looks ugly. :^)
>if you know nothing about it
why do you assume we know nothing about it you faggot? its shit wether you know about it or not
Because people in this thread have been asked multiple times to name 10-20 pieces they dislike and have replied with memes.
Go on, buddy, name 20 pieces of modern art you dislike without Googling.
fuck modern art and fuck white bourgeois fucks that make pretend to like it
Name 20 pieces you dislike without Googling :^)
literally any random pollock painting
it isnt about naming any single one because the entire premise of modern art is wrong and corrupts the soul
Go on, buddy, name 20 pieces of modern art you like without Googling.
What a fucking douche. Do people always have to validate theirs as well as your own claims while you do not even validate yours?
How does your mother cope with you?
Ok, so you named one of the most famous artists, an easy pick, now name another 10 that you dislike.
>John 12:40
ayy lmao
>its all intellectual signaling and fartsniffing with you guys
"waah muh intellectuals"
>modern art is shit and everyone knows it on a visceral level if you cant see it youre a faggot or a kike or just a pretentious asshole
You're like a child who doesn't like wine.
"a visceral level"l lmao
Triggered :^)?
>Why do I need to list 20 rappers to validate my dislike of rap?
Because otherwise you're speaking from a position of ignorance
>You're like a child who doesn't like wine.
can you elaborate?
How many /pol/tards do you think are searching Google right now for a bad Modern Art piece to post :^)?
Your mom
Your mom getting fucked in the ass
Your mom being raped
Your mom being beaten while being raped
Your mom taking a shit
Your mom eating shit
Your mom eating shit while being beaten while being raped
The rape of your mother
The rape of your mother's mother
Your mother eating ice cream
Your mother not eating ice cream
Your mother being butthurt
Your mother hunting game in Africa
Your father
Your father being fucked
Your father hanging himself because he realized he raised a modern art appreciating nu male
Your mother cheating on your father
Your mother fellating dogs
Your mother dying
Pablo Picasso's Guernica
not a single one because the premise of the question is wrong
To be fair it's harder to remember 20 pieces you disliked, we remember more of the things we like than the things that left us indifferent, i could give you 100 piece i loved but i hardly can remember 10 precisely i disliked
I didn't like every piece of Pollock, Mathieu, every rococo painting i saw, most of the Matisse and Gauguin painting i saw.
Beethoven influenced Romanticism but was still a classical composer.
How many of the /pol/tards here do you think listen to post-1940 music on a regular basis lol and then go on to say "i dont like modern art" :^)?
>Beethoven influenced Romanticism but was still a classical composer
his early works are classical hes older work is romanticist
the point still stands just switch beethoven with another romanticist composer
>strawman:the post
>Names 5 artists who are some of the most famous modern artists
Wow, truly an intellect, very easy to discount a 110 year movement because of 5 artists whose work you "didn't like every piece of"
Truly a genius.
Children don't like wine "in a visceral leval". Any attempt to explain the virtues of wine will fall on deaf ears. Many children never grow out of their dislike and live their lives spiting those who like wine as "pretentious assholes"
>Many children never grow out of their dislike and live their lives spiting those who like wine as "pretentious assholes"
>he doesn't know professional wine tasters routinely confuse wine from trader Joes and finely aged bordeauxs in blind taste tests
That isn't a reason to discount people who 'like' wine, retard.
That's a reason to discount those wine tasters or people who claim to be able to differentiate between wines.
>the point still stands just switch beethoven with another romanticist composer
in that case they were composing romanticist music. If you want a catch all classical music is fine, or you can use art music. But you're muddying the waters trying to conflate the specific and the general.
It'd be helpful if you specified whether you're talking about modern art, contemporary art or everything from Van Gogh to, idk, Nerdrum
Now that's a real tragedy.
yes it is
shitting on people who don't like wine is the height of snobbery and pretension
who the fuck are you to tell people what to like
Who actually fucking does that lmao?
You're creating a false enemy, and you're doing the same thing yourself by attacking people who *do* like wine.
You're just the different side of the same coin.
You completely ignored my points and implied so much things, you asked what we disliked and i gave you what i can think off
And i never pretended i was a genius or an expert on the subject but i guess it's hard for a obnoxious little cunt of your kind to imagine a person without an inflated ego.
Go ahead then explain me why they are so good
What an idiot! He should have should made up 20 names knowing rightly that you didn't any more than he did.
Dealing with pretentious twats 101.
nice grammar, dweeb
there's a specific name for this "name x examples of general idea you don't like" fallacy right?
How the fuck can people appreciate Renaissance art when they viewed art to be completely different to what we do today and the fact that middle class bourgeois like I'm guessing most of you are have no concept of Renaissance perceptions to "art" ?
He asked him to name x pieces of art he DID like, or at least claimed was better than the art he doesn't like.
You're literally saying that asking for evidence to back up a claim is a fallacy.
>haha guys is there a fallacy name for the OP so i can spam it any time my world view is shattered
Kill yourself.
Just because I can't name 20 varieties of cheese doesn't invalidate my opinions of cheese.
I didn't know there were 10s of millions of kinds of cheese?
Plus all cheese has a somewhat comparative taste, not all modern art is as easily comparative.
It invalidates your opinion on every specific kind of cheese that you have so little knowledge of that aren't even aware of the name for it.
>x is bad and y is good
>can you provide some examples of x and y that we can compare?
>uhh actually I have no knowledge of either x or y
>a duchamp and van gogh are just as similar as goats cheese and mozzarella
>>he doesn't know professional wine tasters routinely confuse wine from trader Joes and finely aged bordeauxs in blind taste tests
I'm well aware. I work with a wine importer. The amount of middle-brow bullshit surrounding wine is annoying. Still doesn't change the fact that wine contains the most glorious heights the human palette can aspire to. Literally god-tier.
>who the fuck are you to tell people what to like
I'm not telling you what to like you cuck, I'm telling you not to do that in regards to modern art and wine. "muh pretention" isn't an argument.
It's more like this
>Just because I can't name 20 varieties of cheese doesn't invalidate my opinions of cheese.
It actually does, or at least cheapens it.
>I prefer eating ham over eating shit
>Hurrr no you don't give me 20 varieties of ham you like
>Go away retard
>Hurrr I was only pretending
Man, it's actually really cringey watching you not reply to anybody but post individually trying to make yourself look like a new poster.
You do realize people can see the poster counter, right? Embarrassing.
>I prefer ice cream to frozen yogurt
>Hurrr no you don't list 20 varieties of ice cream
Modern art is clearly shit and your thread sucks op
>I'd rather break a bone in my finger than a bone in my leg
>Hurrrr list 20 locations in the finger you'd prefer to have broken
I'm going to keep replying because I like watching you sperg out :^)
>I'd rather get shot in the head than be boiled alive
>Hurrrr list 20 situations where you'd get shot in the head
>I prefer smoking marijuana than getting drunk
>Hurrrr no you don't list 20 strains of marijuana
>I prefer straight porn to gay porn
>Hurrrr no you don't list 20 female pornstars
easy desu
>I think dogs make better pets than cats
>Hurrrr no you don't list 20 breeds of dogs
Except OP's friend was outright calling all of modern art shit, he didn't say "I prefer" or "I'd rather"
Nice strawman, retard.
classical art vs modern art
Bacon sandwich vs shit sandwich
Nice strawman, retard.
Read the post again.
You're the one missing the point. A person is allowed to categorically dismiss modern art without providing *insert arbitrary number here* of classic art they like. Because modern art is categorically shit.
itt: people who probably haven't ever been to an art gallery more than a handful of times or even read a basic intro to art book
>x is shit
>"could you please provide examples of x you think is shit"
>no because x is shit
>y is good
>"could you please provide examples of y you think is good"
>no because x is shit