We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
How fares your empire, /gsg/?
This day in history, 18th of December: 1499 – Muslims in the city of Granada rebelled against their rulers in response to forced conversions to Catholicism. 1833 – The national anthem of the Russian Empire, "God Save the Tsar!", is first performed. 1916 – World War I: The Battle of Verdun ends when German forces under Chief of staff Erich von Falkenhayn are defeated by the French, and suffer 337,000 casualties. 1939 – Second World War: The Luftwaffe victory over the Royal Air Force in the Battle of the Heligoland Bight greatly influenced both sides' future air strategy.
Doing another jewry run where I try to ruin Europe while not expanding past Benelux
t. """""""""regele""""""""" mihai I
Levi Baker
>claims it was broken and needed a lot of work Yeah sure its a lot of hardwork to steal boerwank from other mods and claim it was broken I'm amazed by all this content i cant find nowhere else except the mod he stole it from
Jaxon Gonzalez
You're literally just repeating the same phrases over and over again despite the fact I'm explaining to you (or, trying) that he couldn't just port it over due to how badly reddit did it.
Do you honestly think reddit can make a good mod?
Gavin Watson
i'm glad that that sack of shit died
Jackson Taylor
Where is HPM? He made a post then vanished. Is he, dare I say it, this annoying samefag pathetically trying to shame still BASED niggermod?
Joseph Flores
god i had to practice with a couple of g*rls today, i had to learn a song for them to sing and i only got told about it a couple weeks ago and i didn't practice shit and it waas my first time playing with somebody else and i fucked up so much and they didn't even talk to me i got r&i'd hard, then i just left after a while and we accomplished fucking nothing we have to play on a stage in 2 fucking days i want to kms at least i can play alone i guess
Luis Evans
(i'm learning piano btw)
Joshua Reed
Gabriel Price
You are claiming he did all that work Like you claim removing 8 cultures greatly removes performance and that renaming transvaal adds tons of fun You are clearly him or heavily biased in his favour >Do you honestly think reddit can make a good mod? Why would you go steal from them then and keep the stolen stuff in the end Unless its easier to steal shit and claim you fixed it instead of doing anything original
Cooper Thomas
I have some questions.
Easton Smith
Strange how everyone and their dog became a fucking monarchist the past week. Disturbing too seeing people cry in the streets, by their own volition, not because of some north korean shit. The gommies should've invited his whole family into the basement.
Adrian Nelson
Oh jeez it's Bulgaria 2.0, they even annexed the Avars again.
Gabriel Wilson
BASED gennygoy dropping the REAL redpills
Sebastian Butler
>You are claiming he did all that work No I'm not, I claimed he had to port it over and it was a hastle because reddit fucked up a lot of the localisation and stuff. >Like you claim removing 8 cultures greatly removes performance and that renaming transvaal adds tons of fun For me, and this is anecdotal, the performance is better. I don't know if it's due to the cultures being removed or the trade decision spam events not happening but it is faster for me. >You are clearly him or heavily biased in his favour Not him, but I am biased in his favour because I like his mod. I've never said I wasn't. >Why would you go steal from them then and keep the stolen stuff in the end Because it was originally made by Africamod, a user here, then stolen by reddit, then he stole it back and removed the reddit crap from it. >Unless its easier to steal shit and claim you fixed it instead of doing anything original He did do original stuff though, he added the Meuse borders and revised Megali borders as people have been requesting for some time.
Chase Johnson
So that's why they call it niggermod. It's all stolen shit (stealing being a nigger thing) made by the niggers of europe. Now I got it.
Joshua Adams
Why is there so much asspain over this Normally I'm not one to meme about muh bipolar Alex falseflags but someone is very upset that niggermod exists *thinks*
Liam Scott
I'm NiggermodIDF but I still keked at this. Should I demote myself from the Discordplazagroup now?
Matthew Lee
The meuse borders and megali idea borders are literally not done by him. Someone else did, he just took it and put in without a second thought. >I claim that for me performance is better because 8 less cultures >I claim he did all this hard work to fix his stolen goods Poor poor stealing nigger kys you reddit-stealing slav
Lincoln Hill
are romanians going to call themselves pechenegians in this time line?
Luis Rodriguez
>niggermod claims his mod add tons of fun stuff >people debate him Thats where the asspain comes from nigger You cant critize all the hard work he did stealing shit from others and renaming transvaal
Kayden Sullivan
Cameron Ross
>Everyone and their dog became monarchist Thats what happens every time some news with ex-kings come up. It will be over within a week. Though, what do you think? Was he a better ruler than Karol or did he just fuck up everything and let all the gold and oil be stolen from the country?
Jose Peterson
>The meuse borders and megali idea borders are literally not done by him. Someone else did, he just took it and put in without a second thought. Drawing a province map isn't all that's required to actually change provinces in the game you know? You've got to change pops, redraw the text on the map, reposition the graphics, you don't just put the map in and it comes out perfect. >Poor poor stealing nigger >kys you reddit-stealing slav I already told you, I'm not him. I'm just his cumdumpster.
Joshua Lopez
Adjusted Ionia/Aydin and Kastamonu provincial borders, to fit historical Megali Idea plans
- Removed great power status requirement for Greece, only secondary status in needed now
- Adjusted Rhine and Meuse border provinces to fix ugly AI German blobbing
- Imported/Fixed Rhine Crisis event chain that allows France to claim the left bank after 1840
- Imported Swiss culture breakup (still own group though to prevent AI blobs), events regarding violated swiss neutrality and possible patrition (didn't test though)
- Reworked 'Breaking Chinese Tea Monopoly' decision chain into events to prevent shortages of dye supply in early-midgame caused by original version, now natural dye vanishes only with unemployement (that is caused by synthetic dye industry)
- Simplified Central, Eastern and Southern African cultures, removing several completely irrelevant or nonexistent ones
- Integrated South African minimod (didn't properly test though, but looks fine - report any bugs in the thread if there are)
- Fixed Japanese decision to claim Ryukyu being avilable after annexing the islands (It didn't practically do anything since cores are added by the annexation decision; now you only can enact it if someone snatches the islands before you)
- Removed secondary power requirement for fascist Israel to claim Greater Israel. That and being player's puppet won't prevent it from doing this anymore.
- Renamed Beverages to Liquor, and Bottling Works to Liquor Distillery
Since HPMIDF doesn't want to read the pastebin
Hudson Lopez
>finally see fellow romanians on /gsg/ >they are eu babbies
Cooper Wilson
Fuck you all, niggermod is absolute shit. Look at this anti-white bias. You declare war on der ewige ANGLO as the Boers and they spawn 100k out of no where. Anyone defending Niggermod is confirmed ANGLO internet defense force at this point.
Andrew Bell
Sick falseflag gee cuck
Ian Rodriguez
>phone formatting >phoneposting Time to kms
Camden Harris
Dude you are literally retarded for thinking you can beat england all by yourself.
Alexander Peterson
Yeah, but no Europeans will ally me because I'm so shit and the event chain stops until you're able to conquer SA.
Adrian Jones
>greece wank and literally one line changed >shit someone else did and still looks ugly >is "imported" the russian word for "stole from reddit"? >stolen from reddit >literally just moved a decision to events to bloat performance >removing cultures because 8 new cultures muh niggers have no culture >stolen reddit shit and untested >literally one line >literally one line >literally copied old files because muh genocide i cant exterminate a full country in 4 years anymore >literally one line Look at all that work and original content Stealing stuff is such a hard work Im really impressed nigger defence force why are you being criticized so unfairly for doing all this work yourself Honestly the mod is a patchwork of wank mods stolen from other people, one line changes to make shit easier and butthurt over liquor memes being dead and genocide not being OP anymore
Nathan Watson
>greece wank You know, saying "wank" doesn't automatically make something bad, right? Infact, I often find wank to be VERY enjoyable.
Mason King
black trannies
Jaxson Nguyen
black trannies
Jacob Robinson
black trannies
Benjamin Smith
black trannies
Cameron Sullivan
black trannies
Nathaniel White
black trannies
Camden Collins
french canadian genocide best day of my life
take bath of poutine
Blake Walker
And? Even if half of what you said was true(it isn't) the mod is still better than HPM, Alex you compete faggot
Levi Lewis
He didn't change pops. All he did was the map position. Which is done through tools. It's literally 5 minutes work. The state looks horrible, its not historical and has no work on it besides using a tool to place names. >basing decisions and screwing shit because its your favorite country >making shitholes op or easier to play because you like them >i find it enjoyable all this ahistorical shit so it isnt bad Im sure there's a retard to enjoy anything Doesnt make it good or fun for everyone Its literally all true lad You can call me your boogeymen all you want, it will still be true The mod is stolen shit from reddit and one line decisions Lot of hard work
Alexander King
>We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging. I can tell this general is pure cancer from this being in the top of the OP.
>look at us we are too cool for functional methods of communication people who strive against our exclusivity are tin foil conspiring against us what the fuck lmao grow up
Sebastian Sanchez
Do you have thirteen colonies?
Liam Jones
>>basing decisions and screwing shit because its your favorite country It's not screwed in any way though, and I would guess Russia is Russianon's favourite country. >>making shitholes op or easier to play because you like them Again, they're not easier to play. You can't even play as a Boer OPM in HPM. >>i find it enjoyable all this ahistorical shit so it isnt bad It's not ahistorical at all, the megali idea existed, Boerstates existed, there's no argument here. >Im sure there's a retard to enjoy anything And a retard to criticise people for playing anything? >Doesnt make it good or fun for everyone No one said you had to like it, just that you should stop losing your shit when it's brought up.
Seriously, what is your dog in this fight? Why are people not allowed to like niggermod?
>literally changed a single requirement, takes 10 seconds for a retard to do it
>again, done by some other user
>from Francewank's HPM minimod
>literally imported parts of an HPM minimod and didn't test them
>overhyped shit, dye was never as much of a problem as you make them out to be, specially due to how early synthetic dye starts being produced (1870), before the AI takes that decision
>le remove niggers face
>a whole HPM minimod integrated (and I think it works fine lol)
>one line change that he admits himself that it doesn't actually change anything
>another change a retard could've done it in 10 seconds and literally done just to appease gee junk
>copied old HPM files and pasted into updated HPM
>renaming of a good and a factory Wow it actually does add fucking nothing.
Kayden Cooper
Benjamin Gray
>lists things it does >it doesn't do anything does not compute
Charles Myers
Again, changing provinces is far more than simply putting a map in. No mod has ever been publically posted that changed the map, he had to fix the map graphics surrounding this, so by your definition he "stole" the easiest part and did the hardest part himself.
Gavin Scott
Xavier Hernandez
It is. Those were made minimods because they fuck up balance to favor a few countries. Putting them all together after you stole them from reddit isn't a lot of work or even good flavor Yes they are easier to play >secondary power to get cores out of your ass in turkey and spark crisis >wank shit to get the rhine or cape gold shit or to blob in france >literally basing off shtuff on how germany might blob in your country >someone though up the megali idea >that means greece should get cores on half of turkey in 1840 >literally reducing the argument to countries exist that justifies all the wank i stole from reddit lmao you can play as any nation in any mod retard >And a retard to criticise people for playing anything? No A retard defend his stolen shit as ' alot of work' >that strawman You are literally the one who lost your shit once someone disagreed with you You can play it and have fun with it and I can call you a liar when you say it adds lots of fun shit or that he worked hard in one day when its literally all stolen reddit shit and all original work are one line changes
Brandon Rivera
black trannies
Levi Turner
HPM stop arguing with Niggermod and fix this
Bentley Stewart
>he had to fix the map graphics surrounding thi He took a tool called the clausewitz positons editor, clicked on a province, clicked on where the name should be Its less work than the person who drew the borders. its not the hardest part Not even close you nigger
Caleb White
Kevin Perez
>literally basing off shtuff on how germany might blob in your country You missed the talks between gee cuck and the Vladivostok teenager who made niggermod about reshaping southern Turkey and the Levant, didn't you? The reason for that was, and I quote, "Mare Nostrum". I'm not joking, they were talking about reshaping the states in Turkey and the Levant because "ebin Mare Nostrum games as Italy".
Caleb Edwards
Guys I'm pretty sure the anti niggermod post is our resident Turk I've seen these exact strawmen about the Megali Idea before
Hudson King
>>secondary power to get cores out of your ass in turkey and spark crisis Like they did in real life, with the real Megali idea. >>wank shit to get the rhine or cape gold shit or to blob in france To make taking it more efficient, rather than having to have 7 wars for the same thing. >>literally basing off shtuff on how germany might blob in your country If you have a problem with aesthetics then pic related might be more your speed.
>you your his I already told you, I'm just a noble shill. I get paid 3 rubles a minute to spam pro niggermod shit here, I don't even care about your map games.
Isaac Russell
This, you fucking faggot.
Jace Watson
I'm cringing so hard right now.
Austin Cruz
William Scott
>literally basing shit on how some random stranger wants to blob Not expected any better desu The mod was done out of butthurt because muh memes muh niggers muh genocide and now has a whole lot of reddit shit stolen on top If that's your thing go ahead but claiming it adds tons of fun and a lot of hard work just because your favorite countries were buffed and you stole shit from reddit is idiotic Yeah I remember all the crisis for the megali idea in 1840 and all the great powers recognizing half of anatolia as greek in 1849 They really did that in real life >To make taking it more efficient, rather than having to have 7 wars for the same thing. To make blobbing easier since you'd need to fight the NGF because you can literally do this in 2 wars >aesthetics A worm state in france so germany might blob there is hardly aesthetic nice strawman btw Check your eyes Sure you are a just shill nigger You are doing more work than he did in his mod tho You realize that right?
Jayden Miller
stop bickering and post memes I miss old /gsg/
Elijah Gonzalez
why do you "people" care so much about what country gets claims on what
if you don't like it you can just not play the mod lol or fix it yourself
Blake Cox
>half of Anatolia R U stoopid ?
Hunter King
Cooper Clark
This is the old /gsg/, Alex. Maybe you could fuck off back to plebbit if you dislike it this much. I'm sure they'd take a fellow brethen without thinking twice like the cucks they are.
Jaxson Taylor
>expanding brain meme >old
Nolan Sanders
>I miss old /gsg Everyone does lad
Samuel Reed
>this much asspain over a single sentence describing a mod for a video game holy shit please get a life and/or laid
Easton Smith
I miss liquorposting good post my boy!
Chase Gutierrez
This. Mod for yourself and you don't have to deal with these retarded modders and their shitty visions.
Ian Martinez
>spout some shit >gets critized >gets defensive over a mod >gets btfoed >try to damage control his stolen reddit shit look at all the hard work i made
Jacob Turner
>Yeah I remember all the crisis for the megali idea in 1840 and all the great powers recognizing half of anatolia as greek in 1849 >They really did that in real life Do you have any ways to discuss something without strawmanning? The way HPM represents the Megali idea is inherently wrong. Greece wasn't a great power when the megali idea came about in real life, and they didn't randomly claim a line through Anatolia based on arbitrary states Paradox decided to put in. >To make blobbing easier since you'd need to fight the NGF because you can literally do this in 2 wars Annexing Hesse-Darmstadt and a single one of the two Rhine states would put you over the infamy limit in the game, and that's not even including Bavarian Palatinate or the other Prussian Rhineland state. >A worm state in france so germany might blob there is hardly aesthetic UIt obviously doesn't look like a worm when connected to Germany. >nice strawman btw Thanks, I made it myself! >Check your eyes Still there. >Sure you are a just shill nigger I am indeed a just shill, the justest shill there ever was. >You are doing more work than he did in his mod tho Amazing how through so few changes he manages to make HPM so much better. He truly is a God amongst men.
Kayden Stewart
That isn't me you easily baited retard
Brandon Sanchez
>his So he's niggermod as well? Is this some sparticus shit or what? Niggermod is asleep right now, content in the knowledge people are enjoying his mod and there's nothing you can do about it.
Jaxon Walker
t. Talex, the virgin creator of the so called """""H"""""PM
Jayden Bennett
t. Steam-Discordgruppen feldmarshal >Implying it's only one Turk Roaches are never alone. >3 roubles a minute Bet niggermod stole them too.
Camden King
You know that you've basically divulged the fact that you are a newfag, right? Hpm was a lot more respected back in the day. >dumb anime poster
Jack Richardson
Of course you were, Grandi.
Jordan Thompson
wow the megali idea also happened in real life do tell me when and for how long it existed cause it doesnt seem to exist now >Annexing Hesse-Darmstadt and a single one of the two Rhine states would put you over the infamy limit in the gam boo-hoo you cant go full napoleon in game so close after the napoleonic wars in a few years without getting coalition'd that so ahistorical im glad the reddit shit fixed this >bviously doesn't look like a worm when connected to Germany. it does don't forget the stolen reddit shit that makes everything better >sleeping >9 am lmao is that because he only steals shit when its dark
Adrian Young
>Hpm was a lot more respected back in the day. HAHAHAHAHA, this is the best post in this thread, never laughed so hard in my life. >b-back in my day people RESPECTED hpm
Alexander Jackson
>wow the megali idea also happened in real life >do tell me when and for how long it existed cause it doesnt seem to exist now So because a plan failed is shouldn't be represented in any way? I guess HPM should remove the events for the Canadian rebellions because they didn't succeed.
Logan Morgan
>It doesn't seem to exist now It transformed into the Byzantium restoration meme.
Jonathan Gray
it's true though until grandi took memes personally and nerfed liquor/mega boosted steel that one build he was quite respected when rob was still around in particular
Elijah Powell
>Greece wasn't a great power when the megali idea came about in real life that says megali idea happened in real life tell me when or are you saying someone had this megali idea and greece wanst a gp when this happened so greece should get cores because of this
Asher Collins
>implying the silent majority didn't side with rob >posts a shitty facebook meme to pretend Talex was actually le good guy Literally MSM-shill tier.
Grayson Lewis
Treacherous wanker who always looked only after his own ass and who cared so much about the freedom of """his""" countrymen that the he only came back for lands and palaces (power would've been nice too, but thank god Iliescu did one single good thing his whole life and told this guy to get fucked)
>that says megali idea happened in real life >tell me when >or are you saying someone had this megali idea and greece wanst a gp when this happened so greece should get cores because of this en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Sèvres
Adrian Baker
um... excuse me what exactly is this shit
Brody Kelly
Nobody sided with Rob because at the time HPM looked like the lesser evil. If only we knew how things would turn out under R&I/HPM perhaps we'd have acted differently.