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Previous thread:

I want to bully Bastion until it cries!

Here comes T.Racer!

I love Lena Oxton.

1th for reaper is a pedophile

>now entering the temp-
>now entering the temple-
>now entering the te-
No Jeff I'm not going to fucking play shit mode 2CP if I can avoid it. Fuck you.

>improve an almost viable character by making them horribly OP
kys yourself please

Ana's buff:
1) scoped rifle headshots on enemies now deal 1.5x damage
2) grenade radius has been extended by 50%
3) rifle healing has been increased by 20%
4) Nano Boost now grants CC immunity both to Ana and to her assist

Why? Hana is CLEARLY best girl.

no, u


reposting from old thread

>nano boost now fully heals Ana and her objective
>nano boost gives 20% movement speed
oppinions? brainlets and mad mercy mains don't want Ana buffed because 'muh tank meta' but our beloved granny needs some love asap, she's been on the trash for too long

t. Mercy main

1. She smol
2. She qt
3. She tomboy


t. bronzelet with no sense of balance

how do we fix Lucio lads?
right now, he is the least picked support among all ranks

mad mercy main

go fuck yourself retarded manchildren loser

I bet your parents hate you

t. Stylosa

>ana's ult boost 1 hero to do 1.5 more damage for 8 sec
>mercy ult can boost more than 1 hero for 1.2 damage for 20 seconds can also do max 2 res

I'm surprise blizz thinks this is ok and haven't fix this, reducing Mercy's ult time to 8 secs would be enough. Game is fun until someone goes mercy then it becomes the battle of whoever doesn't have mercy has a higher chance of losing

fun game blizz

>bronze granny main THIS assblasted

Nerf mercy. That’s literally it

She just got a fucking buff and she's everywhere now that she can kill 200-health heroes in just three hits again. How about you faggots get good with her instead of demanding pointless buff that only patch up your failings.

That wouldn't affect lucio's pickrate though, mercy is a primary healer and lucio is a secondary healer

pretty sure the main reason for the 20s ult was because 2.0 mercy could make 4 rezzes (rez-valk-rez-rez with 10s cooldown), with all the rez nerfs there's literally zero reasons to be 20s long, hopefully blizz will nerf valk to 10-12 secs

Definitely shouldn't be shorter than 12 seconds, people would only ever use it for second rez then

Make amp 10 seconds, I don’t know what else, you can’t overtune musical negro. He’s got good sustain and his heals are adequate

>try to throw
>forced 50 puts good teammates in my team and potatoes in the enemy team giving me a huge winstreak and putting me back at my SR
thank you

the problem with that is it would make him even more riduclously good at stalling
I think he just needs a very slight buff to his healing

>I think he just needs a very slight buff to his healing
or you can just nerf mercy instead of wanting more healing buffs for others


Your hatred against her is unwelcome here. Only because some of us just want a balanced game, like it should be, it doesn't mean that you feel the right to place the vagina of your swiss chick on a fucking pedestal everytime.

>Game is fun until someone goes mercy
No where is this more true than in Mystery Heros.
someone rolls mercy or 2 mercys and all the fun is ruined

>mystery heroes


>m-mercy isn't op we just like her personality better so we bully supports into playing her or we throw the game

if hes a "secondary healer" then why would he need more healing?

mercy needs to be nerfed so people can stop calling for buffs to other healers that dont need it

The most fun and balanced matches i've had is when no one picks mercy (not my team or the enemy team). this is an undeniable fact

>you don't want Ana buffed ridiculously, you OBVIOUSLY must worshop Mercy!

Man you faggots love to assume and accuse, don't you.

I just realised something.. how much more hate will off meta picks get when the new SR system kicks in? I'm talking Sombra, Mei, DF and anything else.
Wait.. how much of a shit storm will it be in general?

>t. bronzelet who doesn't know hero roles beyond blizzard's "role" definitions
You don't have any place to talk about balance if you don't know shit about it
Nerfing a primary healer isn't going to make a secondary healer get picked more, because people are typically going to pick primary healer + secondary healer
The only hero that would get played more because of Mercy being nerfed is Ana and maybe Moira

How do I stop being bad

>mfw flexcucks think everyone will be a flexcuck
>mfw I'll keep playing torb and DF cause I don't care about a meme number

new SR system? wait, what's about it?


You should focus on how to stop being a soyboy loser.

Flat SR gain and loss for diamond and above. Only “winning” should matter now. Fucking genius work

I enjoy being gay, now answer the question legitimately please.

>bigger punishment for carrying a team and still losing
>bigger reward for shitters getting carried in premades
Great changes thanks blizzkikes

>remove performance based SR cause shitters were mad
As usual, pandering to casuals

don't solo que
get a team
that's it bro

>don't solo que
>implying an anime degenerate has friends

Because casuals waste their mother's allowance on the game. Nobody at Blizzard cares about valuable and correct players. Send Blizzard to hell and let this game die.

There’s no salvaging this shit ranked system it’s fundamentally busted. Blizzard is truly retarded. They want a fucking leagu?!? Lmao

>new SR system

whats this??

refer to and


Also how much Zarya will there be now?

>mfw winston requires more skill then pharah, junkrat, symmetra, moira
>mfw he has an auto aim gun


I've been an Ana/Rein/Zen main since Comp started, not very high rank like low Masters. But I would suggest that Ana is very strong already. It's just that she isn't OP like Mercy or has survivability and anti shield like Moira. The problem of Ana is that she loses value when there's a ton of barriers eating her shots so she can't heal and that she's very vulnerable to being dove by more than 1 person which often happens. Lucio,Mercy,Moira all have the getaway tools for it and Zen has the damage to delete them. Ana can sleep one and piss off the other one with a bio nade.

If I could tweak Ana it'd be
>increase mag size to 12
>Ana no longer damages over time

>when you outsnipe a widow in a zipline shot

i hope blizzard/someone makes a game solely focused around lucio and his gameplay style so I can stop playing the fucking dumpster fire that is this game

Yes another hijab skin please

What's the deal with SR gains being different? On my main, I gain or lose about 25. But on my alt, I gain or lose 50-60 per match. I don't perform any better or play different characters, and I'm ranked high plat shitter on both.

>a French guy is still top 1 on NA server after 2 weeks
>top 2 EU is French

We're so good at this game it's not even funny

i hope blizzard/someone makes a game solely focused around Tracer and her gameplay style so I can stop playing the fucking dumpster fire that is this game

Playing shitter characters (hanzo torb etc) gives you a ton of SR

French Mercy main lol

>tfw can't play Winston because dead the moment I press shift.
>tfw can't play Reaper because can't kill shit unless I'm standing inside them.
>tfw can't play Genji because don't know when to ult and if I ult I can't kill shit.
>tfw can't play Mercy because insta die.

>mercy mains allowed to have a higher rank then diamond

>die as mercy
literally how

>It's an "Enemy gets on the payload and it doesn't stop moving the whole round" episode

by playing above platinum where the enemy DPS realizes they're supposed to focus you first

>don't know when to ult
ult when there's 2 squishies, it's that simple my man, don't go for POTG's.

No, nothing is worse than junkrat mains.
At least mercy mains are there to heal everyone while junkrat mains are being carried by the fotm.

exactly this.

Why do you think her 5 man res got nerfed to shit? Because these Mercy players can only hide in anything above gold kek

>play hanzo
>team begins to trickle
>"Group up !"
>trickles anyways
>still get silver elims (about 15)
>after we eventually lose
>i'm not even bronze
>we literally had an attack torbjorn but I was the problem

Why are people so cancerous when you play hanzo ?

>start throwing as torb
>game gives me santa torb
it's a sign


majority of people are trash at it

>playing zarya
>ult at 95%
>announce it
>see hanzo with ult
>he ults instead of waiting for my graviton
>tracer gets potg because she waited for it

If you hate this game so much why are you still playing it?

why does it feel like kit aren't consistent in this game

feel like some abilities are just improvement to basic attack, that some kit have 2 ability while other have 3, some character can even have 3 passive and 3 full on very different ability. what the fuck? Can't they keep it to a simple "One passive, four ability" for each characters?


You're way too stupid to understand.


Most people only come here for overwatch porn.

And speaking of which, post waifus.

Favoritism I guess, genji has like 10 fucking abilities.

there is a single character that I enjoy playing that no other multiplayer fps really has the same kit
if this said character was ever nerfed/changed I'd drop this game like a fucking rock


So basically you want the return of beyblade reaper meta... Fuck off.

>Enjoy the game.
>QP isn't serious.
>Comp is a shitfest.
OW needs a new gamemode that gives CP points for unique skins or cosmetics. Something more serious than QP but less than Comp. Something that rewards both win or loss.

those comic suck, there's nothing funny about them excepted that they are full of random humors

>nano boost now fully heals Ana and her objective
maybe a partial heal akin to a regular m1
>>nano boost gives 20% movement speed
fuck off retard
mercy just needs to be either hopefully a: completely reworked so she is a fun, balanced character with an actually high skill ceiling and MeRcY MaIn BtW will be a thing of the past and regular players will play her because shes enjoyable and not because she is a requirement for winning

or much more realistically b: blizzard nerfs her into the floor because they don't understand you can't make a no-skill character balanced in a competitive setting and lucio, zen, and ana take center stage in the meta

I wouldn't complain with either since I'm a lucio main, I just hope mercy faggots get shit on

At what rank do people stop throwing thenselves at the enemy and tanking bullets with their faces? I've lost the last 5 matches by watching people respawning and taping their fingers to the W key, dying then repeating. Literally for the last three matches, I've seen one or two blue cards at the end.

Is plat secretly the gutter?

The only thing that makes Mercy OP is Ress, get rid of it and she's fine.

reinhardt's ult is broken as fuck and they're never gonna fix it

People are so fucking bad at this game that I'm literally done playing with you guys. I was told it gets better at the higher levels and I go as high as mid-masters only to be playing with the same fucking Reinhardts who charge blindly into 4 enemies past a choke, one-trick junk/symm mains, and dps players that refuse to switch off when they can't fucking kill their assignments. It's not even a mechanical skill problem, it's just retarded gamesense. Fuck this game and fuck you nerds who can't figure out proper positioning and ult coordination.

But I play the exact same characters, Dva 99% of the time, and maybe a healer if needed.

Fuck off with your shitty idea. Movement speed of any kind is a no, and nanoboost healing would be equal to a fucking rez, you'll just wait until they're down to their last HP and poof full heal in no time AND damage resistance AND damage increase


My waifu is in it.

> Blizzard
> Ever reworking something with an hammer
yeah.. nah buddy. "Rez" is an integral part of Mercy """Identity""" according to them. The Staff, the easy mobility guardian angel passive & ability to fly between ally. They'll never do shit because it will makes the normalfag/casualfag angry. And it's perfectly okay for them because there's no pressure on them to do so, and it's less work for them overalls.